~Special thanks to nioki-nainai for proofreading this chapter~



1. -"this is message that was typed but unsent"

2. 'thought'

3. "normal conversation (face to face)"

4. "phone conversation"

5. -places or time-

6. Flashbacks are all in italics.

Chapter 20: Do you still love me?

Mio had finally discussed everything thoroughly with her parents.

She wanted to stay under the same roof with Ritsu. Her parents were against it at first, mainly because they thought that this would affect her studies somehow; just like how it did a few days before when Mio didn't go for the international competition which she had prepared for for months and instead went to Hokkaido to look for Ritsu.

However, Mio insisted that she wanted to stay beside Ritsu and so, her parents had no choice but to agree with it.

This was the first time they saw their only daughter, Mio, determined so much to stand up against them, realizing that this happened because it was something she wanted for real. Mio was well prepared for this. With each of her parents' disagreements, she could easily make a comeback to them. Her aura just grew bigger and bigger as the thought of Ritsu who sacrificed everything just for her arose again into her mind.

'They finally agree! Now I need to tell Ritsu.' She felt overjoyed.

Mio ran out from her house, wanting to let Ritsu know about this good news. Well, this was good news for her, but maybe not so much for Ritsu. She rushed to the Tainaka's resident; to a familiar place, a place which she considered it to be like her second home; from a couple of years ago, when the two became best friends.

She took with her Ritsu's phone and the keys to the apartment; which was her birthday present from Ritsu. She wanted to show Ritsu the apartment that she had worked so hard for her. She really hoped that this way Ritsu could maybe remember at least something about her. Mio felt hurt by the fact that the one she loves does not recognize her anymore. She kept trying very hard to find different ways to maybe help Ritsu get back her memories.

'Okay, first I'll bring her to the train station and then, to the apartment. I'll show her everything she gave me. I hope this way she can at least r-remember... me.'

Not long after, Mio reached a familiar house. She tried to open the front door, knowing that if one of the Tainakas is home, the door won't be locked. The front door is only locked when no one is at home.

'As I thought; someone's at home.' Mio entered inside, taking off her shoes. "Ojamashimasu!"

'No one is in the living room? Maybe they're upstairs.' Mio thought as she scanned the living room and kitchen. She walked slowly and quietly to the second floor, starting to hear some noises as she climbed more stairs. Reaching the top, she could finally hear familiar voices talking in Ritsu's room.

"...where are your drums? It used to be here after you graduate from high school. But why'd it disappear?" Mio heard Satoshi's voice coming out from Ritsu's room as she was about to knock on the door, making her stop...

"Ohh that... I sold it. I needed money that time, so I sold it.."

"What? You sold it? That was your precious drum se- WAIT! You remember?"

"Yea, you bet! Yes I remember everything. But only mom and Mugi know this… And since I told you now, you're the third one to know this."

"Why won't you tell others?"

"I'm not prepared yet."

"Prepared for what?"

"Gahh... I don't know! Stop asking me! My head hurts!"

"I-I'm sorry neechan. Did you take your medicine?"

"Yea I did. I'm fine now. My headache is just like that. Just appear suddenly and disappear suddenly again. Hey, Satoshi, do me a favor. Don't tell anyone I remember everything. Es-especially to Mio."

"Okay, if you say so."

Mio felt stunned as she overheard their conversation. 'R-Ritsu remembers. But why'd she... she... Why me? Gahh... Whatever Mio! Just stick to what you have planned!'

Mio stood in front of the door for some time, hoping to clear her mind. She then took a deep breath and knocked twice, opening the door slowly.

"Sorry for the intrusion. Ritsu, can I borrow some of your time?" Mio saw that Ritsu's expression changed from shocked to worried.

"Sure, Mio." Ritsu answered. She slowly sat on her bed and took the crutch that was placed beside her. Mio quickly went over to her side and helped her get up. "Err.. Thanks Mio."

"You're welcome Ritsu!" Mio answered while smiling warmly to her.

"We're leaving, Satoshi." Ritsu said as she petted her brother's head.

"See you later nee-chan, Mio-chan." Satoshi waved at them and went on to continue unpacking his sister's belongings.

As they left the Tainaka's household, both of them didn't try to start a conversation.

Unknown to Ritsu, Mio was just enjoying the time walking side by side with her loved one in this familiar street where both of them had lived in for so many years.

On the other hand, poor Ritsu was in her own world...

'She didn't hear our conversation, did she?'

'Should I ask her? Or should I say something else?'

'What if she heard it and now she's mad at me without me knowing?'

'Should I just tell her I remembered everything now?'


'Geez.. What a mess I've gotten myself into...'

Silence reigned for a long time until Ritsu couldn't stand it anymore.

"Where are you taking me Mio?" Ritsu asked.

"Just follow me Ritsu. I have something I want show you." Mio answered while smiling.

"Kay..." Ritsu could sense that Mio was somewhat different from the other days. 'What is she planning anyway?'

As they arrived to the station, Ritsu waited for Mio while she bought the tickets. Ritsu had no idea where they would be going. In addition, she was anxious and worried about if Mio had overheard her conversation with her brother or not. Her mind kept debating over and over about it. 'She didn't heard us... Yes? No? Yes? No?'

"Sorry for the wait. Come on, let's go." They entered the station and while waiting for the train, none of them tried to start a conversation. As the train came, they got into it and lucky for them, the train was not packed at that hour so they managed to get themselves a seat.

Mio sat beside Ritsu.

"So, where are we going?" Ritsu asked.

"You'll know soon Ritsu. Just be patient for a little while longer." Mio smiled. She took Ritsu's arm and wrapped her hands around it, leaning her head slightly on Ritsu's shoulder.

'Wow, this is... unexpected.' Ritsu was stunned by Mio's sudden action. She never thought that the shy bassist would do this in a train, with strangers around them. Usually it was Ritsu who did this in front of everyone in order to make Mio embarrassed, but now, it was the opposite; Ritsu was getting embarrassed because of Mio. 'Oh God! Oh God! Did the world change when I lost my memory?'

"Let's go Ritsu." Mio said as she unwrapped her hands from around Ritsu's arm. She then helped Ritsu to get up. Ritsu on the other hand was all nervous for what had just happened. She didn't even notice that so much time had passed.

"K-kay." The two walked out from the train.

"We need to walk for a bit, are you okay with that?" Mio asked.

"Yup, sure. I have no problem with that. After all I have been walking around in Hokkaido all the time." Ritsu said, showing her grin to Mio.

Mio could only nod before quickly turning her head away from Ritsu, wanting to hide her blushing. She still wasn't used to see the headbandless Ritsu. To Mio, Ritsu was just too attractive without her headband, especially when she showed one of her trademark grins.

Mio led the way to the apartment which Ritsu had worked so much on for her, while Ritsu just followed, still not fully recovered from what had happened on the train. She didn't notice where she was until Mio snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Ritsu, we arrived." Mio took out the card and swiped it to open the door. She held the door open to let Ritsu enter.

'Oh God, why did she bring me here?' Ritsu thought as she thanked Mio for holding the door for her.

"Ritsu, please wait here for a while." Mio said as she closed the door and walked over to the security's office.

'OMG! What should I do? Why'd she bring me here? Should I run away? Maybe I should… But Mio will sure be mad if I do so… Should I just continue to pretend that I haven't regained my memories? But what if she heard our conversation this morning? Damn! What should I do? Gahhhhhh'

While Ritsu was debating what to do in her mind, a few minutes passed and Mio returned back to her from the security guard house, pushing a wheelchair while being accompanied by a security guard.

"Here, Ritsu. It's better for you to use this here."

"It's okay Mio. There's no need for that wheelchair. I can walk."

"Ritsu, I know that you can walk but since I brought it here already, just sit on it!"

"But..." Ritsu tried her best to protest.

"NO BUTS!" Mio shouted, making both Ritsu and security guard frightened.

"W-Whatever." Ritsu said as she sat unwillingly in the wheelchair. Mio took Ritsu's crutch and gave it to the security guard. As the security guard walked away with Ritsu's crutch in his hands, Mio bowed.

"H-Hey! My crutch!" Ritsu protested.

"Don't worry. We'll get the crutch back later when we return the wheelchair." Mio answered as she started pushing Ritsu into the building.

"Mio, what are you planning?" 'Just what happened to you?'

"Nothing. I thought this way it would be easier for you." 'You won't be able to run away from me anymore.'

They got into the lift and Mio pressed one of the buttons. Right now, Ritsu knew where they would be heading to. 'Oh damn! What should I do? Why'd she bring me here?'


The door opened. Mio pushed Ritsu out from the lift and continued to push the wheelchair until they made a stop in front of one of the doors. Mio pulled out her key and opened the door. She pushed Ritsu into the apartment and closed the door behind her, making sure to lock the door.

An unconscious smile appeared on Mio's face. It was the second time she entered the house, but like the first time, she felt she was embraced by the warmth of that place.

Ritsu couldn't help but get frightened by Mio's behavior. She turned over and looked at Mio with a puzzled face. Mio just smiled to her and took a deep breath.

"Ritsu, I want to show you this amazing apartment. You know what? This is the best birthday present that I've ever got." Mio started to push the wheelchair around.

"Did you see the kitchen? Anything you can think of, it's here. Even a BBQ set. Did you see that?" Mio pushed Ritsu further on.

"Ritsu, you see this study room? There are a lot of empty shelves here. This place will be like a mini library when I place all my books here."

"Did you see the TV and the fridge? This is a bedroom. Can you believe that? A TV and a fridge in the master bedroom, and this small room beside it is the guest room."

"Ritsu, this is the laundry room. Doesn't it look stunning? Not only a washing machine, but there's also a clothes' dryer."

"See this room, Ritsu. It's a studio. I still can't believe this place has a room for a small studio. Hey Ritsu, I was also told that everything here is brand new. It's pretty cool, don't you think that?" Mio said as she pushed Ritsu to the balcony.

"Hey Ritsu, the scenery here is very nice, isn't it? I was attracted to this when I first saw it."

Ritsu remained silent all along as Mio pushed her here and there to make her 'visit' the apartment.

"It was only a few days ago that I found this gift. I was amazed. Ritsu, you know what? I don't like fancy gifts... But I like this place. It's not because how new or how expensive it is. It's just because it's the one I love that worked very hard to prepare this place for me. The one that I love went through a lot of troubles just to make me happy. It's..." Tears started flowing down from Mio's eyes as she kneeled down in front of Ritsu. She wiped her tears away and was now looking in Ritsu's eyes directly.

"Ritsu, I am sorry. It's all my fault you ended up in this situation. I-I need to apologize to you even if you don't like it. Please f-forgive me for my selfishness, for my cowardice and f-for all the bad things that I had done to you." Mio said with some sobs in between.

'God what should I do? Why'd I end up in a situation like this? Right... Playing dumb first.' "Mio, I have no idea what you're talkin-" Mio cut whatever Ritsu wanted to say.

"Ritsu, stopped pretending! I know you remember everything. I heard what you told Satoshi. Why didn't you tell me? And... and.. I had read all the unsent message from your phone. I... I... Please. I know I was being cruel to you. I feel ashamed of myself. Ritsu, I promise you, I won't be a coward anymore. I will tell my parents and my friends. No more secrets about us. J-just give me a second chance. Please forgive me. I want to repay your kindness. Please... Ritsu..." Mio started to cry again.

'So, I was right... She only felt guilty huh?' Ritsu frowned at Mio's words. She sighed. "Mio... You came to me, just because... you were guilty?"

"NO! It's not that Ritsu. I... I didn't want to lose you, Ritsu. I regretted that I had broken up with you that night, but at the same time, I was angry because you didn't even try getting me back. But... When I got to know what you've been through, I... I just felt like I had lost everything. I just couldn't lose you anymore, Ritsu... I just want to see you…" Mio couldn't control herself anymore. She cried harder and louder.

"... Hey Mio, don't cry. I just hate to see you cry, you know?" Ritsu patted Mio's head and then moved her hand up to Mio's cheek, later wiping away Mio's tears.

Ritsu continued, "There's no need for you to pay me anything. All I want is your happiness. What I had done, I didn't even think of what I would get. I just wanted to see you smile, did you know that? Seeing you happy is what I always wished for. I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I... I don't want to become a burden for you Mio. I guess that's why I didn't want you to know that I remembered everything. Mi-"

Ritsu was suddenly silenced by Mio's lips. Ritsu was surprised by Mio's sudden action. Mio kissed her! It was always Ritsu who initiated kisses. Ritsu could count the times when Mio initiated kisses just by using one hand. Ritsu lost, she surrendered. She surrendered in Mio's kiss.

They both longed for each other for so long. Only God knows how long that was. Everything seemed to be forgotten. All the feelings exploded. Both of them enjoyed their deep and passionate kiss. Minutes seemed to be hours for them. Well, humans still need air. How good is that if our ears knew how to breath... (just kidding)...

They broke apart, panting slightly. Ritsu looked at the floor. Not wanting to look to Mio in her eyes.

"Ritsu?" Mio said. She could not see Ritsu in her eyes either. Ritsu's bang was just too long. It covered the eyes of the drummer.

"Mio, answer me." Ritsu stopped. Mio waited patiently for her to continue. Ritsu took a deep breath. "Do you still love me?" Ritsu continued, still staring at the floor.

"I Do! I Do! I never stopped loving you, Ritsu! I love you!" Mio flung herself towards Ritsu; she wanted to hug Ritsu just like how Ritsu always hugged her before… But, Mio had forgotten one important thing… Ritsu was still sitting on a wheelchair!


The wheelchair dropped because of the incoming force from Mio. Both of them were now lying on the floor, with Mio lying flat on top of Ritsu.

"Owww oww owww owww owwwwww... It hurts." Ritsu yelled.

"I am sorry Ritsu. Did I hurt you?" Mio quickly got up from Ritsu, and helped Ritsu up into sitting position.

"... Yes... You did." Ritsu answered.

"I-I am sorry, Ritsu. Where did I hurt you?" Mio was anxious, she had hurt Ritsu more than she could imagine. And yet, she still hurt her... physically this time.

"Here." Ritsu pointed to the left of her chest.

"Ritsu..." Mio knew that she had hurt Ritsu deeply. She regretted every bad thing she had done to Ritsu.

"Oh well, I'll forgive you everything if you kiss me again~" Ritsu said as she showed her trademark grin to Mio.

Upon hearing this, Mio didn't want to care about anything else anymore; about her studies, her exams, her competitions, her friends, her parents... None of those things. All she cares about is Ritsu and only Ritsu. She kissed Ritsu with all her might. Tears started to flow down from Mio's eyes, but this time, they were tears of happiness.

And so... they live together happily ever after.

The End~

~~ Extra ~~

"Ritsu, I love you." Mio said suddenly. They were still hugging on the floor, not wanting to leave each other's side because they both missed each other for so many days and months.

"I love you too, Mio." Ritsu was stunned for a few seconds before answering. She had never thought that Mio would have become so brave.

"Ne… Ritsu, will you move in here with me?" Mio looked into Ritsu's eyes.

"For real?" Ritsu frowned.

"Of course, Ritsu."

"... Ne, Mio. Actually you don't need to force yourself. "

"What?" Mio didn't understand Ritsu's sudden action.

"I mean, just be yourself. I won't mind if you are shy. I won't mind if you don't tell others about us dating. I won't mind if you… you break up with me. I won't mind if… if you date a-another guy. I won't mind if you decide to sell this house. I won't mind anything. What I hope for is just for you to be happy. That's all, Mio. So, please, don't force yourself to do things that you don't want to do."

"Baka Ritsu. I don't want to be a coward anymore. You have suffered enough for my sake. I want to prove that I really love you, Ritsu. Baka baka!"

"Hai hai, I am." All of the sudden, Ritsu felt relieved. 'Mio, my Mio!' She smiled, still hugging and enjoying the warmth from Mio.

"You are! The baka that I love. Baka Ritsu! Don't ever leave me again." Mio tightened the hug.

"Roger that!" Ritsu chuckled.

-Few days later-

"Ritsu-senpai, thanks for inviting us to your House-warming party." Azusa said while bowing to her senpai.

"Yui, Azusa, welcome~"

"Azusa, do you really need to be so formal? Y… Ouch!" Ritsu shouted, rubbing her sudden bump on the head.

"Serves you right! Don't mind her, Azusa. Come here, I'll show you around." Mio pulled the kouhai's hand and lead her around the apartment.

"I want to join too~" Yui quickly ran towards her favorite kouhai and joined the 'tour'.

"Yokatta ne, Ricchan~" Mugi approached Ritsu, showing her usual smile on her face.

"Yea Mugi. Mio is finally back to herself. I was really afraid that she would stop acting like how she used to be."

"So Ritsu likes to be hit by Mio? Ritsu is a 'M' while Mio is a 'S' [1]? Hmm..."

"Sawako!" Ritsu shouted angrily.

"Joking joking~ I'm thirsty! I'm gonna grab some drinks." Sawako walked away.

"Geezz!" Ritsu pouted.

"Ma ma ma ma…"

"Ne Mugi, when will Taka-san and the others arrive?"

"They said they will arrive soon… Oh! Here they are!" Mugi pointed at the door.

"Yoooo guys!" Ritsu said excitedly.

"Welcome everyone~"

"Hi Mugi, and… do I know you?" Ro walked in front of Ritsu and look at her suspiciously.

"Hey! That's rude! Ritsu! I'm Ritsu!"

"Wahh?! Ritsu?" Ro stepped backwards after confirming that it was really Ritsu.

"Oh God! It's you Ritsu. Where's your headband? I can barely recognize you without it." Kei acted surprised.

"Oh whatever!" Ritsu exclaimed.

"Just kidding~ You look good without that too!" Kei petted at Ritsu's head.

"Geez! You guys!"

"So, Ritsu, where's your girlfriend? We haven't gotten to see her even after all this mess an… Hey it hurts!" Ko shouted while rubbing his stomach which had just been elbowed by Taka-san.

"Hey, that's supposed to be my line!" Taka-san said annoyingly.

"Who cares!" Ko said, sticking his tongue out playfully.

"She will be back here soon I think..."


"I still can't believe that Ritsu-senpai was able to buy such a fancy apartment!"

"It's great right? But what I really loved is her heart. She putted all her heart in this place. That's why every time when I'm here, I feel warm and cozy."

"Ricchan can do anything for Mio-chan!" Yui said confidently.

"Yeah, I know." Mio smiled.

"Mio-senpai, do your parents know about you and Ritsu-senpai?"

"Yes, I have told them."

"Wow! Mio-senpai, you are brave!"

"Good job, Mio-chan!"

"I need to be brave. I don't want to lose her anymore. I knew if I didn't change, the one who would hurt the most would be Ritsu. I don't want that to happen anymore."


"Mom, Dad. I have something to tell you." Mio sat on the sofa, preparing herself for… war.

"What is it, my dear?" Mio's dad asked, looking at Mio weirdly.

"I will be moving out from my university dorm and will be living in an apartment near the university."

"S-Sure. But we need some time to prepare an apartment for you. Is that okay with you?"

"Dad, there's no need for that. Ritsu has already bought an apartment and we are going to live there soon."

"Ritsu-chan did?"

"Yes. Mom, remember she handed in my birthday present to you? That was the key to the apartment."

"Oh my! How can she afford to give you an apartment for your birthday present?"

"She worked very hard for my sake. She worked hard without me knowing. She suffered without me knowing. She did everything for me just because she wanted to make me happy. And yet I was a coward, hurting her over and over." Mio answered, trying hard to hold back the tears.


"Mom, Dad… Ritsu and I are dating." Mio closed her eyes, preparing herself for taking any comebacks from her parents. She won't back away anymore.

"... We know." Mio's parents said at the same time.

Mio opened her eyes. This was an answer she didn't expect from her parents. "You know?"

"Yes we do. You were acting differently all of sudden. You would always giggle to yourself, mumble something and then smile while you're sleeping. So… your dad and I thought it was strange. We were afraid that you had gotten a boyfriend or that you were being deceived by guys outside. So we decided to peep at your phone while you were taking a shower.. And so..." Mio's mom explained.

"You aren't against it?" Mio asked.

"What if I say we are against it?"

"I… I don't care!"

"So, why should we be against it?"

"Mom… Dad..."

"It was really hard for us to accept it at first. But we decided to let you choose whom you want to be with. It's your life anyway. Only you know what is best for yourself, right?"

"Honto ni arigatou!"

"However, we do have one condition." Mio's mom stopped. Mio looked at her curiously. "Don't let anything affect your studies. We do not wish to see you do what you did few days ago. Leaving the competition just like that? Matakku!"

"I promise!" Mio said sincerely.

"Good then. Now, do you need any help in moving to…"

~End Flashback~

"Oh, Mio! Come here! Lemme introduce, th…" Ritsu was cut off by another guest.


"Sakura! Good timing!"

"Hello minna, long time no see. And… you are?"

"Oh well..." Ritsu was really speechless. Ritsu used one hand to pull her bangs up and finally showed her shiny forehead.

"Ritsu-san! Gomen." Sakura apologized.

"Nah, it's nothing. Got used to it somehow… So, Mio, this is Sakura and you have met her before. This is Taka-san, the owner of the bar which I was working at before. This is Kei, and finally these two are Ro and Ko, the twins!"

"Hi there~"

"Hi, I'm Akiyama Mio. Nice to meet you. And thank you for taking care of Ritsu for so long." Mio bowed and thanked them.

"You're welcome. But we didn't do much really." Kei said, rubbing the back of his head shyly.

"Yup, she helped us a lot though… by nagging around us..." Ro said that quietly but loud enough for everyone around him to hear.

"Ro, do you want some punches?" Ritsu threatened.

"No thanks, I'm full." Answered Ro casually.


"Ojamashimasu!" Hinata and some of Mio's friend from university entered.

"Thanks for coming, minna." Mio walked over to welcome them.

"Nah, it's nothing. Mio, it's sure lively here." Hinata said.

"Yeah, come in~" Mio greeted them warmly.

"Ne… Who's that? Ritsu… The one who is talking to Mio." Kei pointed at Hinata's direction.

"Ito Hinata" Ritsu frowned a little and answered with low voice.

"So, he's your rival huh!" Taka-san joked.

"Shut up will you?" Ritsu said angrily to Taka-san while back-facing the front door.

"Ohh~That's harsh..."


"Yes Mio?" Ritsu carefully turned herself with her crutch until she was facing Mio.

"Ritsu, I'll introduce you to my friends. This is Ito Hinata, Otsuka Koan, Ichiro Shinsui, Taku Sakue, Kusaka Aki and Iseki Mayoko[2]."

"Hi all~ Nice to meet you and thanks for coming~" Ritsu greeted them kindly as a host.

Suddenly Mio took Ritsu's arm and wrapped her hand around it. "And this is Tainaka Ritsu, my childhood friend and also, my girlfriend."

Everyone in the house was shocked, and of course, including our great Tainaka Ritsu-sama.

"Oh my~ Mio-chan has become so brave~ I'm glad~" Mugi exclaimed. Mugi and the others were standing a few feet away from the couple and Mio's friend.

"Mio-senpai..." Even Azusa was touched by the scene.

"Good job again, Mio-chan!" Yui said excitedly.

"Mio finally grew up!" Sawako said while wiping her fake tears away.

"O-Oh, so Mio, this is your bo-girlfriend. N-nice to meet you!" Hinata and the others were stunned for a second but managed to recover from the shock given by the shy girl.

"Hehe, erm… nice to meet you again… Haha… Just make yourself at home~ There's some pizzas, chips and cakes here. Just eat all you can~" Ritsu added. 'Wow! That… was reallyyyyyy unexpected!'

"We will, thank you~ We'll just grab some food first~" With that, they walked away.

"Mio, I told you not to force yourself right?" Ritsu was happy that Mio finally told her friends but at the same time, she was a bit worry of Mio.

"No, Ritsu, I should have done this earlier. You know what? Suddenly I felt relief. Everything turned out so well. And… Ritsu, please forgive my cowardice." Mio said while looking at Ritsu in her eyes.

"Oh Mio, you know that I'll never blame you for anything, right?" Ritsu said, showing her trademark grin to Mio.

"I know Ritsu, I know." Mio tighten her hold on Ritsu's arm and said, "Ne Ritsu."


"I love you."

"Love you too, my princess~"



[1] Please forgive me. Recently just finished watching Inu x Boku SS.

[2] These names are random name from Japanese name generator.

I planned to end at 'The End' but I was really guilty for not updating for so long. that's why I wrote the 'Extra' part. Hope that I will be forgiven. *bow deeply*

Here, I want to thanks all my reader. I am glad that there are people who actually follow up my stories for so long. I am really happy T.T

And many thanks to nioki-nainai who helped me to proofreading all my chapters in this story. Thank you very much~~

Lastly, Happy New Year to all! I hope this year will be a better and more enjoyable year~

明けましておめでとうございます *bow*