"John Doe #1, six foot two inches tall. Approximately 200 lbs, 164 post mortem. Blond hair blue eyes, Caucasian. Found naked, mutilated, and decomposed in a shallow mass grave with five other bodies. Mutilation is similar to the corpses found with John Doe #1." The sheriff finished reading the report for what might have been the twentieth time that year. Clearly talking about John Doe #1 wasn't any easier just because we don't know his name yet. Mello slowly bit into his chocolate bar as he eyed the crime scene photo's that were spread out on the Polk County Sheriff Department briefing table. The sheriff massaged his brow and handed the pile of coroners' reports over to one of his deputies. The police officers attempted to ignore Matt as he clicked away on his game boy. These idiots didn't seem to realize they had 90% of his attention; which counts for 80% more processing power than all of their undivided attention. The deputy continued to read off of the Xeroxed reports.

"Subject, John Doe #1 was found in an advanced state of de-comp. Remodeling is not present or undistinguishable due to deterioration. Subject's scrotum and testes have been removed. The penis have been sliced open and jammed into the body cavity through an incision made where the scrotum was removed. The wounds to not appear to have been made with any kind of precision, extraneous gashes suggest carelessness in the mutilation. Due to de-comp, cause of death is unknown." The deputy looked unsure of himself as he closed his manila folder and went to open another. The sheriff continued to stare at the linoleum tile floor. He's tired, Mello thought. Sleep deprivation due to work ethic and nightmares he concluded. "Jane Doe #1 was found at a more advanced stage of decomposition than John Doe #1."

"Could you seriously not come up with a more interesting name than Jane and John Doe?" Matt interjected. The pale ginger boy did not take his eyes off his game. This was the first time he'd spoken all afternoon. The police officers looked stunned. They really had thought he wasn't listening, Mello thought.

"I'm sorry what?" The Sheriff had heard him but clearly didn't possess the capacity to understand that Matt was not being disrespectful, malicious, or any more un- politically correct. No Matt was actually being scornful over the fact that the Salem Sheriff's department had done a fabulous job of dehumanizing the victims of a terrible homicide. That being said, Mello really didn't want to call Jane Doe #1 Zelda either.

"We just followed procedure, sorry if you don't like it." The gruff sheriff instantly disliked Matt based on his lone comment. Mello instantly disliked the sheriff for his misjudgment of character. Mello stood up.

"I've heard all I need, I'll call when I need more evidence to think over. Mello cracked the chocolate bar with his teeth as he waltzed out of the station with Matt close on his heels. Matt stowed away his game boy and got into the drivers seat. Mello munched away in the passengers seat.

As the 1966 Ford Mustang roared down the road the two geniuses stayed quite. Mello went through the information in his head before he announced his thoughts. The barrier between Mello's mouth and brain closed dramatically once the blond finished his chocolate bar.

"So I think it goes without saying it's a high order sexual sadist." Mello began. Matt inhaled through his nose.

"Yup, white too, but based on what they gave us we'd need more to determine approximate age and sex." Mello scoffed.

"You think a woman could have done that? Never in the history of serial killers has a woman committed a crime remotely similar to that. No I'd say we can pretty much assume it's male." Matt would have said something about exploring all options but the idea seemed counter productive to narrowing their search. Besides Mello had already thought of that. Mello hummed as a thought occurred to him.

"Do you remember the order of the bodies in the grave?" Matt frowned.

"They were in a heap, there was no order?" Mello leaned his shoulder against he door of the car.

"No, some of them had to be on top of one another? Which ones were buried the deepest?" Mello knew part of the answer but Matt's photo graphic memory knew it all.

"The deepest bodies were the ones in the worst state of decomposing. The police officers think that's because they were in wet soil."

"What if it's because those bodies are older than the ones buried on top of them?" Matt blinked a couple of times.

"What so you think he came back on six different occasions to dump the bodies in the same place? That seems like a lot of work?"

"So does meticulous mutilation of six people's genitals, but our guy didn't mind doing that part did he?" Mello finished his own rhetorical question. "Nope." He snapped a corner off of a new chocolate bar. Matt grumbled.

"So he kills the first victim does his freaky thing-"

"You're assuming he kills them before torturing them, sexual sadist's torture first then kill. Maybe they even died of blood loss." Matt grunted.

"Okay so he tortures and eventually kills his victim, then he has to stash the body so he drives out into the middle of farm land that's been bank owned since 2008 when it went into foreclosure. He doesn't need to be local to tell that the fields gone unused for awhile. Are we assuming that the earliest date those bodies could have been stashed was 2008?" Mello stared out the window.

"No, it was a big field, the owner probably bought more than he could farm when the crops couldn't pay the mortgage he probably didn't plant the whole field. Plus didn't the government give incentives to only plant so much of certain crops to keep prices up?"

"I don't remember, we were in Australia in 2008, I wasn't exactly paying attention to agriculture in America at the time." Mello smiled at the mental images of what Matt had been paying attention to.

"Okay but for arguments sake lets say those bodies could have been buried there undisturbed for up to six years. Which means potentially he's been coming back to the same spot for six years to bury six different bodies. Why?" Mello made a face. "It's got to be important that all six of those bodies be placed where they were."

"Okay, but is it supposed to be important for him or for us that they be like that?" Matt grinned as Mello continued to find these questions frustrating. Without evidence there was very little to do but speculate and Mello knew it.

"Shallow grave means he was interrupted, which is not likely since he's been doing this for years. Or it could be because he wants those bodies found." Matt cut into his process just to bug Mello.

"Or it could mean nothing because the original hole was deep for one body, but six corpses later the grave became 'shallow'." Mello loved at him with total adoration.

"Don't interrupt me you Bastard." He made it sound like 'I love it when you outfox me' despite himself. Matt chuckled.

"Lets get some food and wait for dental records before we solves this one shall we?"