Here is the epilogue please review and tell me what you think

Fun fact: Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married. ( that is soooo wrong)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters, but I do own the plot and idea for the story


Before you read this I replaced my authors note on the last chapter with an actual chapter.

Sesshomaru POV

"Sesshomaru…..Seshomaru …SESHOMARU! Wake up!" my eyes shot open to see Rins big brown eyes staring into mine.

" Uggg." I groaned "what time is it?"

" It is time for you to go to work mister." She said smiling. I watched as she sat up in bed and stretched her arms above her head. I wrapped my arm around her waist and brought her in for a kiss. I laid her on the bed, my lips still on hers until suddenly she had me pinned underneath her, a scolding look in her eyes.

"Stop trying to use me to get out of work." She said as she hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom. I got up and stretched, and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Rin was coming out of the bathroom in just a towel, her wet hair wrapped up in another towel. As she passed me a I smacked her butt.

" Hey! What was that for." She said

" Nothin just liked what I saw is all." I said with a smirk.

She stuck her tongue out at me, and chuckled.

When I got out of the shower. I could hear laughter down stairs, I put on my suit and walked down the grand stair case of our house. When I got to the kitchen I saw Rin and our three children at the breakfast table, smiling and having fun. When they saw my kids ran up to me screaming "GOOD MORNING DADDY!"

"good morning kids, how are you today."

" I am good daddy" said my little girl she looked so much like her mother

" We are good too dad" said my boys they looked like me , they were twins, and the oldest.

" All right everyone sit down and eat your breakfast, you have work, and you three have school." Said Rin as she put our plates of pancakes down.

" Mommy don't forget that we are having a picnic with grandma and grandpa today." Said my daughter.

" I didn't " said Rin

We dropped the kids off at school and then Rin and I went to work. She to her restaurant, and me to the office.

Six hours later

I picked up Rin and the kids, and we went to a meadow where Izayoi and Father were waiting on a blanket. Rin set down the basket, and the kids greeted their grandparents. Just then Inuyasha and Kagome showed up. Inuyasha helped Kagome sit on the blanket, since she was six months pregnant. They had gotten married a year ago, two years after Rin and I got married.

We all sat down laughing and smiling and having a great lunch. I look at my wife, kids, and family, and we couldn't be happier.


I will be writing a new fanfic soon so stay tuned. It gonna be great