Ciaossu! DrPineapple here with my *pause for dramatic effect* first fanfiction! I hope you guys like it / Please tell me what you think of it!

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR! Just this horrible story-line, KHR! Is owned by our lovely Akira Amano! If I did own KHR! I wouldn't turn it yaoi, but have add A LOT of under-the-table 1827 moments.

Warning: Completely Un-Beta'ed *sweat-drop*,

Maybe OCC Dino? You tell me D:, and Possible grammar and spelling errors *nervously laughs*

Summary: Tsuna always maintained a good, strong bond with all of his friends, or as Reborn says 'Guardians', but one of his guardians always seemed so distant from him. Will he really let this get to him? What will he do to change this? Or will he just make things worse…. All TYL! 1827, one sided 18D

[[[UPDATE: I found my first beta! And she helped review this chapter and I say, Chapter 2! It should be up later today! *I am just revising this chapter!* Thank you PinaGrin! You're Awesomee!]]]

Look This Way!

Chapter: His Name

Sawada Tsunayoshi tapped his pen nervously on his desk, sweat gathering in the folds of his palms.

"Are you going to call him or not, Dame-Tsuna? You're wasting my time. We need those files delivered…" a voice said, irritation radiating from it. Reborn propped himself off the wall he was leaning on and strode over to Tsuna. He picked up an orange and white Blackberry that had a '27' in a target design on its back cover and angrily thrust it towards Tsuna's frantic hands. "You're going to need your phone, and do it quickly"

Tsuna finally grasped his cell phone and stared at the contact. He needed to do this. How else would Dino's messenger find his way to the Vongola manor safely? Plus, Reborn might just kill him for real if he didn't hand in that completed file to the Ninth in time.

"R-Reborn! Hibari-san is not going to be happy! I mean he's probably really stressed after that mission, And on that note, I had to plead and beg him to go in the first place! I… I can't ask for anymore favors. That's just pushing my luck!" Tsuna whined, throwing himself back into his office chair.

Tsuna stared at the name on his cellphone screen: 'Hibari Kyoya'. Convincing this so called carnivore was not going to be easy, especially when it came to running an errand. Everyone knew that persuading the skylark was not a walk in the park. Hibari would never accept to do anything if he didn't get something more or equally rewarding out of it. But Tsuna knew this best. Every mission, every errand, every – every anything! – involved bargaining, pleading, and arguing! Out of all of Tsuna's guardians, Hibari was the most difficult to the point of frustration. Tsuna knew that Hibari hated crowding with the brunet's group. But over the years that Tsuna has been his boss, he had learned that HIbari held a strange sort of weakness: sparring. Hibari would do anything to get a fight with him or Reborn.

Tsuna let out an annoyed groan and pressed the green "call" button. He lifted the phone to his ear and waited for a connection. Tsuna waited until the ringing stopped, but there was no voice to greet him. Shouldn't he have made a connection? Confused, he looked down at the phone screen and saw that it was connected; Hibari was just unwilling to say a simple hello. Guess he had to talk first.

"Hello? Hibari-san?" Tsuna furrowed his brows.


Tsuna flinched. He was definitely mad. His 'What?' didn't even sound like a question. Tsuna let out a nervous laugh.

"Haha, hey, Hibari-san. You're coming back from that m-mission right? How'd it go?" He was totally going bit to get bitten to death for this one. Tsuna turned his head and pouted at Reborn, who just shook his head and walked out of the office. Tsuna waited a response from the skylark.

"What do you want?" he snapped.

I'm dead! Tsuna mentally wailed to himself.

"Hibari-san… would it be any sort of trouble for you to pick up something on your way back? One of Dino-nii's messengers has some papers for me and I was wondering if you can get them as you head home…"


"Why can't you send some herbivore to do it for you-?"

"Hibari-san, please! I need these papers as quickly as possible! The area is right near you! I'll do anything!" Tsuna squeezed his eyes shut as if doing so would help him.

More silence.

"…Where?" He said after some time. Tsuna, unaware of the smirk the carnivore wore over the other line, giddily replied:

"Just past the shrine Gokudera got into a fight with the monk and blew up a food stand, you remember right?"

Oh, my God. That was so dumb. He wanted to punch himself for saying that.

"Hn. 15 minutes," and the line was cut.

Tsuna stared at the word 'disconnected' on the screen and sighed.


Tsuna propped himself off the chair and strode to the door, wondering where everyone was.

Missions, he thought, answering his own question.

He walked through the corridors he knew all too well. He greeted the servants in the house and nervously laughed when they called him 'Decimo-sama'. It was really too much. He passed several doors that led to living room styled conference lounges no one ever used. He pondered their purpose but carried on. He peered out the wall-sized windows, gazing out at the blue sky, and he couldn't help but to notice a specific lonely cloud that was floating along all by itself. Tsuna was the sky, and the cloud was –

He shook his head. All this Reborn talk was getting to him. It was nothing but the sky and some cloud. His face heated up, and he speed walked away from the window.

Suddenly, a loud bang resounded and a voice of laughter caught his attention. Someone's home? Tsuna perked up and walked towards the noise. He opened the large door that led to the entrance lobby of the mansion. There he saw a very angry skylark, an indifferent tutor, and a mess of blonde hair (followed by blood running down his forehead). For some bizarre reason, the blonde was laughing.

"Lil' bro! You're here!" his self-proclaimed older brother, Dino, ran towards him full sprint and hugged the air out of him.

"Ah! Dino, you're here? What happened to the messenger?" Tsuna tilted his head upwards.

"Sheesh lil' bro, you don't have to be that excited to see me…" Dino mocked dejectedly but regained his happy composure and shoved a yellow envelope towards Tsuna. "'Brought the papers myself! Haha, I was lonely, and Romario said that I should get some fresh air."

Tsuna sweat-dropped and took the fairly large stack of papers, while he inwardly groaned. He had a lot of work to do tonight. He shot a glare to a certain demon tutor who just smirked.

"Well, Dino thanks-"

"No, thank you! It was fun being in Kyo-chan's car!" Dino teased.

At this, Hibari's face contorted into a very pissed-off expression.

If looks could kill, Tsuna thought. Then he stopped for a second. Kyoya was Hibari's first name. As far as Tsuna knew, Dino was the only one who called Hibari by his first name. Tsuna built very, very strong relationships and bonds with all of his guardians, and that included using first names and nicknames. Why was he so formal with Hibari? Tsuna looked down dejectedly, only to be brought back to reality by another crash.

"Don't ever call me that again, herbivore," Hibari threatened as he, yet again, hit Dino across the head with a tonfa.

"Aww, but you called me an omnivore in the car! Kyoya you're no fun, haha," Dino chuckled, while he rubbed the blood flowing from his head. Tsuna flinched at Dino's words before his motherly instincts began to take place.

"Ah! Hibari-san, stop! He'll die!" Tsuna scolded and rushed to Dino's side. "Dino are you okay? I'll go put the papers in my office and be back with a first-aid kit."

Tsuna propped the slipping papers into a better grip and paced back to his room. Hibari blandly stared at the two.

"Hn," Hibari said towards Reborn and shot a glare towards Dino who nervously laughed. He walked down the exit of the entrance and into the mansion's corridors.

"It's like you want to die. I think you're even more no-good than Tsuna," Reborn raised a brow and walked in the same direction as Hibari and Tsuna. Dino looked dumbfounded, then laughed as he got up and paced after Reborn.


Tsuna flung open the door to his office, not even bothering to close it and dumped the stack of papers on his desk, groaning. He flipped through the top papers – all mindless documents that required his signature. Of course, Reborn used his Spartan methods to train Tsuna into a very careful an observant paperwork manager.

"Your signature is a very powerful thing. Don't forget you're Vongola Decimo…" Tsuna remembered Reborn say that like it was yesterday.

Oh yeah, Dino! he abruptly recalled the second reason why he entered his office. Tsuna rummaged through some drawers and found a small first-aid box. He picked it up and stared at it.

Kyoya, huh? Tsuna ran his finger over the edge of the box.

"K-Kyo… Kyoya," Tsuna said to himself. He felt blood rush to his face as he closed his eyes. "Kyoya-k-kun…"

He suddenly thought of what Dino referred to him as today.

"K-Kyo-ch…chan… huh?" he said a little louder. Ugh... what is wrong with me?

Then unexpectedly, a knock brought him to attention. Tsuna looked up to see a carnivore standing in the open doorway.

"Kyo-! I mean, H-Hibari-san!... I-is there something wrong?"

Tsuna wanted to punch himself. Don't tell me he heard...

Hibari walked towards Tsuna's desk and dropped his mission report which landed with a soft thud. Then he left, closing the door behind him without a word. Silence filled the room, choking the brunet who stood by his desk. There was no way that he didn't hear that…

Tsuna really wouldn't mind if he died right now…


Chapter 1 End

Uwah! W-what did you think? Please forgive me if it's bad! I'm so sure I made Dino OOC T^T And I tried to make the Tsuna more mature (cuz it's a TLY! setting) hopefully I didn't make him stutter too much and he sounds… manly? I dunno ._.

*Bows* Please R&R I really need feed-back on this one, I really have no one to re-read these at home other than myself (house full of brothers, don't think they would enjoy reading this)

Thank you for your time! Should I continue? If so, I've got jelly-Tuna up ahead XD