My new story! Again, please note that this story does not work with Always Second Place in any way shape or form. :) I'm not sure if I'm going to make this a romance or not, so I'm letting you (the reader) choose! :D
I have been working on this plot for a while, so it was fun to begin writing it out.
Should it be a romance or not? If so, with whom? OC, Spyro, Flame, any other dragon. Its all up to you! I don't write yuri though, so please don't ask. I won't start the next chapter until I have at least 2 votes for one option. :)
There was no where to run. No where to hide. His elements long ago used away, the wounded dragon turned around to face the bloodthirsty demon, Wethm. The dark blue demon bared his long, yellow fangs in a gristly smile, revealing the drying blood caked on his teeth. The yellow dragon backed up, his limbs trembling. What was he to do? What was he to say?
Wethm watched the terrified reptile as he backed against the walls he was trapped in, his grin never leaving his face. "No longer a warrior now, are you Torritask? You call yourself brave, but when faced with a true challenge, you cower away and leave the other to fight." He laughed at this part, his laughter like a thousand knifes slicing through the air. "There is no where else to cower away from me. Redeem your lowered status and fight me."
Torritask turned wide silver eyes on the demon. Terror shone through them, glittering like a dark crystal on a high sun day. "Just leave. There is nothing for you here." He finally spoke in a shaky voice.
"Fine, I'll leave you alive, Torritask. But I promised the Reaper one more task. Doesn't that lovely electric dragoness you adore so much sound well? What do you call her? Oh yes, Endir." Wethm carelessly lifted a heavily taloned paw, bringing it to his chin to scratch thoughtfully at it.
"No!" Torritask growled, his fear being replaced by anger. "You leave Endir alone, you scum!" The dragon pulled his trusty bejeweled sword from its sheath on his back, the silver metal gleaming brightly in the fading moonlight. With a fierce yell, Torritask launched himself at the demon, sword drawn to kill. Wethm, surprised by the sudden attack, just barely managed to parry the blow with his own golden sword.
The two glared at each other from opposite sides of the clearing, Wethm now being the one trapped in the stone walls. Torritask charged, determined to finish this fight here and now. Sword once again met sword with a metallic screech. With a growl, Wethm brought a talon down on the dragon, severely injuring his shoulder.
Torritask jumped back, wincing at his injured shoulder. Tears sprang to his eyes as his blood began to pool on the grassy floor. Wethm watched, chuckling. "You see Torri? You are not a warrior. Quite the opposite of one really. You failed. You failed your family, your friends, and your mate. You are the scum. You are the one who will let them all die."
"No." Torritask managed to say amidst the agony. "You're wrong. A warrior is not one who wins every battle. Or kills all evil. A warrior is one who stands up for the weaker, be it a young one standing up against a bully or a nurse standing up for an elder. Each one is a warrior. But you, Wethm, you are not a warrior. You are the kind of creature that uncovers the true warrior, for you bring the darkness one must fight against. I have not failed. I will not fail. You will not kill anymore!" He finished his speech with a roar, his pupils disappearing behind a yellow sheen.
Frightened, Wethm backed up against the stone walls he had created to trap others in, which now trapped him in. Electricity shattered through the air, making the demon shiver. Stormy clouds rumbled as they covered the little light the moon was giving off, shrouding the bloody battlefield in darkness. Then, from the dark, a thousand yellow bolts shot out, each striking Wethm.
"The demon gave a beastly shriek as his life was shocked out of his body. The great demon tyrant was defeated, leaving the world to free peace." The white dragoness jumped from her position over the book, grabbing a paper sword and striking out at an invisible enemy. "Torritask fainted as the fury came to a stop, roughly landing on the grass." She recited the book from heart, as she stuck again at the enemies surrounding her. "The warrior opened his eyes to see his beloved mate, Endir standing over him, a red crystal held in her paws. When his injuries were healed, the dragon wrapped his mate up in a- Hmm..." The dragoness leaned her head over the book once more, pausing in her battle to read on. "The dragons rejoiced their new found freedom as Torritask and Endir flew back to the city. There was no more danger to fear, no more demon to obey. The world was free!"
"Eritess, is this a true story?" One of the hatchlings asked, holding her light blue paw in the air.
Eritess smiled down at her, gently placing the paper sword to the side. "Its as true as you believe it to be, Eenga."
"So we can all be warriors!" Another green hatchling roared, grabbing his own paper sword and raising it in the air.
A red hatchling, Adnon, jumped up, snatching up his sword. "No! You have to help someone first, right Eritess?"
"Not necessarily. Anybody can be a warrior, all you need is the courage and hope to face the darkest time. You don't have to be a fighter, you don't have to be strong, you just need the hope to make it through." Eritess explained, directing her gaze at the mass of hatchling, most of which were fighting with their swords.
"ERITESS!" The yell made all of the dragons stop in their tracks. The said white dragoness had a comical look of fear on her face. She twisted her head around, looking for the perfect place to hide. Her black mane ruffled from side to side as her silver eyes desperately scanned the room. Another white hatchling silently pointed at the desk. With a grateful smile, Eritess dived under it just in time to hear the door bang open. "Hello dears. Where is she?" The voice asked kindly, making Eritess frown from her position under the table.
"I dunno." The voice of Adnon could be heard. Eritess could almost imagine him shrugging.
"She's here. I heard her voice." The voice said exasperated. "If you don't tell me, I'll have to tell Ferrid not to give you cookies."
"SHES UNDER THE DESK!" A bunch of voices rang out swiftly.
Eritess jumped, whacking her head on the desk with a thud. Groaning, she clutched her head while clambering out from under. "I've been betrayed! Have mercy oh kind Mosk!" She wailed dramatically, clutching a paw to her green chest.
Mosk rolled her eyes grabbing one of Eritess's golden horns and pulled her along. The dragoness just barely managed to sweep her book off the desk and carry it with her. "Ouch! Ah! I'm being assaulted!" Eritess groaned, struggling feebly against the stronger dragoness. "See you next week, kiddies!" She said, winking at the hatchlings before continuing her groaned protests.
It was only when they had exited the nursery that Mosk had let her go. "Honestly Eritess!" The older dragoness sighed. "You were supposed to be back to work an hour ago!"
"Sorry." Eritess mumbled, walking alongside her. "Its just... the books the nursery has to read to the hatchling are so boring, so I began reading them stories from my book!" She said excitedly, holding up the battered brown book with the title 'The Book of Legends.'
"No wonder they were trying to poke each others eyes out. Ferrid would kill you if she knew." Mosk said, ruffling her brown wings. The spikes that lined the ridge of her neck flattened for a brief moment before straightening back up. Her green eyes scanned the bustling city, searching for one thing.
Eritess sighed. "The hatchlings need more fun in their lives! More adventure! I hate seeing them stuck in that building most of the time."
"Then take them on an adventure next week. You will certainly see why Ferrid doesn't." Mosk said, smiling as her eyes landed on the cafe.
"Hmph." Eritess followed her to the cafe. When she entered the back, she gently placed her book on the counter, gazing at it lovingly. The book had been the one thing Mosk had gotten with her when she found the young hatchling on her porch, wrapped up in a blanket.
"Eritess, we need more rosemary!" Mosk said, pushing the young seedling towards the white dragoness. With a roll of her eyes, Eritess gently blew on the plant. The plant quivered under her air for a minute before trembling. Then, it burst into bloom, exposing its silver flowers. "Thank you." Mosk smiled at her before taking the plant and walking back towards the kitchen.
Eritess was a plant dragon, a recently discovered element. They still did not know the full extent of their powers. With another sigh, Eritess gently draped a paw over her beloved book before walking off to do her job as a baker.
"Okay I need to go to the meeting now. Please, at least clean the tables and utensils then lock up the cafe for me." Mosk was saying as she walked through the now empty cafe.
"Fine, fine. Will I get paid extra?" Eritess asked, gazing around the dirty tables.
Mosk sighed. "Eritess..." She started in a warning.
"Joking!" Eritess held her paws up in surrender.
"You better be." Mosk said. "Now as soon as you're done, go home. I'll be there as quick as I can." With that she walked out into the rain, soon disappearing into the night.
Eritess groaned as she looked around the messy place. "Its like they do this on purpose!" She grumbled, picking up a rag and starting to clean bowls and plates. It took a few hours to get everything done, but by the time she finished the place was almost sparkling.
Satisfied, Eritess grabbed her bag and book and looked out into the rain. "Okay, looks like we're running home." She said to herself. Closing the door and checking to make sure it was locked, Eritess looked apprehensively around, reluctant to leave the safety of the drape in front of the door. With a deep breath, she launched forward, squeaking as a particularly loud thunder clap echoed above her.
The rain pelted off her scales as she ran, knowing the way home by heart. She suddenly got the feeling that someone was following her. She swiftly turned her head, skidding to a stop. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a black figure jump behind a building. Fear coursed through her. She turned and began running with more vigor, occasionally seeing the black figure behind her.
'I'm being followed!' She mentally shrieked. 'Someone is going to kill me!' She stopped again and turned around. She screamed in terror as the black figure just kept running towards her, not bothering to hide. Her limbs refused to move, as they were frozen in fear. It was only when the figure was right in front of her did she realize, it was huge. It had to have been at least 3 times her size. "W-w-what do you want?" She stammered, her eyes gazing up at the huge green dragon looming over her.
The dragon just stared down at her. Then a smirk crossed his face. Her limbs suddenly obeyed her commands and she went sprinting away, fear making her go faster. Her eyes landed on the stone house she called home. That sight made her feet move even swifter, she charged into the house, slamming the door shut. She stood there, limbs trembling as she leaned her whole weight against the door. "Mosk?" She gasped out, hyperventilating. "Mosk are you home?" When she received no answer, she began sobbing.
The door she was leaning against suddenly began rattling as a dragon banged on it. Shrieking, Eritess quickly locked it, then began backing away. A head appeared in the window, making Eritess scream again. The scream died in her throat as she saw the familiar face of a brown dragoness. Shaking, she unlocked the door and opened it, peeking her head out to see the soaking Mosk looking at her confused. "Why is the door locked?" She asked, pushing her way inside.
Sobbing, Eritess wrapped her up in a hug. "There was a dragon chasing me!" She wailed. "He was going to kill me!"
"Eri, are you sure?" Mosk asked, wrapping her wings around the quivering dragoness. "I didn't see any dragon on my way home, not even a sign of one."
"He was there!" Eritess sobbed. She leaned into the dragoness embrace, shaking like a leaf.
Mosk began murmuring comforting words to the dragoness, wondering just what had happened. If either dragoness had bothered to look up, they would have seen the figure of a huge dragon looking through the window.
AND in this story, plant dragons are NOT RARE. Not at all. They were just recently discovered though.
Like the new story or hate it?
Thank you for reading!