Hey guys, Nikki here! First off, I'm so sorry I've been updating way slower than I had planned. The school year is winding down and I'm getting everything in order before finals start. Once summer comes around, I'll hopefully update more and maybe I'll even get a few more one-shots up for you guys!

Speaking of one-shots, I'm currently taking requests for any and all one-shots that any of you would like to read. I will be adding to my collection of one-shots titled Teenage Dream so any requests made will be added there!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this long awaited chapter and please continue to review!

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The trio giggled as they happily trotted down the street. Their spirits were high and they could hardly contain their excitement after their handy work. 'She got what she deserved,' Lisanna thought, a content sigh slipping from her lips. It was truly a great night for the girls! They relived the moment as they continued on their way, their laughter mingling with this crisp night air. Anyone with ears could hear their cheery voices as they practically shouted their success to the high heavens.

"Did you see her calling for him?" She grinned, watching as both Flare and Minerva nodded, the latter beginning to cackle. The short haired woman recalled the event with a blissful expression, for Lucy had called for her precious little Natsu and he was nowhere to be found! "Only goes to show you that, for sluts, there's no prince charming!" Her lips turned upwards into a wicked smirk and she continued to walk, glancing at the girls beside her. Both were happily agreeing with their friend and they had shuffled up to link arms with the girl. The three amigos... A truly terrible combination if one were to cross any of them. It was with quick, sly minds that they even managed to pull the events of tonight off without a hitch.

They had gotten their hands on Natsu's phone once he was gone from his apartment, the door being unlocked and slightly ajar. They had some difficulty finding his phone, but with a quick text sent to the device, Lisanna had managed to locate it. The red phone was abandoned on his bed, thrown with a certain carelessness that was just so Natsu it almost hurt Lisanna to see. They had grabbed the phone and easily snooped through it, looking through all the messages that were sent back and forth between the blonde and Natsu. A particular message had caught their eyes right away and with a look of pure anger, Lisanna had tore out of the apartment. Of course, they hadn't known that they were going to stick their noses into Natsu's place to do some snooping. It was just pure coincidence that Minerva had seen the male sprinting down the street toward the park. She had half a mind to follow him right then and there, but once she had called Lisanna to tell her of what she had witnessed, her friend had all but demanded that they snoop through his apartment. They wouldn't have another chance like this one, she had reasoned. Lisanna had only wanted to see if there was any evidence that Lucy was in contact with him and boy, had she found it. They hadn't actually planned on hurting the blonde once they arrived on the scene, but the heat of the moment had overtaken them and Lisanna was happy to admit that it sure felt great!

"Awesome job, ladies!" Lisanna grinned, pride showing on her face. She knew her friends had tried their hardest to make the pretty little blonde pay for what she had done. Offering a palm out to the pair , both girls slapped their palms onto hers, one after another.

"A job well done," Minerva giggled, unable to keep a wide smirk off her face. Flare hummed her agreement, her ruby lips twisting into an expression of wicked pleasure. Their plan was great, completely and totally brilliant, and they couldn't be prouder!

"Not at all."

Lisanna spun around so fast she could've sworn she had whiplash, those blue eyes wide with shock. There, standing beneath a street light with his arms crossed firmly over his chest, was Natsu. She gulped, biting her lower lip. She hadn't exactly planned on seeing him until they were back in school, after both the long weekend and the whole ordeal he had witnessed.

"What're you doing here?" She tried her hardest to keep her cool, her eyes narrowing dangerously as her hands found her hips. The male said nothing. Instead, he stalked closer and easily began to circle them, much like a predator preparing to hunt his prey. Flare shuffled closer to Lisanna and the pale haired woman let out a low warning snarl. 'What the hell is he doing?' She honestly had no idea what he was up to, but she had a feeling it wasn't going to be good.

"Paying you girls a visit. We've got something to discuss and I'm sure you could stay for a little while, at least until the revenge is over." His voice was low, husky, and she didn't know why she was trembling.

"You have no reason to need revenge," She started, stepping forward and out of the scared grasp of Flare. "This is between Lucy and I, why don't you just scamper along and fight with someone else. Someone you have a chance against, perhaps?" Her pretty face was morphed into an angry scowl, but Natsu didn't back down. In fact, he snorted as he stepped forward, his face dangerously close to hers now.

"I have no need for revenge?" His sharp bark of a laugh pierced her ears and she paused, her body tensing up. "You start shit with Lucy, put her in a fucking hospital bed, and then have the goddamn nerve to tell me that revenge is out of the question? You have some nerve, Lisanna." The way he said her name was chilling, for she knew that she had never seen him so livid.

"If anyone here has a need for revenge, it's me! She fucking kissed you!" She hissed. Upon hearing his laughter, however, she paused. Natsu leaned into her, his lips finding their way to her right ear where he proceeded to whisper in her ear.

"I kissed her and I liked it."

The statement caught her off guard and she reeled back. He... What? Hot tears filled her eyes and she scrambled back as if he had just struck her. She wasn't expecting that...

"What, got nothing to say now, Lis?" His tone was amused and she shook her head, looking anywhere but at him.

"Not to you, you worthless bastard." Her snarl was harsh and he barely suppressed a wince at how cruel she sounded. He knew she would react like this, but to hear how hurt her voice was... He didn't exactly expect to be taken aback by it.

"To who, then?"

"Lucy." She had to apologize, especially since she had put her in the hospital over a lie fed to her by her ex-boyfriend. Lisanna knew, however, that no one would forgive her. She gave them little reason to and nothing would actually make up for what she did. A snort drew her out of her mind and she frowned, looking up at Natsu as he tried to suppress his laughter.

"You actually think I'll let you anywhere near her after what you did?" She looked away, taking the opportunity to look at Minerva and Flare. Both girls were silent, listening to the argument with curious expressions.

"I know she won't forgive me for a long time, but what makes you think you have the right to protect her?" She jabbed a slender finger into his chest. "You left her when she needed you and now you expect to protect her? Where were you when she needed protection in the first place? Running with your tail between your legs." The petite woman turned on her heel then, having suddenly lost interest in fighting with Natsu anymore.

"Let's go, Flare, Minerva."

The duo followed faithfully behind their friend, but not without a glance in Natsu's direction. Their figures quickly faded from his sight and he sighed gently. Now, he had to see her. He had to know if she was alright, had to explain why he left her behind... It was his fault she was so hurt. It was his burden to bare.

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She heard voices around her, speaking in soft, worried tones. They mentioned something about Natsu and the park but... She couldn't catch what they were saying. It bothered her that she couldn't. She wanted to know what was happening, but she couldn't understand what the topic was and who exactly they were. Their voices were familiar, however...

They disappeared for a little while after she had drifted into a peaceful sleep. She heard slight movement around her, but no voices. There were enough in her head to fill the void of silence, however.

"He left you after he had convinced you that he was worth a second chance." One whispered, sounding all too much like Lisanna for her liking.

"He slapped you once and then left you! Are you gonna let him get away with that?" She turned her head away, her heart thumping steadily in her chest.

"He left you."

An image filled her head then, one of Natsu earlier that night. He was smiling at her and had his arms open wide for a hug. As she moved to him, however, he shuffled away and a wicked grin took the place of his once kind smile. Lisanna and her friends had appeared out of nowhere and a strange sensation filled her chest, one that almost felt like she was suffocating. Her breathing was coming out in short gasps and she tossed and turned on her bed, mumbles of displeasure coming from her lips.

"Bye, Lucy." She watched as he sneered at her, turning his back to her and walking away with Lisanna on his arm. Flare and Minera kept her from running after him and she collapsed then, sobs racking her body. The blonde watched him go through tear-filled eyes and she suddenly felt even more pressure. A whimper came from her body as she continued to move, thrashing about.

"NATSU!" came tumbling from her lips as she awoke with a jolt, her eyes wide with fear and her chest heaving.

"...Lucy?" A voice sounded beside her and she jumped, hands flying up to protect herself as she squeezed her eyes shut. Who was that?

"It's me... Loki."

Reluctantly, the bandaged girl lowered her limbs from before her to take in the orange haired male. He looked worse for wear, bags making themselves prominent beneath his eyes and his hair looking more than a little tousled. She fought to steady her heart and her breath as she watched him, confusion creeping into her as she took in what surrounded him. Stark white walls and beeping machines... Everything was so clean, too. Where the hell was she?

"Where am I?"

"The hospital." Loki replied, frowning at her. She glanced around at his words, seeking conformation. She was, indeed, at the hospital. Great.

"Why? I hate the hospital."

It was true. Ever since her mother had died, she had less than positive feelings about the place. It just didn't bring about good memories so she happened to avoid it like the plague.

"You were hurt, Lucy. There was no place else to take you." She could see the concern in his eyes and dropped the subject. Opening her mouth to speak, she stopped as the rest of her friends entered the small room. They crowded around her and she bit her split lip, trying to not cause it to bleed more than it already had.

"Hey, guys..." She tried to smile and they all smiled back, knowing she wasn't exactly happy at the moment. Hugs were given to the bedridden girl and an hour passed before the nurse had to usher everyone out of her room. They had left her with a warm feeling budding inside her and as she settled down to sleep, the door opened once more.

She shot up at the sound, her eyes finding the figure standing in the doorway. There, looking quite ashamed of himself, was Natsu Dragneel and the growl that escaped from her body was fierce. He looked taken aback, but entered the room anyway.

"Luce I..."

"You're not wanted here."

"I know..." His soft words caught her off guard and she sank a little further into her pillows, turning away from him. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok."

"I'm fine. Bye." She heard him sigh and then the sound of his heavy footsteps met her ears until the gentle closing of her door rang throughout the room. She knew that tonight she would get little to no sleep.

"Curse you, Natsu Dragneel."

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This chapter kind of ended abruptly so I'm sorry that the ending is kind of rushed! Until next time, everyone~!