Hi all! I AM working on Men In Black Suits, in case anyone is upset that I haven't posted. I've been insanely busy and haven't been in contact with my computer for over two weeks, so...yeah.

This particular story was written for a phreakycat prompt on the suitsmeme where Mike is a pet psychic. It is the first and only slash story I have ever written, so go easy on me, please? Anywho, enjoy!

Harvey opened his door with a skeptical look. If he didn't owe her for being awesome, he'd kill Donna for making him agree to this.

The man standing behind the threshold to his condo was probably in his twenties, with untamed blond hair and pretty blue eyes. Normally, eyes that pretty would be enough for him to welcome their owner into his home, but this occasion warranted caution. And maybe lots of shame.

"Harvey Specter?" the man asked him, clearly attempting not to look awed by Harvey's massive place.

Harvey sighed and hung his head. "Unfortunately." He swung the door open and waved for the kid to come in.

"I'm Mike, by the way," the kid said, offering Harvey his hand.

Harvey looked at it like it was diseased and then turned from him to pick up the root of all his current evils—Stuart.

The cat was struggling in Harvey's grasp, and while this was now a common reaction, it hadn't been a problem until a few weeks ago, when Stuart had suddenly started acting out. Harvey hadn't known what the problem was and his life was stressful enough at work; he couldn't deal with this at home. So he'd done the smart thing—he'd told Donna to fix it, which apparently led him to accept having an animal psychic visit his private residence. And Harvey used the term psychic very loosely.

He held out the struggling cat, lashing claws and all, towards Mike. "Here. Fix him."

Mike stared at Harvey for a long second before quickly grabbing Stuart. Unfortunately for both of them, the cat didn't seem all too happy at being manhandled, and swiped its paw at Mike's face before scuttling under Harvey's imported Italian leather couch.

Harvey looked at the thin red lines on the kid's cheek and with a sigh went to fetch some band-aids from his bathroom. He supposed that had been his own fault. Now he had to apologize to the fraud before kicking him out. He hurried his steps, hoping he wouldn't return to find Mike gone and something missing from his stunning vase collection.

But instead he found a very nice view of Mike's rear, as it stuck up in the air towards Harvey. Mike was clearly trying to coax Stuart out from under the couch, and Harvey had to give the kid points for trying at least. That and he had a nice ass.

"C'mon, please?" Mike whined at the cat, and surprisingly, Stuart began crawling out. Mike sat up, and Harvey redirected his eyes to the feline, hoping Mike hadn't noticed him staring.

"Thank you," Mike said to Stuart. "Now, tell me what's bothering you."

Harvey resisted the urge to laugh and settled for a silent scoff instead. Like that tactic would work on a cat. It didn't even work on human beings!

But Mike was nodding his head like he was listening intently to someone. Harvey leaned in and listened as Mike started carrying on a one-sided conversation.

"Really? No! He didn't clean it for how long?" Mike asked incredulously, and he shot Harvey a frown.

Stuart mrowed at Mike, like he was annoyed that the kid's attention had shifted off him.

"Sorry. No, I am listening. Please continue." And Stuart began a loud angry purr. Harvey definitely recognized it as one of the recent developments he'd had to deal with. The cat had begun that noise when Harvey had been trying to watch a movie the other night, if he recalled correctly.

"What?" Mike said loudly, startling Harvey from his memories. "He made you watch the whole thing?" Mike turned to Harvey and glared. Harvey wished he felt angrier about having those blue eyes turned on him.

He gave a defensive shrug, attempting to obliterate the feelings welling in his chest and took up looking at Mike like he was a criminal—which he was, in Harvey's mind. "What?"

"He says you chose to watch Best in Show instead of Oliver and Company the other night. Is that true?" Mike sounded like he was a teacher who'd caught someone cheating.

Harvey tried to figure out what he was talking about. He'd come home a few days ago, exhausted from a long day of having to work with Louis, and his cat had managed to completely knock over his neatly stacked DVDs. Stuart had been sitting innocently atop the DVD Oliver and Company, which Harvey didn't even know he'd owned, and mewed pathetically at him. Harvey had decided after cleaning up the mess that he needed to watch something funny, so he picked out the parody film about dog shows.

But how did Mike know about that? He obviously hadn't actually learned about it from Stuart. That would be ridiculous.

"I thought so," Mike said, reading the suspicion on Harvey's face as an admission of guilt.

Harvey rolled his eyes. "He's a cat! He doesn't know what a TV is, let alone what I'd be watching on it! This is ridiculous!" Harvey declared, preparing to just throw this kid out his door, despite his pretty eyes and fine ass.

"He has a name, Mr. Specter." Mike turned suddenly as Stuart meowed at him again. "Oh, and he prefers if you call him Mr. Whiskers like Donna does."

Harvey narrowed his eyes, suddenly suspicious. "Like Donna, huh? Is that what this is? She thinks this is a joke, I see. Well, I've had enough. Get out. Tell her she can foot your bill, 'cause I'm not paying to be made fun of." Harvey stomped over to his door and threw it wide, gesturing for Mike to get the hell out.

But the blond ignored him and simply glared. "Mr. Specter, you have a serious problem here. I'm not just going to ignore a request for help."

Harvey's smile was deadly. He started to threaten Mike, but the kid spoke over him.


Stuart meowed loudly.

"—Mr. Whiskers isn't happy with the way you've been acting and he's asked me to help him out. Now, you can either live unhappily here, or you can let me fix things."

Harvey stared in disbelief at this kid. Did he honestly think he was a real animal psychic? Forget calling the police to get rid of this kid, he needed a straight jacket. But he had to admit, the kid had guts, standing up to him like that. Donna definitely knew how to pick them, that's for sure.

Mike waited until Harvey had dazedly closed the door before continuing.

"Now, Mr. Whiskers wants me to tell you that he's sorry for all the things he did to upset you, but he was just trying to get you to pay attention to him like you used to. He says he's most sorry for that bonsai tree he destroyed last week, and the…the what?" Mike asked in surprise, turning to raise an eyebrow at the cat. "Really? A hand-woven, painted tribal rug?"

Harvey was shocked. No one knew about that rug, and the bonsai tree was something he kept hidden on his balcony. Not even Donna knew he had it. Maybe this kid—No! It wasn't possible! Was it?

Harvey was flustered, a feeling he wasn't accustomed to having, along with most other feelings, actually. Feeling strange as he looked at this man, he began, "Are you…oh forget it. Just, tell him I'm sorry for neglecting him and not changing his litter sooner. I've been busy."

Mike nodded and turned to Mr. Whiskers. Stuart! Damn it, his name is Stuart! Harvey thought.

The kid was standing up now and brushing off his knees as Stuart rubbed against his ankles, purring. Those blue eyes were distracting Harvey now that they were so close once more, and he suddenly remembered why he was holding now-crushed band-aids in his hand.

"Your face," he muttered to Mike.

The kid looked confused as he lifted a hand to his cheek, but Harvey didn't want to be in the same room anymore. He felt a sudden overwhelming need to touch the scratch, to slide his fingers across the smooth skin of Mike's cheek. He really needed this stupid kid to leave.

Yanking his door open once more, he grabbed Mike's hand, shoved the band-aids in it, and gave him a hard push out the door.

When it was closed and locked, Harvey slid down it to sit on the floor. Stupid fake/real psychic with pretty eyes.Stuart climbed into his lap and rubbed against his shoulder sympathetically.

"Yeah, I know. I liked him too," Harvey muttered.

This will be a total of 9 chapters. I will try to post them one a day.