Title: Purple Rain
Author: xNomii
Summary: SM/ASP - The last thing he needed, was yet another thing that made him different than the crowd. But that was exactly what he got. Because being half-Veela is exactly what every teenage boy wants. Written in third person perspective.
Rating: M
Word count: 10.001 words total, posted in three parts around 3300 words
Pairing: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter
Contains: One Veela Scorpius, slash, explicit sex scenes, an inappropriate amount of fluff
Beta: Shira Lansys
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and no money is being made with this. Title credits go to Prince. Credits for the lyrics also go to Prince!

I really enjoyed writing it, I hope you all will enjoy reading it just as much! This fic is complete, and I think I will post it over a few days, there will be three parts! I really like to hear what people think about it, and if any of you have any fics you think I will like (I read any slash pairings, really) then please tell me in either a PM or a review! It doesn't matter if it's your own story, I will gladly read that too!

I never met to cause you any sorrow
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only wanted one time to see you laughing
I only wanna see you laughing in the purple rain

Purple Rain

You don't believe them when they tell you. You already are an outcast, stranger than the rest, being looked down upon. The last thing you need is another thing that makes you different than the crowd.

You tell them they are lying. You tell them they are wrong. And then you run.

You stay away for a long time, and as the days pass you start to see that they had been telling you nothing but the truth. The desire to find someone is getting bigger, the need to be held, kissed, loved is stronger than it had ever been before.

You don't know much about Veela. You never knew your mother had a Veela parent. You're confused and lost and you don't know how to handle this.

You stay at the Malfoy beach house. You know your parents know you are there, because a House Elf pops in to serve you an hour after you arrive. You're glad they let you be. You stay there for three weeks, and then you return.

Your mother gives you a book, but you don't read it. She says she wrote something in the front, but you don't read that either. You think that maybe if you pretend you're not a Veela, others won't realize either. It's not like you are planning on telling them. You wrap the book in a sweater, put it in your trunk and don't think about it again.

One week later, you find yourself on Platform Nine and Three Quarters. Your mother has her arms around you, telling you it will be a fine year. And your father is looking around like a nervous animal.

When your mother releases you, and you´ve said goodbye to your father, you head off towards the train. You´re feeling dread and fear you are extremely nervous. But then your eyes find him in a crowd of people, and all those feelings leave your body.

You stare until he disappears. The moment he does all the feelings of fear return, increased by a tenfold. You know you´re fucked.

The train ride is torture. You sit alone in a compartment; which isn't strange; you do spend all your time alone after all. Your muscles are quivering, your eyes screwed shut and your fingers are pulling at your clothing. You don't even notice.

You´re still not convinced about what your parents told you. You are still keen on pretending that if you pretend it isn´t there, it will go away.

But when you catch sight of him on the platform, everything seems to make sense.

You're terrified.

You have no friends; he has tons. You're a Slytherin; he's a Gryffindor. You're a Malfoy; he's a Potter. You can't believe fate could be so cruel to you. You can't believe that it did not think your life was hard enough yet.

You can feel tears prickling in your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall. Malfoys don't cry, you tell yourself.

"Anything off the trolley dear?"

Her voice startles you. You shake your head and she's gone. You're alone again.

You skip the feast. It's because you're not hungry, you tell yourself. Even though you know the real reason perfectly well. You have no idea if you'll be able to contain yourself the minute you come face to face with Albus Potter again.

Instead you curl up in your bed, curtains closed.

You've never really talked to Albus. You know who he is, he knows who you are- you mostly have the same classes. But you've never really talked.

You don't know what to do now. You want to tell yourself that you'll have to get over him, but you know that's not a possibility.

You know, but you still can't accept it. Because there's no way Albus Potter wants you.

The tears that prickled your eyes before now find their way out, just because you can't get over the fact that this is just so unfair. At this moment you don't care about the ridiculous amount of self-pity you feel for yourself. You just wish that everything would go back to normal.

You skip breakfast too; you're hungry now, but you need more time. You need time to convince yourself it's nothing.

You don't like Albus Potter, just like he is never going to like you. You just imagined it, you tell yourself over and over again.

It's time for your first lesson, one you share with Albus; you can't avoid seeing him any longer. You told yourself it was nothing so many times, that you almost started to believe it. Almost. But the minute you see him again, all your effort flies out the window.

You don't understand what you feel, and why it has never been there before. But you know it's there, and you can't deny it.

You just don't understand.

You're walking towards the library. It's only the third day of school, but already you dislike the Slytherin common room. People don't acknowledge you. You know this, but when you're in the common room, it becomes painfully obvious. When you're in the library, and no one talks to you, you can at least pretend it's because people want to study.

It's something you're very good at. Pretending.

Someone knocks into you, which isn't unusual. The vivid tingles that boil your blood however, are. The sincere apology that you hear when you look up into bright green eyes is something unexpected as well.

People don't apologize to you. Especially not Gryffindors named Albus Potter.

"Didn't see you there," he informs you, smiling brightly, and then he's gone. The intense need that you feel to bring one of those smiles to his face by something you did surprises you.

You're also afraid your heart might leap from your chest any second now.

This is madness, you tell yourself. But you know perfectly well there's nothing you can do to stop this. The only thing that's stopping you from leaping on top of Albus right now is the fact he doesn't reciprocate your feelings.

You know that much.

You wake up in the middle of the night, your skin is soaked in sweat, your sheets are bundled around your feet and your chest is heaving. It wasn't a nightmare that woke you, not this time.

You can't stop yourself, you don't even try. Your hand trails down your body, your touch lingering on your own skin before you struggle to push down your boxers and you apply firm and much wanted pressure around your throbbing arousal.

A strangled moan finds its way past your lips as your hand starts moving. All you can see is dark hair, sun kissed skin and vibrant emerald green eyes. His name is ringing in your ears as you get closer and closer to the brink.

You manage to cast a silencing spell with your free hand just before a loud moan fills the air around you.

"Albus!" you cry out just before you spill hot liquid all over your hand. You severely doubt that anything will go back to normal.

He is sitting next to you. You don't know why, but he asked you if the seat beside you was taken, you shook your head and he just sat down.

You've been sitting alone for years, and you don't mind. But now he's sitting next to you. You can't concentrate on the lesson any more, not when he's so close you can smell him. If you would just stretch out your hand, just a little, you'd be able to feel him too.

"I never know when he really means it, or if he's just joking," he says suddenly, eying the Professor who's standing in front of the classroom, and your eyes widen when you realize that it's you he's talking to.

"I mean, he laughs about everything he says, how am I supposed to know if he just finds muggles hilarious, or if all he's telling us is just a joke!" Albus continues in a hushed whisper, he turned his head to look at you.

You nod quickly in agreement. "I think he's just one of those types that thinks everything he says is funny and needs to laugh about it to make sure everyone knows what he thinks," you hear yourself blabber, you want to bang your head into the wall when you realize all that is coming out of your mouth is nonsense, but when a smile forms on Albus' face, the desire to do it disappears and leaves you feeling proud.

You managed to make him smile.

You're hiding in the stands. You feel like a stalker, but that doesn't stop you from coming.

His hair is mussed, his cheeks are flushed and his muggle shirt is soaked with sweat. It clings to his chest and back like a second skin, and shows off his defined muscles. He can't see you from where you are hiding, you know that. But you're scared he will notice you.

You still can't look away.

You're on your way to the library because he asked you if you'd like to work together on the essay you had to write for Transfiguration. It wasn't like you could do anything else than nod.

He's already there, sitting at a table in the back, and after you've taken a deep breath you join him. You contemplate taking a seat across from him, but realize that means you'll have to look at him the entire time, so you opt for the seat next to him instead. He greets you cheerfully.

"I'm not that good at Transfiguration, but if I remember correctly, you're brilliant at it," he says, and your eyes widen. Not because he's wrong, but because he's right. You just don't know how he knows.

"Would you like my help then?" you hear yourself ask. A grin spread on Albus' face and he nods. You curse the fact his teeth are this white, too white.

You get to work, the two of you don't talk much, unless it's related to Transfiguration, but you don't mind. Then Albus leans close to look at the page of the book in front of you, and his hand falls on your knee.

You wait for him retreat, but he never does.

Instead the hand starts moving, up and down, you doubt he knows what he's doing, but you can't get yourself to speak. The contact burns like fire, starting right under Albus' hand and spreading through your body at breakneck speed.

The fingers are on the inside of your thigh now, and the hand is slowly moving upwards. Your eyes are focussed on the book in front of you in such an intense glare, you're afraid you're going to light it on fire.

It's so close, it's almost there. And then it's gone.

Someone on a table near yours decides it is time to go. Their chair scrapes over the floor, drawing a harsh sound to break the silence. And also the spell that had enchanted Albus Potter. He looks like he has no idea what possessed him to do what he did. You take pity, and stand up before he can apologize.

"It's getting late, I think I should go back," you say. You don't know why, but the look of relief that takes over his features at this makes you feel terrible.

"You're right. It was nice studying with you Scorpius," he says, giving you another one of his brilliant smiles, probably because he realized that you aren´t going to mention what happened. The relieved expression disappears.

"It was nice studying with you too," you say quickly before making your way to the exit.

He sits next to you again during the next few Muggle Studies lesson. He's pretending nothing ever happened, and you find yourself doing the same.

He's not touching you, in fact, it looks like he's taking extra caution not to touch you. You tell yourself you're imagining that, but secretly you know it's true.

The Professor tells you the lesson's over, and you get up to gather your books. You're stopped in your tracks however when you feel a warm hand curl around your upper arm. The tingles that dance through your body immediately give away the identity of the person who is touching you.

You nearly whimper at the loss when the hand falls away just as quickly as it came.

"Would you like to come to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?"

His voice startles you, it's the first time he's spoken in two weeks. He never said a word, neither of you did. You couldn't decide if the silence was out of place or not, after all, it wasn't like you talked that much before. You do know, however, that when you hear his voice again, you missed it.

"What?" you ask, afraid you heard him wrong. He pulls on the collar of his robes and your eyes fixate on the pale skin of his neck before he speaks again, you quickly snap your head upwards.

"This weekend, it's a Hogsmeade weekend. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me, as uhm, as a date?" he asks you, his voice uncertain. Your heart is nearly leaping out of your chest in excitement.

"I'd love to," you answer quickly, you're surprised you didn't stutter.

"Great, I'll meet you outside at one?" he asks and you nod quickly.

A bright grin forms on Albus' face, and you feel your heart swell. He grabs his bag and strides past you, but before he goes he turns around. "See you tomorrow Scorpius!"

You decide you really like it when he says your name.

You're first to arrive. You lean against the wall and watch as everyone leaves, but Albus isn't there yet. You wait. When you check your watch it tells you that the other boy is five minutes late.

Suddenly you're afraid that it had all been a set up, that he was just kidding, and that he's not coming at all.

"Sorry I'm late, I couldn't find my shoes!" a panting voice from your left says. You turn around and see a red faced Albus standing there. His hair is messed up even more than usual and you find yourself with the great desire to reach out and flatten it.

"It's okay, I was a bit late as well," you lie quickly.

"I thought I'd left them at the end of my bed, but somehow they were under my dorm mate's bed. I honestly have no idea how they ended up there. I'm sorry I kept you waiting," he blabbered on, and if you minded before, everything has disappeared now.

"Really, it's okay," you repeat and Albus grins brightly.

Then he does something you weren't expecting, he grabs your hand and starts walking. Your eyes widen slightly in shock, and he needs to tug on your arm before you realize you're supposed to move your feet as well.

"I thought we could go to a few shops first, and then get a bite at the Three Broomsticks? My treat, of course," he says, and you just nod. He could have told you that you would spend the entire day staring at a tree and you still would have thought it was a marvellous idea.

"Great," he says, and he pulls you along. Your first stop is Honeydukes. You've always liked that shop, because like your father, you have a bit of a sweet tooth. You pick out your favourite chocolate bar but, before you can pay for it, Albus nicks in from your hand and darts towards the counter.

"I can pay for it myself," you tell him quickly, but he just shakes his head.

"You can, but you won't. Don't argue with me," he tells you, and you feel your cheeks colour. He pays for the chocolate and hands it to you. You snap it in half and offer him the biggest piece. He grabs the smallest one from your other hand instead.

You can feel yourself smile, a goofy smile that won´t disappear.

The next shop you go to is Zonko's, you spend quite some time there, but that's mostly because Albus wants to look at their new collection of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. You don't mind; you enjoy watching him browse through the items.

You also visit Tomes and Scrolls, Dervish and Banges and Dogweed and Deathcap- that last one purely because you need new toad's eyes for your potion kit. The shop smells and the man behind the counter is creepy. You both burst into laughter when you leave the shop.

"Merlin, I thought he was going to throw something at you when you said you only had a galleon to pay with," Albus chuckles, and you chuckle with him.

"I was scared his head would explode when you nearly knocked over those pots filled with dried fairy wings," you add in, and then you both start laughing again. You never would have guessed that it would be so easy. But it is.

"Come on, it's getting late; if we don't go for dinner now, we won't be back in time," he tells you, and you head towards the Three Broomsticks.

He asks for a table in the back, which you get. You tell him you'll split the bill no matter what he says, he just laughs and waves his hand. Somehow you know you'll end up with him paying.

You order pasta, he orders a sandwich. You don't talk much while you eat, but you find that you don't need to. The silence is just as comfortable as a conversation. You decide you don't want a dessert because you feel like your stomach is going to explode. Albus laughs when you tell him this and he asks Madam Abbot for the cheque.

He pays, just like you thought he would. You try to convince him to let you pay for half, but he doesn't listen. After he pays, he reaches for your hand and pulls you from your chair.

"We have to go back," he tells you, and you nod pitifully. You don't want to part yet. He doesn't seem to notice your sullen expression and you start walking back to the castle. You reach it so much sooner than you desire.

"Come on, I'll walk you to your common room," he says, still not letting go of your hand. It makes you feel warm inside.

"You don't ha-" you start.

"I want to," he finishes for you.

You walk at a lazy pace, but the Slytherin common room is coming closer and you know it. You can see the entrance now, and the sullen look you managed to wipe off your face quickly finds its way back.

"We're here," you say, but when you start to pull away your hand from where they're entwined, a sharp tug pulls you towards Albus. He's now so close you can feel his breath on your face. You close your eyes.

His lips are soft against yours, it's not a wild kiss, it's not anything like you've seen some of the kids in the Slyhterin common room do. It's still perfect. It's soft and warm and absolutely perfect. His lips are pliant and fit against yours like puzzle pieces; your cheek is hot against the palm of his hand. And then he pulls away.

"I really had fun with you today," he whispers, his breath still wafting over your face. He smells like melons and you wonder if there were melons in his sandwich.

"Me too," you choke out, still absolutely shaken by the fact Albus Potter kissed you. He grins and lets go.

"Goodnight Scorpius," he tells you, and then he walks away.

Oh yeah, you decide. You definitely like it when he says your name.

It's impossible to see who looks more surprised when Albus sits down next to you at the Slytherin table. It's a tie between the Gryffindors, the teachers, your own housemates and of course, yourself. Albus seems to find this terribly amusing; his grin widens when his hand slips into yours.

"I had to ask you something," he says happily, grabbing a piece of toast which he starts to nibble on. You just stare.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out for lunch with me today?" he asks you; you're actually surprised at how nervous he looks.

"But, we, it's not a Hogsmeade weekend.. It's not even weekend!" you stammer, and his nervousness makes place for a grin.

"Oh leave that to me! You'll come then?" he asks again, and you nod. You have no idea what he is planning on doing, but you find that you don't care. "Wonderful, meet me in the Great Hall at two!" he tells you, and then he leans close and pecks you on the mouth.

It's very short, and even less of a kiss than the night before, but everyone sees. Your breath hitches in your throat, Albus just smiles, slips off the bench and trots back to the Gryffindor table.

You stare at the wall with a dazed expression on your face, breakfast long forgotten.

That was the first part, I hoped you guys liked it enough to alert and wait for the second part that will be put up in a few days! Reviews are, of course, always lovely as well!