A/N: Hey, guys! What's up? I hope you enjoyed the last chapter and I HOPE you will enjoy this one as well! Remember, I have a Hetalia: Axis Powers YAOI Roleplay if any of you are interested! Thank you for reading! ENJOY!
America stared at the Baltic state in disbelief.
"Lith…Lithuania?" he asked still shocked.
"Yes, America, I'm here, I've returned!" Toris said, slinging his arms around America's neck.
America responded by hugging the brunette back; his strong, firm arms snaked their way around Lithuania's slender waist.
"It's been a long time…Toris," said Alfred, still hugging Lithuania.
"Too long," replied Toris backing away from the hug until he was suddenly snapped back into it.
"No," said America, "Let's hug a little while longer to make up for all those years."
The Baltic nation breathed in agreement and continued to hug America for what seemed like forever. Slowly, Alfred let go and Lithuania followed.
"Come inside," voiced Alfred cheerfully, "We most definitely need to catch up, dude!"
Lithuania nodded in agreement and stepped inside his old workplace.
Upon entering the foyer their hung the great chandelier that Lithuania despised cleaning because it swayed so much. On both sides of the foyer were wooden stairs that led to the upper levels. In the center of the foyer was a small wooden table with a long doily placed on it. On top of the doily was a nice piece of fine china.
Lithuania maneuvered himself around the table and pushed pass the archway to the living room.
The drapery was still the satin, angelic white that Toris had picked out when America asked him what looked "cool". The mantel a top of the fireplace was riddled with pictures of friends from the past. Many of the photos were of him and America.
America followed Lithuania after shutting and bolting the door.
"Go ahead," urged America, "Take a seat, dude!"
Lithuania smiled and sat down on the nice comfy love seat. America sat adjacent to him and smiled as well.
"So what took you so long to become independent?" inquired America.
"Well you see," began Toris, "Mr. Russia was very tenacious in his endeavor to keep all us feeble countries. He always emphasized to me that we were to be there forever to serve his whims and wishes. It is because of that mentality and hunger of power in which he possessed that kept me under his supremacy for so long."
Lithuania looked over to America whose face was plastered with perplexity.
"Could you repeat that in English, Toris?" asked the confused American.
Lithuania gave a small giggle and repeated his statement, this time in "English."
"Basically, Mr. Russia was very mind set on keeping all of us weak and smaller countries under his control. That's why it took me this long."
"Oh," replied the American, "So Russia's been keeping you down, huh?"
"I guess…" answered Toris.
"Well don't worry! You'll be safe here, I guarantee it!" Assured Alfred as he stood up in a heroic pose, "You'll see, it's great to be independent. Why I remember when I fought for independence from England! And look at all the things that I've accomplished!" America flashed a dashing smile at Lithuania.
"I suppose you're right!" proclaimed Lithuania.
"Of course I'm right. I am the hero aren't I?" boasted America.
"Yes," replied Lithuania, "A true hero indeed."
America smiled brilliantly, "Well…I better get dressed for the day!" Alfred said, "I'll be right back" and with that Alfred went up the stairs.
Lithuania walked around the living room before exiting it to explore his former world.
He wandered around downstairs until he reached the Study. He had remembered how many times he had to clean this room…just once! America was never much of a book reader or a philosopher. However, today, in this very room, laid a journal with a leather encasing a top of the polished oak desk. Lithuania looked around and proceeded into the room.
Picking it up he spooled through it and found a certain entry.
Lithuania gasped as he caught himself, "This is Alfred's journal…his PRIVATE journal…with PRIVATE things in it…I mustn't browse its contents," thought Lithuania, "Oh, just a little peak couldn't hurt, right?"
Lithuania looked down and read the entry.
Dear Journal,
Time has passed since I've seen him…I really do miss him and not because my house is dirty or because I need his service, but, because I need him…his company. When Russia took him, he took apart of me too. Years have passed, and now that my economy is better, I hope he comes back soon…
Lithuania closed the journal and placed it back where it had rested. "He's been awaiting my return…for twenty two years" he thought. Lithuania sat down in the leather office chair and breathed in softly.
Sitting there, contemplating, Lithuania began to hear creaks and shuffling upstairs. "America must done changing"
Lithuania exited the study and entered the kitchen. He thought that a nice cup of coffee would jolt and revive him from the long journey he had sustained.
Alfred began walking down the wooden steps. He walked down into the foyer when his nose caught a smell most pleasing. He floated to the smells origins.
Lithuania procured two cups from the cupboard and began to pour the hot, black liquid into the cups. Alfred entered the kitchen to find Lithuania dispensing the mixture into the cups. Alfred smiled as he saw the busy nation.
"You know, Toris," began Alfred, "If you wanted coffee, you should've just asked me, I would have made it for you"
Lithuania was slightly started by Alfred's voice, "Well, you we're getting ready and I didn't want to bother you," reasoned Toris.
Alfred smiled warmly, "Well no more lifting a finger," he said, "You are my guest and I want you to feel at home, after all that's what heroes do!"
Lithuania smiled as well as nodded in agreement, "Two sugars, right?" questioned Toris.
Alfred approached Lithuania and placed his hand on Toris's shoulder. "Lithuania," he started, "You're doing it again. Here, I can fix my own coffee. Would you like two sugars?"
Lithuania was startled by Alfred's actions…usually he wouldn't have intervened if Lithuania was making coffee, or anything for that matter. He was much nicer than usual, sweeter even.
Lithuania nodded and Alfred began mixing together his beverage. He handed it to Lithuania who took it and began to sip its contents.
Alfred finished making his own and began drinking his as well. The two sat there in silence as the enjoyed their brew.
Lithuania smiled, a light pinkish tint coated his cheeks, "This is nice," he started, "I wish I could do this every day. Enjoy a cup of coffee, with you."
"Why can't you?" asked Alfred.
"Well, I simply can't stay here. You have lots of important business here and I would be just a bother," reasoned Toris.
"You won't be a bother, Lithuania," stated Alfred sincerely, "If you want to stay here be my guest!"
Lithuania blushed at the thought of him and America living together. They had done it before after all.
"Well…Perhaps I'll stay the night," said Toris,
"YA-HOO!" cried Alfred, "I was hoping you'd say that, because I invited England, Japan, and Greece over to have a little powwow! Oh, man, this gonna be great! We'll play video games, watch scary movies! You wait and see!"
Lithuania let out a warm smile, "What time will they be arriving?" he asked.
"Eh, around seven or so," replied Alfred placing his empty coffee cup in the sink.
Toris glanced at the clock on the wall; it read five o'clock.
Lithuania went into something of a shock, "Shouldn't we be preparing the food?" he inquired.
"Naw, dude, I'm gonna order pizza! Six large pepperonis should do it!" replied Alfred.
"Oh," stated Lithuania, "I suppose."
"Don't fret, Toris. Everything gonna be alright, you'll see, just sit back and relax, and wait for them to get here," reinforced America.
"I guess, well…I am a little tired after that long journey," Toris said, "I guess I'll take a nap on the couch."
"No prob, Toris, I'll be in the Study if you need me!" replied America whilst exiting and moving toward the Study.
Lithuania traveled to the living room and lay on the long, cozy couch. His head rested on the arm of the couch and his body began easing into the cool, comfortable depths. His eyes slowly started to grow heavy as his body began relaxing. Slowly, but surely, Lithuania began to drift off into a deep, deep sleep…
Hey…hey, Toris…I. I love you.
A/N: Aww…shhh…he's sleeping. And DREAMING. Haha. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Don't for get to review! Also, if you have spare time, go and sign up for the Roleplay I have! Hetalia: Axis Powers YAOI Roleplay! Thanks for READING!