The Dare That Started It All

Authors Note: It is August 26, 2013 and this chapter has been re-written. The plot and everything is the same, and it will stay that way as I edit the future chapters, but it is better writing. I haven't fluffed it out, I've just fixed the problems. If you're just now reading the series, I suggest waiting to read chapters until you see this note at the top of them. Enjoy!

Lily continued leading James to the Hospital Wing, twisting and turning with the school in a way that only someone with expert knowledge of the school could do. In a way that only a Marauder could manage. When Lily and James got to the Hospital Wing, Sirius was more than ready to be 'released' from Poppy's custody.

"Hey James!" He said, smiling as they shook hands. James had gone home for part of the break, Lily and Sirius had not, but had to return while his parents were off on a mission. Well, they told him they were just vacationing, but James wasn't fooled.

"Come on," Lily said, "We've got a couple of days left before we have to study again." No-one bothered to correct her, to inform her that they had a week of break, not study time. James and Sirius knew better and followed her back to the common room.


That night they mutually decided to play truth or dare, a game that occupied most of their free time. The rules were simple, if you chose truth you have to answer it, and a temporary truth charm that Lily had learned from an Auror book in the restricted section made sure of it. If you chose dare, then you had to do it (a nifty compulsion charm that Lily learned ensured that as well). Either way, if a majority of the group (not including the person(s) being dared or questioned) agreed that they did not have to answer/do the dare, the spell would lose effectiveness and they would get asked a new truth or dare that the group agreed on.

"So," Said Sirius to James, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," James replied with a grin, "Best stay safe for a bit," Sirius laughed.

"Your choice, okay, how far are you willing to go with a girl in Hogwarts?"

James laughed, "All the way."

Sirius gave a barking laugh, "Of course!" Lily joined in, amused at the boys antics.

James then turned to Lily, "Oh Liiiiiillllllyyyyyy!" He said in a sing song voice, she laughed, "Trrruuuuutttthhhhhh or dddaaaarrrreeee?"

"Err, dare." Lily hated truth, hated it. It wasn't that she had secrets, not with her fellow Marauders at least, she just disliked the compulsion to answer. James huffed.

"Fine, Merlin, you know, with everyone else its truth that's lame, with you it is the other way around."

"I know," Said Lily with a smirk.

James rolled his eyes, "Okay," he said, "I dare you to kiss Sirius."

"What?" Asked Lily, none of them had ever done anything like that. Sirius was equally as shocked, Lily was his sister for Merlins sake!

"Err, mate, please change that." Said Sirius, with there only being the three of them there was no majority vote letting them out, James would have to take mercy. "I don't want to kiss my sister.

Lily seconded the notion as James laughed.

"Nope, might get Lily to do truth if she's forced to do dares like this," Said James.

"B-bu-but." Lily searched her mind for a way out of it, but she was too grossed out to think properly. "I mean, err, I, um, come on!"

James shook his head, "Nope,you have to do it, you know more than ever, you set the spell." Lily stood up.

"Come on!" Said Lily, the charm she had made nearly impossible the go against. She was trying not to, but it was really hard.

"Seriously, mate, this is not cool!" Said Sirius, wishing he could back away, but the spell affected him too and he knew less about it than Lily. Lily then closed her eyes and concentrated, resisting the spell she had made as she made the next step forward.

"This is a darn good charm," Grunted Lily with effort, she had learned it out of the Auror textbook and had gotten pretty good at it over the years.

James laughed and Sirius just glared at him. Lily was now right on top of Sirus, her arms wrapped around his neck "Mate, stop it!" Said Sirius, the look on his face made it obvious he was not enjoying the situation.

James shrugged, "Too late, even if I wanted to, you know how the spell works." He was right, they were already mid-act, there was no going back now

Lily was scrunching up her face, magic was sparking off her body, as her face inched towards the already spell bound Sirius Black, whose eyes were wide. Just when Sirius and James thought it was about to happen, Lily's eyes turned white and both her and Sirius were shot back into the walls of the room, breaking the walls just a little bit. The entire distance between Lily and Sirius was sparking with a sort of horizontal white lightning bolt.

"What was that?" Asked James, Sirius and Lily just groaned, the both of them in pain. Lily then shoved herself up, so that she was sitting, leaning against the cracked wall. Sirius stood up and then he and James went to help Lily up,

"No," She said, "I am fine." She then stood up, and promptly fell down. "James, I'm gonna kill you." She managed to puff out before she passed out.

James went to pick her up, and Sirius got in the way, "I think you have helped enough thank you." James looked hurt as Sirius grunted to pick up Lily, as he was still hurt, not that she was heavy.

James sighed and fell down on to the love seat as Sirius managed to pull out his wand to use the spell and make it so he could carry Lily up to her room. Sirius then half limped and carried Lily to her dorm, which she had alone because there were five girls in the Gryffindor sixth year, just enough for four of them to have one room and Lily to have the other.

James wasn't sure how a seemingly harmless dare could cause so much trouble, it's just a bloody kiss! Lily's kissing blokes- snogging blokes all the time!

In Lily's room Sirius sat her down on the edge of her bed, her body leaned up against the wall and feet touching his knees. She was slightly awake, "Sirius," She said, "Thanks for getting me up here."

"No problem," Said Sirius, shaking his head. "Really, it was nothing."

Lily chuckled, "You know, the four of us, I never thought any of us would have problems like these."

"Like a truth spell exploding?" Sirius asked, "What are you talking about I have been expecting this for ages!"

Lily laughed lightly, "Not that, no, being ignored by the one we like?" She sighed, "I need some sleep, thanks Sirius, pull up a bed if you don't want to go downstairs for whatever reason. " She waved her hand weakly and then fell asleep again. Sirius grinned weakly; only in a state overrun by magic would Lily ever even slightly admit to liking James, and even then only to Sirius.

Sirius and Lily had met before James and Sirius. Lily had been walking to find a compartment when she saw Sirius. Apparently, the dressed in black shaggy haired kid hanging out with unfriendly people was her definition of an inviting person. She went into the compartment and said hi, her muggle clothing making her a target from point one. Her red hair was no lie though, and her short temper had the older students attacking her in no time, meanly insulting and sneering at her. Sirius tried to lead her out, at the time thinking she was more than stupid. She simply wouldn't leave. "I have just as much right to be here!" She said indignantly, one of the older students tried to show her how untrue he thought that was, Lexer was his name and getting his ass kicked by Lily Evans was his game. After that, Sirius had found a lifelong friend.


Later that night Sirius was in his dorm room with James, alone as the rest of their dorm mates (Remus) out of the country during their break and, therefore, not at Hogwarts. Sirius had been planning to yell at him, but he never got a chance as a very confused James was trying to figure out what was going on. James had never been really astute, which was odd being as the sixteen year old was somehow successful with girls regardless.

"I just don't understand what happened." James said, esasperated, "I was sure I had done the first dare she wouldn't enjoy doing, but no, she had to go and resist."

"Well," Said Sirius, fuming on the inside, "She didn't want to kiss me, and I was the same."

"But it's just a stupid kiss!" He said, still frustrated.

"Would you like to kiss your sister?"

"I'm an only child you nitwit."

"Pretend you're not!"

James sighed and thought about it, "Is she Lily?"

"What?" Asked Sirius, confused and astounded. "What does whether or not she is Lily have to do with anything?"

"Well, she is Lily," Said James, "You know? She is kissable, no matter what."

Sirius laughed, "What?" Sirius continued to laugh, "WHAT?" Asked James again.

"You're smitten with Lily!" Sirius said as he cleared up his laughter.

"Am not!" Argued James, blushing.

"Oh you so are!" Sirius replied. Now, Sirius was astute, which was how he figured out what James had yet to do. "By Merlin, that's why you dared her to kiss me! You were trying to convince yourself that you did not like her, so you determined to prove that you did not like her, which you do; you would make her kiss me and not feel jealous! Unfortunately, your plan failed because you started to feel insanely jealous. That's why you are moaning and complaining that she, essentially, wimped out! "

James was shocked, "No, well yea, wait no, mate just stop," James huffed, "I AM GOING TO SLEEP!" He said with authority, Sirius laughed,

"Oh merlin, young love."

James threw a shoe at Sirius, hitting him in the nose and, consequently, breaking it.


Note: I hope you enjoy, also, it is slightly ooc so please do not state "James is not acting like James!" Thanks!