Hannah gritted her teeth when she felt another hard tug on the strings. It was finally the night of the ball. Vivan was helping Hannah get ready, and was pulling the strings on her corset a little too tightly. Hannah gasped "could you loosen it just a little bit" she asked.

Vivian sighed "Why?"

"It's just hard to breath" Hannah said.

"Every woman has to go through it, and every woman has to deal with it" Vivan said as she continued pulling on the strings.

Hannah kept her mouth shut, but she mentally punched Vivian in the face. When she finally finished pulling on the last string, Hannah turned to look in the mirror. She stared at herself in awe. Her hair was pulled up, with a few stray curls falling on her face. Her makeup was perfect as well as her dress. She looked beautiful.

"wow" Hannah said. Vivian grinned behind her.

Hannah walked over to her dresser and took out her diamond necklace. Vivian didn't say anything as Hannah put on the necklace which rested just below her collar bone. Vivian grabbed her purse from the bed and opened the door.

"Its time to go, your father won't be coming with us" Vivian stated. Hannah turned around 'Why not?"

"He has another town meeting to go to, so its just us tonight" Vivian sighed. "Let's go, the carriage is waiting"

Hannah followed Vivian down the stairs, being careful not to trip and ruin her dress. They put on their shawls before they stepped outside to the carriage that was waiting.


Hannah started to feel nervous the moment the carriage turned the corner and she caught sight of all the people. She wiggled a little to see if she could loosen her dress a little. It was getting hard to breathe.

Vivian must of noticed her labored breathing "don't worry you look beautiful" she said. Hannah nodded and looked out the window, not mentioning the real reason of why she couldn't breathe easily. When the carriage stopped, Hannah glanced out the window to see couples walking up to the building, all the gorgeous dresses suddenly made her feel slightly insecure about how she looked.

Vivian's voice snapped her out of her thoughts "Let's go, we have an entrance to make" she said. Hannah took another deep breath and stepped outside the carriage. She and Vivian made their way up the sidewalk towards the building.

Hannah glanced at the people walking around her. Hoping to see if Marie or at least Eleanor has arrived yet.

The building was filled with beautiful colours. Hannah turned to find Vivian already gone and talking to a group of people. Hannah stared at her, shocked that she would ditch her so quickly, then looked around the room to see if she could spot anyone she knew.

She awkwardly walked toward the drink stand and went to grab herself a cup of red something that was sitting in a large bowl. She blushed but ignored the men that stared at her as she passed.

As she reached out to grab a cup, another hand shot out and handed it to her. "Here you are miss" a tall man with hazel eyes smiled. "Thank you" Hannah whispered, not really wanting to get into a conversation with this man. Suddenly she caught a glimpse of Eleanor and Lucy making her way through the crowd. Hannah quickly set her drink down on the table.

"Thank you, it was very nice to meet you" she quickly curtsied to the man and left him standing by the drink table, confused as to why she had left him so fast.

Hannah quickly tried to catch up with Eleanor and Lucy, who she was starting to lose in the crowd. She walked so fast that she wasn't watching where she was going and with a loud bang somehow ended up on the floor.

Hannah refused to look up as she felt 200 pairs of eyes turn towards where she lay on the dirty floor. Hannah still didn't look up, even when she heard footsteps walking towards her, or even when the young man reached his hand out to her.

Hannah hesitantly took his hand, not wanting to face everyone who saw her fall. Hannah stood up, blushing, not looking the man who helped her up, in the face.

"Alright people, the show is over, get back to your business!" she heard a women call out.

Hannah was led away from the floor where the people began to dance. Only when she was away from the staring eyes did she finally look up to thank her rescuer "Thank y—Hugh!" she gasped.

Hugh stared back at her grinning "Why hello Hannah, such a pleasant surprise to see you"

"I thought you were at your grandmothers? Why didn't you write to me?" she stated. In all honesty, she didn't care if he wrote to her or not, she was just confused why he lied to her.

Hugh sighed "Unfortunately my grandmother passed away mere days after I got there, I didn't know how to tell you in a letter so I didn't bother"

Guilt flooded through Hannah and she gently touched his arm "I am really sorry to hear that, I hope that you are well" she said.

Hugh shrugged "not really that big of a deal, I wasn't very close with her so I'm wasn't mourning too long"

Just as Hannah opened her mouth to speak, someone grabbed her shoulder and roughly turned her around.

"Marie!" Hannah cried out and hugged her. Hannah was shocked that this was her best friend in front of her. Marie had always been very beautiful and she never thought that it was possible for Marie to look even more beautiful than she did tonight. "Marie you look wonderful!" Hannah said.

Marie giggled "I would say the same for you too, I didn't recognize you at first until you caused that scene in the middle of the dance floor"

Hannah turned red and she flicked Marie's nose. She shrieked and covered her face "I will get you for that Hannah" she threatened. Hannah grinned "I will take my chances Marie" she said.

Marie curtsied to Hugh "It is very nice to see you again" she said. Hugh bowed "It is very nice indeed, you certainly look lovely tonight, both of you" he smiled, causing them both to blush.

Suddenly Eleanor rushed over to them "You guys look at Lucy, look who she is dancing with" she panted.

The four of them looked towards the dance floor and spotted Lucy in a light purple dress. She was smiling and laughing as a blonde boy twirled her around.

Hannah gasped "Is that they boy we saw in the park a few weeks ago?"

Eleanor nodded hurriedly "the one that she kept checking out? Yep, The only reason they are dancing out there in the first place is because I introduced them, so if they get married and have the cutest little babies in the future you can all thank me" she said

Hannah laughed out loud and continued to watch Lucy dance. Hannah sighed, they really looked cute together.

Suddenly a tall man with tan skin and dark eyes walked up. The three girls gasped at the sight of him, he was really handsome.

The man bowed his head and looked at Marie "May I have this dance?" he asked and held out his hand. Marie's ears turned red but was speechless. Hannah sighed and kicked her foot.

"Oww—I mean, yes, I would love to dance with you" she said and grabbed his hand. As they walked to the dance floor, she quickly glanced excitedly back at Hannah.

Eleanor squealed as the next song started to play "This is my favourite waltz! I'm going to go find someone to dance with" she said and with that she went off, Leaving Hugh and Hannah together in silence.

Hannah tried not to look at him when she felt him looking at her "Hannah may I have this dance?" he asked

Hannah smiled at him and took his hand

She watched the dancers around them as Hugh twirled her around. She spotted Eleanor talking amiably to her partner and Marie giggling nervously as her own partner whispered something in her ear. Hannah faced Hugh to find him staring at her. "What is it?" she asked.

"You look amazing" he said. Hannah smiled "Thank you" she said.

They danced for a couple of minutes when Hannah started panting

"is something wrong?" Hugh asked. Hannah fanned herself with her hand "I'm just feeling a little light headed that's all" she said.

"Do you need to sit down?" he asked. She nodded her head "no its just a little hot in here, I'm just going to step outside for a little bit" she said,

"I will come with you" he said, and led her out the front door and out into the garden.

The cool air at night felt amazing on her skin, but it was still hard for her to breathe. She looked out into the street, only focusing on catching her breath. She didn't even notice when Hugh cleared his throat.

"So Hannah, since we are out here alone, I was hoping on asking you something" he said.

Hannah glanced towards him, not really paying attention "and what is that?" she said, gasping once again for air.

Hugh didn't seem to notice her breathing patterns and kept on talking "Well like I told you before, you look absolutely stunning tonight, and I know we haven't known each other very long but the moment I first laid eyes on you I—"

"This sounds a lot like a proposal" Hannah chuckled. Hugh looked slightly offended, as if had been planning this speech for a while "I assure you, it's not a proposal" he said.

"Then just say what you want to say" Hannah said, getting slightly impatient, and wanting to go the bathroom to loosen her dress.

Hugh frowned "Well I was only hoping that we could starting-well, like seeing each other" he said.

Hannah turned to him "You mean like dating?"

Hugh nodded.

Hannah sighed "look Hugh I really like you, and your handsome and all but I can't"

Hugh frowned "Why not?"

"I just can't, It wouldn't feel right seeing you, and we haven't even been on a proper date yet" she said.

Hugh was beginning to look annoyed "We've known each other well enough, its not like I'm a complete stranger or anything" he said.

Hannah narrowed her eyes "I don't care if we know each other well enough, I don't like you that way"

Hugh stepped closer "But you said so yourself, Only a few minutes ago you said you really liked me and that I'm handsome"

Hannah sighed, realizing her mistake "It's just not going to work out" she said.

Hugh gabbed her hand "I think we can make it work, I feel something every time I'm near you, and I know you do too, or you wouldn't of danced with me"

Hannah opened her mouth to speak, but before she could get even one word out, Hugh took that moment to kiss her.

Hannah quickly pushed him away "Why won't you listen to me, I told you no. Kissing me isn't going to change that"

A flash of anger crossed over Hugh's face "Fine if you feel that way, then I won't need to see you anymore, anyway there are much better and more beautiful girls inside then you. Goodbye"

He stalked off into the building, leaving Hannah standing there gasping. Maybe his words hurt her a little, but she couldn't concentrate on anything at the moment, her vision was getting blurry.

"Hugh" she gasped out, hoping he will come back. She tried to walk back to the party but she was quickly losing consciousness. She felt herself slowly falling, and the last thing she saw before it went black were two pairs of shoes rushing towards her.


Hannah suddenly jolted awake coughing and gasping for air. She could see figures around her but couldn't make them out. Her vision was still a little blurry. She heard two different voices around her.

"Woah, it worked" the first male voice said.

"I told you it would work you idiot" the second male said in an annoying tone.

"Who are you?" she croaked, trying to figure out what happened and who these two boys were. She looked down at herself and saw that she was only in her white under dress. She began to panic.

"Easy there Hannah" the second male said, it sounded oddly familiar.

"Jack?" She said. Her vision was finally becoming clear.

She saw him smile cheekily "The one and only"

She looked around at the scene, she was lying on the ground with Jack and Charlie crouched beside her. "What happened? And where am I?" She asked. The back of her heard was throbbing.

"Well you happen to be in the exact same spot as your were when you passed out, which happens to be outside the building where you were having your little party with all your rich friends" he said.

Hannah groaned and held her head "don't be a smart ass" she said, causing him to grin.

"Hannah!" they heard, and could hear footsteps running closer towards them.

"Oi Dodge, we should get out of here before anyone sees us with her in this state" said Charlie.

Hannah knew he was right, if anyone found them surrounding her while she was in her underwear. That person would get the wrong idea and have Jack and Charlie arrested.

Jack sighed,he didn't want to leave Hannah lying there, but if they got caught they would all be in trouble.

Suddenly Marie turned the corner. They all sighed in relief. She ran toward them and fell on the ground next to Hannah "Are you alright! What happened? Where's Hugh?"

Jack stood up and stepped away from the two "Charlie and I saw her pass out right after her little boyfriend left her" he said with venom in his voice.

"If Dodger here didn't rip off her undergarment thing, she would have been dead for sure" Charlie said, looking at Marie. Hannah finally noticed her ripped dress and corset that was thrown to the side of the street.

Marie began to cry "I knew when Hugh came inside alone that something was wrong, what did he do to you?"

"He didn't really do anything—"

"He kissed her" finished Dodger, who was glaring at the entrance to the building

Hannah glared at him, how much did he see or hear of Hugh and her encounter. Marie started at both of them.

"other than that, he didn't do anything" Hannah said quickly. "My corset must have just been a little too tight"

"A little tight? That thing almost killed you" stated Charlie, who was standing next to Jack, though he was still quietly watching Marie.

"I can't believe that jerk just left you there, what did he say to you? What happened between you two" Marie exclaimed, anger seething on her face. Hannah glanced toward the two boys. Jack was standing there with his arms crossed and was still staring at the entrance of the party.

"I don't want to talk about it Marie" Hannah mumbled. Marie sighed "alright, let's get you home then. With Jane bragging about her looks and Grace trying to get me together with tall, dark and handsome, who by the way is a complete airhead, I wasn't really having fun anyway"

Hannah nodded "I should really tell Vivian that I am going"

"Don't worry I will tell her, I'm just going to get your shawl and I will be right back" Marie said and hurried back into the building.

Hannah immediately turned on Jack "How long did were you listening to Hugh and I?" she stated.

Jack glared "So that's your boyfriends name, I was thinking it was something more along the lines of asshole, or asswipe, you know something around that area"

"It wasn't his fault, He didn't know I was going to pass out" she bit back.

"Didn't know? Jesus I could hear you weezing from across the street, he must either be deaf or too worried about your relationship to bother taking care of you"

Hannah opened her mouth to shout an insult at him when suddenly Marie appeared with her shawl and walked over to pick up the ripped dress and corset

"Vivian seems like the type of person who will freak if she sees the dress ripped, no matter what the excuse, we will take it home and I can sew it up" she said.

"Do you need help standing up?" Marie asked. Hannah quickly shook her head and tried to stand on her feet, she immediately felt dizzy and started to tip over.

Marie caught her from falling. "You are not able to walk on your own" she said. Hannah shook her head "No really you guys I'm fine, its just going to take a few minutes"

Jack sighed and scooped her up in his arms "How about, we don't wait any longer for someone to catch us and I will just carry you home"

Hannah tried to protest but he already began walking in the direction of her home.

"So who is tall, dark and handsome?" Hannah heard Charlie say, and turned her head to find Marie and Charlie trailing behind them.

"Does Charlie like Marie" Hannah said quietly to Dodger. He grunted "Not sure, why don't you ask him"

"I think you know the answer" Hannah said. "Not really my place to tell" he said, not looking at her.

Hannah sighed. "How much did you hear?" she asked.

"I heard enough" he said.

"Why can't you just give me a straight up answer?"

"what is the fun in that?"

She slapped his arm "You are so difficult" she said.

"That's what makes all the ladies want me" he smirked.

She snorted "In your dreams"

They were silent. "Why do you care so much?" she asked.

He laughed "who said I cared, maybe I just like to amuse myself by watching you embarrass yourself"

Hannah stared at him "do you mean that?"


She turned away from him. She tried to get out of his grasp, but he held on tighter

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I want to walk"

"Not a chance princess"

"I don't want you to carry me"

"You don't seem to have a choice in that matter"

"I never seem to have a choice in a any matter"

"That's right"

Hannah looked back at Charlie and Marie, they were walking close together and were whispering.

"you know some people consider it impolite to eavesdrop" Jack said.

Hannah laughed "your one to talk"

Jack smiled "people don't expect me to be polite, so I'm good"

"But you are polite"

He didn't answer her. When they finally reached her house, he carefully set her down. They watched Marie and Charlie say goodbye and Marie stood at the end of her steps.

"I really appreciate what you did for me" Hannah said.

"No problem" he said.

"How did you even know?" she asked curiously

"When you grow up in a place where I have lived, stuff like that happens all the time"

Hannah looked at him, his handsome features might be strong and emotionless, but she could see the slightest look in his eyes, that showed her that there was some deep sadness beneath all that hate and crime, beneath his shield there was something that no one knew. Not Charlie, not even Fagin.

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. She watched and tried not to laugh as his chin all the way to his ears turned red.

"Thank you" she said and turned away from him. Marie helped her up the stairs and they watched as the two boys disappeared around the corner.

Suddenly remebering Hannah's hand flew to her throat, to her relief she felt the diamond necklace still resting beneath her collar bone. They had the perfect opportunity to take it and sell it for money, but they left it on her neck. Hannah wondered why.

Marie ended up sleeping over, and as she was sewing Hannah's dress and talking about the nights events, Hannah couldn't help but look out the window and onto the street where Jack and Charlie just walked away minutes ago, wondering why her lips still tingled.