Chapter 1: Unreliable

A giant monkey demon is chasing after Kagome while she was trying to kill it with a sacred arrow. However since she's been running for a while, she is getting weaker by the second. "I can't go any farther." She said as she tries to find a place to hide in the wood. She finds a stump in a tree bark and gets in. She pants silently, not to give away her whereabouts to the demon. The monkey comes close sniffing her out. "Where are you? I know you're here somewhere." It roars as it looks around the area, assuming she's close. 'Please go away.' She begs in thought. As soon as the monkey was out of sight from her, she peaks out to find out if it was truly gone. As she comes out completely, the demon grabs her with its massive hand. With her arms sealed from the grip, she can't break free. She does everything she can to get out. "Let me go right now." She commands it. The demon monkey laughs, "No can do. I'm gonna take you as my mate." It grins. Hearing that sent shivers down Kagome's spine. "I'm warning you that I'm a priestess." She said to him. The monkey demon laughs even more. "Ha, as if. You're no priestess." It moves faster through the forest. Kagome screams as loud as she can to get help. The monkey just had enough of her screams. "You're going to sleep." It said as it squeezes her. Kagome falls out cold from the strength.

Meanwhile, Inuyasha and his friends are waiting for Kagome to return with the water. "Where the hell is she?" Inuyasha complains tapping his clawed finger on his crossed arms. Sango looks up to him, "I'm not sure. It's been passed an hour since she left." Miroku nods, "I agree, we better look for her." He suggests as everyone gets their stuff and leave. Inuyasha hears a scream. "That's Kagome." Inuyasha said alertedly. "Go get her. You're the only one who can save her." Sango shouts at him from the air while riding on Kirara's back with Miroku behind her, and Shippo on his shoulder. Inuyasha nods as he bolts way ahead of them. 'Kagome, I'm coming.' He thought as he catches her scent with another. "Damn it. A monkey demon got her." He murmurs running as his legs carried him.

The monkey jumps higher up on the branches in a humongous tree somewhere in the forest. He throws Kagome's unconscious body on a huge nest. "She's gorgeous, and mine for the taking." It said as her rolls on her back, and about to strip her down starting the hakama pants. He throws it over the edge of the branch.

Inuyasha is in the forest as Kagome's scent gets stronger the further he goes in. Soon a red fabric catches his eye. He goes to it and sniffs it and finds Kagome's scent all over it. "She must be up above." He jumps high onto the tree branches. He jumps onto the nest to find her half way stripped down. "Who the hell are you?" The monkey growls at him. Inuyasha flexes and cracks his knuckles, "Your worst nightmare." He answers him, and draws his Tetsusaiga. "Wind Scar!" The energy kills the monkey immediately. He sheaths it and kneels down and scoop up Kagome bridal style down the tree.

As soon as Inuyasha gets up to his group Sango is shocked to see Kagome in that condition. "Kagome! Inuyasha what happened to her?" She asks him sternly. Inuyasha looks down to the girl in his arms. "I found her in a monkey nest, and the monkey demon was about to rape her. I kill it just in time." Inuyasha answers as he sits with her still in his arms. "I'm so glad you found her. I don't think a monkey and human go together." Miroku comments the ordeal. Hearing that, Inuyasha growls with a threat, "Don't even think about it monk." Miroku gulps as he back away from him. Sango and Kirara help Kagome rest on the feline's body. Even though it's late at night, Inuyasha constantly looks over Kagome as he wraps her in his robe of the fire rat to keep her warm. He couldn't help but to think back when they were apart for three years. That was the hardest part in his life he ever dealt with. But now since she's back. He's just so thrilled to have her back by his side. But secretly he's

beginning to doubt of ever letting her to return. Ever since the day Kagome has returned to the Feudal Era for good, she kind of feel some kind of weakness deep within her. Anytime the group goes investigate events that requires their help, she secretly considers unreliable to everyone else. But somehow she can't admit that. It'd break his heart. As soon as Inuyasha was asleep; Kagome comes to, finding all of her comrades are asleep. She sneaks off.