I know I said that I would turn my back on my little delinquent, but I found out that bomb proofing my ship after a while becomes very tedious and dull. So, I've been dropping around and peeking into her life every so often. Oh the wonderful moments in her life that I saw and she didn't even know! For instance, I saw her as the lead in her school musical, and I saw her go to prom wearing her evening gown from the Titanic, then I saw her graduate high school, and I watched her go overseas for the very first time in her own time period.

Right now, it's 2016, exactly 4 years since she arrived back from her adventure in the past, 100 years since she sank with the Britannic, and 104 years since I parted with her on the Titanic. I think she's a little peeved to be 21 years old again, she seemed frustrated that those 4 years she lived in the past, she had to practically relive again in the future. She just wanted to be an adult and have freedom, but she can't complain anymore, she's an adult again now! She's of the legal drinking age! All is well!

So far she seems to be doing alright. She's in school for journalism, but she has been frequently going to West End auditions in a desperate attempt to get into one of the shows there. I remember her telling me it was her dream to be a theatre actress, but her mother wouldn't allow her to major in musical theatre. She got herself a job as a waitress at a rather large restaurant, and after a while the ruffian finally managed to buy herself a little apartment, which is guarded by her scottish terrier, Killian. Right now he's hopping at her feet with the leash in his mouth as she watched the news on television.

"Alright Killian alright! We'll go walking!" she tells the dog as she stands, walking into her kitchen to retrieve her cell phone that's charging in there. As she stuffs it into her pocket she pulls out her, no, MY pocket watch and checks the time "Don't you think it's a little late though Killian? It's nearly 10 at night!". The little dog doesn't seem to care what time it is and she shrugs "Alright, alright" she says as she pulls the leash out of his mouth and clips it to his collar.

Before she can open the door to leave her phone rings and she groans before answering it "Hello?" she asks. Someone on the other line is asking her something "Yea, I'm Gabby" she replies, looking slightly confused. As the person on the other line talks to her, her eyes grow wider and wider and a smile grows on her face "Really? Oh thank you sir thank you!" she says joyfully. There's more talking and she nods, even though the person on the other side can't see her "Yes! Yes I can be there! I will be there! Yes! Alright! Thank you sir! Goodbye!".

I think it takes all her will power not to scream in delight as she jumps in place like a little girl. She picks up her dog and tosses him in the air, catching him and whirling around "Killian! Killian we're going to Southampton! I've got the job!" she tells the little dog. Suddenly she seems to remember that the little dog wanted to go outside, and she places him down before opening her front door and ushering him outside.

Quietly, as not to disturb her neighbors, she slips out of her apartment and begins walking down the street, towards the park. There's a spring to her step and I can't help but wonder what that person on the other line could have said to her. What job in Southampton could possibly have her so excited? The West End is in London, so it couldn't have been about a musical or anything.

When she gets to the park Killian begins sniffing around and does his business fairly quickly. Although it's obviously chilly out, she seems to want to stay outside so she lies herself down on a park bench and stares up at the sky, Killian hopping up onto her stomach and lying down. The stars are perfectly visable, a rarity in London. Suddenly a star shoots across the sky and she points to it "Look boy! A shooting star! Oh I guess that means I gotta make a wish huh?" she asks. The dog doesn't move and she continues gazing up at the sky, deep in thought about it.

"You know Killian, last time I saw a shooting star I was outside with my pony. The wish I made on that star just came true with that phone call! So now, what should I wish for? Well, I think I know what I want" she tells the little dog. She closes her eyes for a moment, smiling wistfully "I wish Mr. Andrews and Jack were alive with me" I hear her whisper.

Suddenly I feel as though I'm falling, and the ground is getting closer and closer. Oh no not again! Please don't say it's so! I hit the ground and moan, I'm too old for this! Before I can even think about it another body falls on top of me and knocks the wind out of me. "Sorry!" a young voice says, I know that voice! It can't be that voice though, it can't be him! I shove the lad off of me and to my shock I'm met with a shockingly familiar pair of blue eyes "Phillips" I manage to choke out as I try to catch my breath. He looks just as shocked as I am "Mr. Andrews?" he asks. He can't be real, I saw him die, I saw him die right in the arms of, wait a moment, the delinquent!

I look up to see her sitting up on the bench, the little dog perched in her lap with his ears pricked and alert to our every move. Her face is pale and she almost seems, afraid, like she's seeing ghosts. But I hit the ground, and Jack hit me. That means, we're alive! Finally she swallows "Mr. Andrews?" she asks, sliding off the bench and kneeling next to me. She reaches out and places a hand on my shoulder, to make sure I'm really there. Oh my little ruffian I'm here alright, you don't have to check! I can assure you I am here in the flesh, though I am not very happy about it!

She practically tackles me as she wraps her around me tightly. She's trembling, oh don't tell me she's crying! "Oh Mr. Andrews! Oh my God!" she blubbers, I can't tell if she's happy or not, but I wrap my arms around her in return and hush her "Hey, don't cry. I'm here! See? You wished me here and now I am! Don't be upset!" I tell her. She continues to sob "I never thought I'd see you again! I've felt guilty all this time about leaving you on the Titanic! I'm sorry!" she says "I'm so sorry!". She still feels guilty about that? I run my hand though her hair "Don't feel guilty, it's alright now. I'm here" I assure her, that's all I can think to tell her that would assure her right now. I genuinely am happy to have her in my arms again though, I never thought I would.

"Gabby?" Jack asks from behind me, she looks up at him tearfully and immediately rushes into his arms "Jack!" she says joyfully before kissing him. He hugs her tightly "It's alright sweetheart" he tells her. She nods "Oh yes it is!" she tells him. Her little dog hops off the bench and begins licking my hand, so I stroke his regal head and watch the ruffian reunited with her fiance. He takes her left hand and he smiles brightly "You're still wearing it?" he asks her, fingering the garnet and diamond ring. She nods and tears continue to trickle down her cheeks "I haven't gone a day not wearing it!" she tells him. He cups her face in his hand and wipes her tears away with his thumb "I don't know how I got here, but I don't care! I'm here now, and we can get married!" he tells her.

Once again she kisses him and laughs slightly "Oh Jack I'm gonna show you all the future things! I'm gonna have you listen to all those songs we sang, and I'm gonna take you to McDonalds and to Walmart and we're gonna go see a musical and I'm gonna show you modern fashion and..." he chuckles "It's late, how about you show me tomorrow?" he asks her. She nods "Yes! I will!" she tells him.

He and I stand and he helps her off the ground. She is so distracted by Jack I have to take her dog's leash and follow them as she leads him out of the park and towards the apartment. I don't want to burst her happy bubble, but we cannot stay in this time period. Can we? I mean, Jack is welcome to stay if he wishes I suppose, but I certainly don't want to stay in the future do I? I saw enough last time I was here to make me absolutely positive I don't want to live here!

Maybe it's not so bad though, maybe I didn't give it a chance. I mean, Gabby stayed in the past and didn't change any major history. And since this is the present, there's nothing exactly to change here because the future hasn't happened yet. But doesn't that mean that this present time is the past for the future? What if we end up changing something that is suppose to happen in the future? I suppose I'm just confusing myself. All that matters, is I don't think I want to stay in this time period, at all. I won't tell the ruffian tonight though, she was so happy to see me she cried!

We arrive back at her apartment and she takes Killian's leash from me, unclipping it from his collar and letting him run free in the house. Jack immediately begins wandering around, staring wide eyed at the television like a child. As he explores Gabby puts on some coffee, heaven knows we're going to need it. Suddenly I notice the phone and I remember that call she got earlier, the one that made her so excited. Now I can ask her what it was a call about!

"Gabby, you got a phone call earlier didn't you?" I ask her, she gives me a funny look "Yea, why? Were you watching me or something?" she asks. When I nod she laughs "Oh you little stalker! I hope I didn't rub too much bad behavior off on you! You're such a good guy! Ah well. Yes, I did get a phone call earlier Mr. Stalker" she replies to me. Gee, she hasn't changed a bit! Isn't that just the sweetest thing? "What was it a phone call about that got you so excited? All I caught was that you got a job in Southampton. What job was it?" I ask her.

A wide grin spreads across her whole face and she laughs "Oh Mr. Andrews, you're going to just LOVE what job I got in Southampton!" she tells me. Oh the suspense is killing me! Please just tell me! She smiles as she pours me a cup of coffee and hands it to me "I'm going to be a Stewardess on a the replica of Titanic" she tells me. It's a good thing she was still holding the cup when she said that, because if she wasn't then she'd have quite a mess on the floor to be picking up.

Oh I couldn't resist. I mean come on, the ending to Thomas Andrews' misadventures was so, depressing! Not only did he die, but Gabby didn't get the boy at the end! That ending sucks! It was a great ending, but it sucks! So, WE ARE CONTINUING OUR QUEST!

And no, I'm not kidding about the Titanic replica either. Apparently an Australlian billionaire is building an exact replica of the Titanic (And naming it Titanic 2, how original ;P) and it's going to set sail in late 2016. What could be a better idea than a sequel where I force Thomas Andrews to go on yet ANOTHER time bending adventure. Only this time, he's in MY time, and he's probably gonna be the one correcting every little detail on this ship once we get there.

COME ON FOLKS! THIS IS COMEDY GOLD RIGHT HERE! It's gonna be good! And yes, Killian the dog is coming on the ship too. And since this is Gabby's dog, we know that no good can come of him ;)

PLEASE REVIEW! Trust me, Titanic 2 is not gonna sink, therefore this story is going to be 95% comedy, with the other 5% being actual plot stuff, you know, the glue that holds this whole thing together and makes it make sense. Alright, yea!

So instead of food, the review menu is going to be a gift shop. Today in the review shop we have a super amazing ultra awesome supertastic fluffy teddy bear of cuteness and wonder! And he's wearing a wittle officers hat! GET EM WHILE THEY'RE HOT FOLKS! ON SALE NOW! FOR THE LOW THE PRICE OF 1 REVIEW!

Thanks for Reading!