A/N #1: Hello there. I'm truly sorry that I haven't been updating any of my stories, it's just that writers block sucks. Either way, apologies all around.

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING from Sons of Anarchy… just my OC's. Thanks!

…Chapter Eight…

"Ooooh… shit." Angelica thought to herself, the next day, slightly moving her head from left to right. "What the hell happened?" she blinked her eyes open and was slammed with bright lights and white walls.

"Angie, you're awake."

"Jax?" her eyes widened seeing him, plus Happy, Kozik, Chibs, and Opie looking at her with concern. "Where am I?"

"At the hospital." he replied, getting closer to her. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"I don't know… I left Juice, then I was on the way to your house. I can't remember what happened after that." she paused to think. "Wait… nobody was there, so I was headed over to the clubhouse."

"Do you feel any pain?"

"No, Ope." she glanced between all the guys. "Can someone clue me in… what the hell happened?"

"Okay, it's like this." Jax started. "From what the cops told Juice, they think there was a car jacking gone wrong. Guys in ski masks tried attacking you at a red light, but you grabbed your gun and shot two of them. All they did was shoot you in your left side and your shoulder."

"Did I kill them?"

"Yeah, you did." Opie nodded. "Proud of you, Sis, you did what you had to do."

Angelica nodded. "Okay, so who were they?"

"We don't know, Love." Chibs patted her leg. "But we will find out who they were working for and why they did this to you."

"Good." she sighed. "What time is it?"

"Three-fifteen." Happy spoke up.

"Shit!" her eyes widened. "Cassidy and Mia coming today… they should be here soon." suddenly, she noticed the guys exchanging nervous glances - which got her worried. "What? What is it?"

"Angie." Chibs started. "They were at a red light in Sacramento. The same thing that happened to you, happened to them."

"What?!" she yelled.

"Calm down." Happy ordered. "You don't want your blood pressure going up."

"Where's my daughter and my best friend?"

"Cassidy didn't make it." Kozik shook his head. "She had two gun shot wounds. One in her chest and the other in her head."

"Oh, my God." tears were pouring down Angelica's cheeks. "What… what happened to my little girl? Is she dead too?"

"No, she's not." Opie rested his hand on hers. "All that happened to her was she got shards of glass on her face, neck, and arms. Tara's been treating her."

"I want to see my daughter." she demanded.

"Relax and take deep breaths." Jax stood up. "I'll go get her." Angelica slightly nodded, trying to calm down, though upset about Cassidy, then Jax walked out and went into Mia's room. "Hey, Juice?"

"Yeah?" he looked over as Jax walked up to them. "What's up?"

"Who is he, Daddy?"

"One of my good friends and brother, Jax… Jax, this is Mia."

"Hey, Mia." Jax went to the other side of her hospital bed. "Guess what?"


"Your mommy is awake and asking for you."

Mia's eyes flew over to Juice. "Can we go see her?"

"Sure, Shorty." Juice stood up, then carefully took Mia out of her bed and carried her out of the room, over to Angelica's with Jax walking behind them. "Here we go." he took a breath, before opening the door.

Once the door opened, Angelica looked up and her jaw dropped a little seeing Juice holding Mia. "Hey…"

"Hi, Mommy… Daddy had to carry me."

Opie stood up. "How about we leave them alone for a while."

"Good idea." Jax chuckled, then him and the rest of the guys walked out of the room.

Juice went up to the bed and put Mia down. "How are you feeling?" he noticed that she had tear streaks going down her cheeks.

"I'm fine." she wiped her face.

"I missed you, Mommy." Mia carefully gave her a hug.

"I missed you too." Angelica backed to look her over and saw all the bandages on her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay… Daddy saved me."

"He did?" Mia nodded, then Angelica looked over at Juice. "Thank you."

"I had to. My little girl was in trouble." he sat down in the chair next to the bed. "So I had to get to her."

"But." Mia looked down. "Aunt Cass got hurt and she's never coming back."

"Baby." Angelica lifted Mia's head with her two fingers, trying to keep her own tears from falling. "Think of it this way… you remember what happened to your goldfish and it went to Heaven?"

Mia raised her eyebrow. "We're gonna flush Aunt Cass down the toilet?"

"No, no, no." Angelica shook her head. "What I mean is…"

"What Mommy means is." Juice started. "Right now, Cassidy is up in Heaven - in a better place, and no, nobody is gonna flush her down the toilet. She will be buried in the ground - when there's a funeral for her, like, everyone else that passes away."

"Oh, okay." Mia nodded. "I get it now, because I don't think Aunt Cass could fit in the toilet."

Angelica chuckled a little, then immediately winced as she held her side. "Ow, that hurt."

"Well, don't laugh, Mommy."

"Okay, okay." she winced again. "No more laughing or making me laugh, because it hurts."

Mia carefully snuggled up against Angelica. "When can you go home?"

"When my shoulder feels better, then I can go." Angelica glanced over at Juice. "Do we have a place to go?"

"Yeah." he nodded. "I own have a house and there's enough room for the three of us."

"Daddy, do I get my own room?"

"Of course you do, Mia." he smiled.

"Okay… Mommy, we should totally move in."

"You really want to? What about everything and everyone back home? All your things? All your friends from school?"

"Mommy, I can make new friends here and we can go get my things when you feel better."

"She's got a point." Juice smiled.

Angelica looked between the matching smiles on Juice and Mia's face, then heavily sighed. "Okay." she nodded. "We'll stay and move in with Daddy."

"Yay." Mia cheered, carefully giving Angelica a hug. "Thank you, Mommy."

"You're welcome, Baby."

Juice got up and kissed Angelica on her forehead. "Thank you." he whispered and she nodded with a smile. A few moments later, the door opened, and Juice quickly stood protectively in front of Angelica's bed, crossing his arms. "What do you want, Lieutenant?"

Eli slowly walked up to them, with his note pad in hand. "I'm just here to ask a few questions… you know, it's procedure."

"Will I need my lawyer present?"

"No, no." Eli put his hands up. "No lawyer needed." he got closer, eyeing Mia. "I just need to ask the little one what happened - if you remember anything." he slightly nodded. "Hello, I'm Lieutenant Eli Roosevelt."

"I'm Angie… and this is Mia."

"Hi, Mia, my name is Eli, how old are you?"

Mia glanced over at Juice for approval and after he nodded, she looked back at Eli. "I'm eight."

"Okay, can you tell me what happened when you were in the car with Miss Cassidy Hudson yesterday?"

Mia grabbed onto Juice's hand and took a deep breath. "Me and Aunt Cass were coming here to meet Mommy. She stopped at a red light and this white van was blocking our way."

Juice could feel Mia tense up, he lightly squeezed her hand. "It's okay, Baby." he gave her a warm smile. "You're safe… Daddy isn't gonna let anything happen to you, okay?"

"Okay." she nodded, then took another deep breath. "There was two guys and they had guns, then one of them shot Aunt Cass two times." she put up her two fingers with her free hand and paused. "… and then they left in the van."

Eli noticed the confused look on Juice's face and glanced at Mia. "Are you sure that's what happened?" she nodded. "Did anything else happen?"

"Yeah, I called Mommy's phone and Daddy answered it." she shrugged. "That's it."

"Okay, thank you, Mia." he glanced at Angelica. "Now what's your story? What do you remember?"

"Not much."

Eli flipped the page on his notepad. "Well, tell me what you do remember." she nodded, then told Eli the same thing she told Jax and the guys - which, like she said, wasn't much. "Okay." Eli put his notepad in his pocket. "Thank you… both of you have been very helpful." he glanced at Juice. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, sure." he gave both Angelica and Mia kisses on their foreheads. "I'll be right back."

"Okay, Daddy." Mia smiled. "We'll be right here."

Juice nodded and followed Eli out of the room. "What now?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"Calm down… I just wanted to tell you that if both of your girls remember anything else, you let me know, because I think that there's more to this."

"They told you everything, the best they knew how."

"Well, like I said." Eli put his pen in his pocket. "You just let me know."

"Yeah, sure." Juice rolled his eyes, then walked back into Angelica's room, slamming the door.

"You okay, Daddy?"

"Yeah, I'm better now." he sat down in his seat, then Mia got off the bed and sat in his lap, laying her head on his chest.

"So." Angelica started. "That was the new sheriff?"

"Unfortunately." Juice nodded.

"What happened to Unser?"

"It's a long story, but right now his cancer is getting worse, so because of that, we got this new asshole."

Mia gasped. "Daddy, you owe me a dollar for the cussing jar."

Juice chuckled, digging into his pocket. "I'm sorry." he pulled some out, looked at what he had, and gave it to her. "How about I give you twenty, for the next nineteen times I slip."

Mia had a huge grin staring at the money in her hand and nodded. "Deal."

Angelica had watched both of them interacting and shook her head a little. "Wow."

Juice raised his eyebrow. "What?"

"It's just that… you're so good with her and you haven't even known or been around her that long. It's amazing."

"Did you think we weren't gonna get along?"

"No, no… I mean, it took a long time for Mia to like Damon and when I look at her, it's like she's loved you the whole time."

Juice scoffed, pointing at himself. "Who couldn't love this."

Angelica started laughing and right after, she winced in pain. "Ow, stop… making… me laugh."

"Sorry." Juice chuckled, then a few minutes later, the door opened and this time he smiled. "Hey, Tara."

"Hey." she walked up to them, seeing a happy little family, and then glanced at Angelica. "How are you feeling?"

"In some pain… Juice just made me laugh, but other than that, I'm okay."

"I'll give you pain medicine and then you just get some rest."

"That sounds fantastic." Angelica nodded.

"How are you doing, Mia?" Tara asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." she nodded. "But I'm a little sleepy."

"Is she okay to leave the hospital?" Juice asked.

"Yes, she's fine." Tara smiled. "But if she has any pain, just give her the correct dosage on the Tylenol bottle and change her bandages if needed."

"Where do I get children's tylenol?"

Angelica chuckled a little at the lost look on Juice's face. "Forgive him, Tara, he's new to this 'Daddy' thing."

"It's sold at drug stores and even grocery stores." Tara replied, then she paused for a moment, seeing the weird look on Angelica's face. "Hey, how about I take Mia home with me for the night, so you two can be alone?"

"You sure?"

"Yes, Angie." Tara nodded with a smile. "Besides, the boys are there and they can play together, then I'll bring her back in the morning."

"Okay." Angelica glanced at Mia. "Would you like to stay the night at Tara's house?"

"Yeah." Mia nodded, then gave Juice a hug. "Good night, Daddy, I love you."

"Love you too, Baby." he said, letting go. "Be good for Tara."

"I will." she carefully gave Angelica a hug. "Good night, Mommy, get lotsa rest. I love you."

"Love you too and don't worry, I plan on it."

Mia grabbed her little backpack and looked up at Tara, grabbing her hand. "I'm ready to go."

"Okay." she gave Juice two pills. "Give these to Angie for the pain. Get some rest and we'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye." both Juice and Angelica said, waving, then Tara and Mia walked out of the room.

Suddenly, Angelica turned to Juice with a smile. "Thanks for staying with me."

"No problem." he sat down next to her and poured her a glass of water, then handed her the pills. "Time to get some rest or you know… Tara will come back."

"Okay, okay." Angelica chuckled a little. "I'll take them." she put both of them in her mouth and swallowed them, drinking the whole glass of water. "There."

"Good." Juice stood up as took the glass from her, then fixed up Angelica's blankets on the bed and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I'll be here when you wake up."


Juice nodded. "Promise." he gave her another kiss. "I love you."

"Love you too." she smiled. "Good night."

"Night." Juice turned off the light and grabbed another blanket, then laid down on the recliner right next to Angelica's bed. Within ten or so minutes, both of them fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

A/N #2: OMG. I'm so terribly sorry for not updating. I just need more motivation and a laptop. Lol. Wow. First update of this year and I'll try to do more. Plus I have a few more I've been working on, so my lovely people, bare with me. Hope you like this long and overdue chapter. More is coming soon. Don't forget to R&R. Thanks a bunch.