So this is it guys...The Grand Finale. The end. I had great fun writing this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Thanks for all the reviews so far, they have really kept me going with this. I have already stated my plan for a sequel and I hope you will enjoy that. If you have any questions regarding it or this story don't hesitate to PM me. Don't forget to review as this is the final chapter.

Cheers: JJZ-109


The Warrior Xenomorph sniffed the scene around her, just moments ago four humans had been in the control room, and now there was none. Just a few spent bullet casings, a smashed window and a dead comrade splayed out on the floor, bleeding its precious, corrosive blood all over the floor. The Warrior snarled in rage and searched for any signs of the humans, then she saw it; a ladder leading up into the air conditioning vent system above her. She looked up it and saw that there was no way she would fit through, so she roared in rage.


Suddenly she picked faint murmurs of humans and the thumping of footsteps with her special hearing, and they came from the vents above her. The alien jumped on top of the control room desktop and began searching for weaknesses in the system's design, and she saw that she would be more than capable of smashing through a panel and leaping into the vents. Her lips retracted in satisfaction and she came to the spot where she suspected the humans were traveling. Come here you red-blooded rats...

Hicks, Newt, Tim and Ripley frantically crawled through the air conditioning vents, hoping that the aliens hadn't figured out where they were yet. But they had. Suddenly, the panel that Newt was crawling on lurched upwards, and tore off from the rest of the pipe. So much for that idea. The panel rested on top of the head of the alien, and Newt sat on top of the panel screaming her lungs out while the Warrior Xeno hissed angrily. Hicks leapt into action and kicked the vulnerable alien in the jaw; knocking one of its teeth out. The Xeno hissed in pain and dropped away, and so did the panel and Newt. Newt quickly grabbed onto the edge of the hole and dangled there helplessly as the alien recovered and got to its feet below her. Ripley quickly grabbed Newt's arm just in time and yanked her up, as the Warrior angrily snapped at Newt's feet.

The four of them knew that the odds of them escaping the island alive had just dropped drastically. The aliens knew where they were now, and there would be no more sneaking about the air con system. Hicks grunted as he kicked open the service hatch for the air conditioning, and helped everyone out of the piping and onto some scaffolding suspended high in the visitor's center. They stood high off of the marble floor below them, and saw the several museum condition Xenomorph exoskeletons mounted around them. They were their only hope of getting down to safety before the aliens found them.

"RRAAAAAGGGHH!" The cry of another alien broke out; this one was from the visitor's center balcony.

Hicks was busy helping everyone climb down the huge exoskeleton of the Queen alien, then turned his head swiftly to face his new threat. You just don't give up do you? He thought and jumped onto the exoskeleton himself. He then saw the warrior Xeno crouch, preparing to leap at them.

"EVERYONE HOLD ON!" He yelled out and the felt the body of the Warrior impact with the Queen exoskeleton he was dangling on. The impact made the exoskeleton break into three separate pieces, the main body (What he and the Warrior were on), the tail (Which Tim was on) and the head (which Ripley was on).

The three parts swung from the ceiling aimlessly as the Warrior and Hicks engaged in a psychological battle on the while they hung on for dear life.

"RRAAAAAGGGHH!" The alien shrieked at Hicks, trying to scare him into falling off the skeleton. But Hicks had none of it.

"Grrr..." He snarled back at it with a frown and clenched teeth. He knew the most effective way to fight aliens was to not be frightened by them, but to give them a taste of their own medicine. HOO-AH!

The chains holding up the skeleton groaned under the extra weight, then snapped. The ribcage section of the skeleton plummeted to the ground, and trapped the Warrior underneath it. Hicks pulled himself to his feet and watched helplessly as the other three fell. Ripley smacked onto the ground and shielded her head from the falling bones and debris. Newt screamed as she fell, and expected any second to be dead. But Hicks' warm arms wrapped around her body and caught her.

Once Hicks was sure everyone was safe, he quickly ushered them towards the door of the visitor's center. It was time to get off this blasted island, and a drop-ship would be waiting for them. If they didn't make it, then the pilot would assume the worst and would leave. They couldn't let that happen, they needed to escape this fantasy that had quickly escalated into a nightmare. People were dead now, but they couldn't join them.

The door of the visitor's center beckoned; nothing stood between them and safety now. The Warrior was trapped and they were free to leave. But then the relieving light of the visitor's center door was blocked. A menacing, black shadow swooped in from above them and landed right in front of the door, growling. No!

The second warrior had busted out of the freezer, and had frost marks all along its black patterned head. Her lips retracted and she roared, with her inner mouth popping out and snapping in their direction to intimidate them. Great...Now what? Hicks thought and led his 'family' back in the direction they had came. But they were blocked again.

The second Warrior had broken free of the bones that trapped her, and was now back on her feet, ready to pounce on her worn victims. Hicks extended out his arms, stopping the others from walking straight into it. Clever girls...

They were unarmed and stuck between two snarling Warrior Xenomorphs. Trapped. Doomed. Hicks gulped and watched as the larger of the two aliens roared at them and crouched down, preparing to spring at them...

"RRAAAAAGGGHH!" It screeched and Hicks closed his eyes, preparing for that terrible barb tipped tail to plunge into his chest, killing him. He felt nothing, but heard something else.




He opened his eyes, and saw the Warrior alien jump at him, unbothered by the noises. The beast seemed to move in slow motion, and Hicks flinched as it soared towards him. But then he heard a squealing, and the alien disappeared from in front of him. He looked up to see the alien caught in a huge yellow, metal arm. An arm that belonged to a power loader. He looked into the darkness and saw a yellow spotlight flashing, and then the full figure of the machine emerged.

(Jurassic Park Island Theme)

The power loader then threw the Warrior into a wall with extreme force, killing it. Hicks looked up to see his savior, a beaten Latina Woman with a red bandanna tied around her head. Vasquez...Your timing couldn't have been more prefect. The hope was suddenly renewed.

He cheered and looked up at Vasquez, who was confronting the other Warrior.

"JENETTE YOU'RE ALIVE!" He cried out to her, but she just looked back with a solemn expression, as if she knew something that doomed everyone...or her.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" She yelled back at him as the Warrior leapt for her throat, but she deflected it with a blow from the power loader arm.

"You're coming with us!" Hicks cried out as Vasquez wrestled with the alien using the power loader.

"NO...I can't. Just get the kids and your ass out of here while you still can. Leave me." Vasquez instructed him as she piloted the power loader, and held the screeching alien only inches away from her face with the power loader claw.

"GO DWAYNE! I can't come...I...I'm...done." She yelled out and pointed at her chest with her one unoccupied hand.

Hicks gasped and thought: Don't worry Jen. I'll make sure they remember you. This sacrifice won't go unrecognized.

"GO NOW! of my sister...for me." Vasquez groaned as she fought the warrior.

Hicks nodded and rushed everyone out the visitor's center door before it was too late. As he ran he took one last look at the doomed Vasquez fighting the Warrior in the power loader. Thank you.

Hicks, Ripley, Tim and Newt sprinted down the stairs with whatever energy they had left and saw Hammond waiting out the front in a jeep, with Hudson lying across the back seat. As Hicks jumped into the car he glared at Hammond and said:

"Mr. Hammond, after careful consideration I've decided...Not to endorse your park."

Hammond nodded sadly and stepped on the accelerator once everyone was in.

"So have I."

Back In the Visitor's Center

The inner jaws of the Warrior Xeno snapped at Vasquez through the protective pilot's cage on the power loader. Vasquez held it off desperately, and her chest started to throb painfully. And she felt movement inside it. It had been hard for her to accept the truth about what had happened to her in her unconsciousness, and to accept what was to come for her. But she had to fight through it, for she knew she had done the right thing.

A new wave of anger-fueled strength swept over her as the chestburster cracked on of her ribs, making her wince in pain. She wouldn't go out this easy, even if she was being attacked from the outside and the inside.

(JP Grand Finale Theme)

"This one's for Drake." Vasquez snarled and threw the enraged Warrior Xenomorph away from her, into the sharp pile of bones on the floor.

Pain then consumed her, her ribs smashed and the skin on her chest bulged outwards, sending blood and flesh everywhere. No you don't... Vasquez thought and used her remaining strength to pull a hand grenade from her pocket and pull out the pin.

"AAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!" She roared out in pain, then...


The blast sent the FROM A WORLD BEYOND EARTH banner floating down to the ground, signifying the end of a dream. The end of a nightmare.

XP Drop-ship pad

Ripley helped the wounded Hudson into the drop-ship and the kids jumped in straight after them. Hicks was about to follow but saw Hammond staring out at the paradise from the edge of the pad. He walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, which made Hammond flinch initially, but when he saw it was only Hicks he relaxed. Hicks looked deep into his eyes and gave him the It's over now look. Hammond nodded sadly and took one last look at what remained of Xenomorphic Park.

All he had ever wanted was to put a smile on the faces of people, and to remove the dark stereotype that was often associated with Weyland-Yutani. Mankind had always dreamed of seeing life from beyond earth, but that wasn't to be. Neither was this park. It was a disaster that had finally become to a bitter end. Hammond could only imagine all the 'what could have been' scenarios.

(JP Piano Theme)

As the aircraft flew on, Hammond sadly looked at the alien tooth at the top of his cane, thinking about a dream lost. Ripley lay back in her seat, pondering yet another terrifying encounter with the Xenomorph species. She looked around the interior of the drop-ship, and saw Tim and Newt asleep in Hicks' arms. After a tiring, horrific encounter, they deserved some sleep now that they were safe. Hicks smiled gently at Ripley and she returned the gesture.

Ripley looked out the window and saw several sea birds gliding gently in the breeze next to them. It was experiences like the ones with the Xenos that made her appreciate the natural beauty of earth, and how wonderful their planet was; without Aliens.

The drop-ship glided gracefully into the sunset; leaving a nightmare behind.

In follow up to the events of Xenomorphic Park; the United States Air Force bombed the entire Isla Nublar, killing all of its alien inhabitants and destroying the park. Combined with the lawsuits for the deaths of Don Gennaro, Robert Muldoon, Ray Arnold, Jenette Vasquez and Dennis Nedry the loss of the major investment meant that Weyland-Yutani went bankrupt. On the eleventh of October 2180, Weyland filed for Chapter 11. They were never to grasp their dream of controlling Xenomorphs.

A serious investigation went into the events that took place there. The bribe of Biosyn to Dennis Nedry was discovered, and the American government shut them down on court order. Lewis Dodgson was charged with the deaths of all who died at Xenomorphic Park and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Mining on LV-426 was halted immediately, and all Xenomorph artifacts were destroyed. The Hadley's Hope colony was re-established, and soon grew into a full sized city. The site of the original colony was turned into a heritage site in honor of all those who died there in 2176. Jenette Vasquez was honored for her sacrifice and a statue of her was erected in the Hadley's Hope City Square. She and all the other surviving Marines were awarded Congressional medals of Honor for their bravery.

The US government hunted the Xenomorph species to near extinction, and several laws were put in place concerning them.

Any attempt at gaining possession of a live Xenomorph, Xenomorphs egg, Xenomorph artifact or anything in relation to the species is illegal, with a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

Any publication concerning the species must first be approved by the government

If a Xenomorph is sighted, it is required that the subject must notify authorized personnel

11th of October is a public holiday commemorating the Hadley's Hope victims

Any artifact search or mining on LV-426 is strictly prohibited

Use of the Xenomorph anatomy for Bio-weapons research is prohibited globally

Ellen Ripley, Dwayne Hicks and their adopted daughter Rebecca 'Newt' Jorden returned to their normal life following the XP disaster. After a few years, Newt found herself in a relationship with Tim Murphy, grandson of John Hammond. In 2189 they married, and had daughter: Jenette Murphy. Ripley and Hicks watched proudly as their adopted daughter matured into an adult woman, and forever slept peacefully under the thought of the extinct Xeno species.

Xenomorphs were extinct. The terror was over...Finally.


Did you like it? Please review, rate, favorite, subscribe and all that good shit. Stay tuned for the opposite/sequel titled: JURASSIC PARK: This Time It's War. Hope you enjoy it, should be up in the JP category by the end of the week.