Chapter 5: Lily Luna Potter, Dragon Lover
"Then the dragon breathed a big cone of fire, and the evil wizard turned to ashes right in front of her," Charlie said to his four year old god-daughter and niece Lily.
"Cool!" Lily squealed excitedly.
"Remember, Lily, never make a dragon angry, it might be the last thing you ever do," Charlie said seriously.
"I would like a dragon when I grow up," Lily said, beaming up at Charlie.
"Maybe one day you will, Lily-fire, but now you are going to have to sleep," Charlie said, tucking Lily in.
It was a hour later that Harry and Ginny came home. Charlie was sitting in the kitchen.
"How did it go?" Harry asked.
"The kids are all asleep," Charlie said, grinning.
"You haven't been telling them stories about dragons have you?" Ginny asked, narrowing her eyes.
"Lily seems to like them," Charlie said shrugging.
"Yeah, that is exactly the problem," Harry said, shaking his head.
"Well, I better be going," Charlie said cheerfully, and before the Potters could stop him, he was gone through the Floo.
"We really have a problem with proper bed-time stories," Harry said, shaking his head.
"luckily that is our only problem," Ginny said, kissing Harry.