Everyone kept their head down for the next couple of weeks to study and take midterms. For some seniors like Wes and Travis, it was the last exams they had to take. With enough credits to graduate as long as they passed, seniors in the second semesters of their final years were dedicated to preparation for college, electives, or any catch up if they needed it.

Wes had taken Travis up on his offer to help with the tennis coaching and he became the unofficial co captain of the team. Travis actually felt terrible because so much money was spent on football and even basketball and baseball for their school, but it seemed like tennis, track, and even soccer got left in the dust. The girls team still had no captain and there was no one the coach trusted enough to put in charge. The school refused to hire anyone else and none of the other teachers or coaches were qualified or even wanted the extra responsibility.

That left Wes. When he got frustrated, Travis would always say, "Just think how good it's gonna look on your college application, baby."

Both boys had been filling out their applications as well. They both knew which University they wanted to go to before they had even met each other. Now they just hoped they could go together. Travis had no doubt Wes would get in, and Wes had no doubt Travis would. They only worried about themselves but said nothing. They also had a couple of back up schools they both applied to and there was always community college if necessary.

Anthony was coming to the practices despite no longer being on the team. He stayed watching from the bleachers, making dumb comments and trying to get under Wes' skin. All he did was piss Travis off but the blond never let him do anything about it. Wes kept everyone on point and ran practice while he kept up with training himself. Travis took responsibility for keeping the records and running the players when Wes needed a break.

"Ten laps and we're done for the day," Travis called when Wes gave him the signal. Wes joined in because he was a player and it was only fair. It was one of the reasons why he liked having Travis around. Not only did he keep him sane but he kept him on track as well. Some of the younger players who'd made the team also looked up to Travis so that made the practice easier because they listened to him without much whining.

When the laps were done, the two said their goodbyes to the other students and made sure they were all off safely before doing the same. Wes had picked Travis up that morning for school and the two made their way back to his place to cook their dish for the family BBQ. They were meant to be having dinner with several dozen members of Travis' foster families and Wes was feeling a little stressed for time. He had promised to make a brussel sprout and grape side dish that Money couldn't stop telling everyone how amazing it was.

Sensing his boyfriend's anxiety, Travis put on some slow jazz. "We have plenty of time, Wes, don't stress."

Wes checked the time and shugged. 'Yeah, I guess."

A moment ticked by, Travis watching Wes stare at the road in front of him carefully. "Are you worried they won't like you?"

"What," Wes side eyed him, then shook his head no. "No. I mean, they probably won't, right? But that's okay."

Travis turned so he was almost completely facing the blond. "Well, first off - they are absolutely going to love you. But make no mistake, even if they didn't, you're right. I love you and that's all that matters."

Wes smiled at the obvious sass. So far, he'd only met Wheels and Money. He'd talked on the phone a few times to some of Travis' foster moms when they'd called. He's seen plenty of pictures both from Travis and social media. Wes did worry that they would find him too plain, too boring for their wildfire free spirit. He guessed he was maybe preparing himself not to be liked much but he promised himself he'd keep an open mind.

"So...midterms are over," Travis mentioned, changing the subject. "I was thinking about places we could go for break."

Wes felt a little uncomfortable. "If you want to go...to like the main places, that's okay with me. I know you've been before. Maybe that could be fun."

Travis barked out a laugh. "Baby, please...you know damn well you'd lose your damn mind there." He stroked Wes' cheek, half teasingly. "It was fun, then, but now I don't think it would be half as much. I was thinking maybe camping or a road trip somewhere. What about you?"

"That sounds nice," Wes said, "I haven't had a chance to look at anything. I'm excited, though."

"Me too." Travis smiled, happily. "And your dad is okay with you going?"

Wes nodded. "Yeah, we talked the other day. He said we could take the car and anything else we needed."

The fact that Jeff had come around to their relationship so easily made Travis a little nervous. He actually liked the man, once he got past some of the issues he and Wes had in the past. The fact that he referred to the man as 'Jeff' and not 'Mr. Mitchell' in his head spoke volumes. Wes didn't seem to mind that Jeff and Travis liked each other, but it made the idea of Travis' extended family not liking Wes a little more scary. Money and Wheels loved him, despite what they called his quirky behaviors. They thought he was a good man and great for Travis and that was all they cared about. He hoped the others were the same.

Thinking about Jeff made Travis think about someone else. "Did you guys talk about…?"

"My mother?"


Again, Wes nodded. "It was hard to talk about it before but we finally got the chance. My father said he had really wanted to let things work between them but he figures they're both too broken from everything to move on together. He wanted one last good Christmas, to try and see how it felt. But also for some good memories."

"Are you okay?"

Wes shrugged. "I mean, I get it, and I'm not upset about the divorce. It's their lives. It's just a little awkward right now with my mom. I know my father talked to her about it but she didn't seem to believe it until the papers got served to her. Then she just got really upset for a while."

Travis debated whether or not to ask but finally did. "Did she move in with her boyfriend?"

Wes shook his head no. "I don't think so? I saw some paperwork but honestly I'm not sure."

Travis wanted to say more but they pulled up to his place and Wes all but shot out the car and inside, looking at his watch as he did. Travis chuckled and followed behind. Wes was already washing his hands in the kitchen to get ready. By the time Travis was getting into the shower Wes had already preheated the oven and was getting out the necessary supplies.

When Travis finished, he came into the kitchen to start the second tray while Wes went and got ready. It was almost strange that it wasn't strange for Wes to be cooking in his kitchen and showering in his bathroom. He even kept clothes there now for after practice when they came back to his. Travis didn't think he'd ever settle down and the thought of settling down at eighteen with one person probably should have scared him but it excited him. It brought him comfort knowing Wes would always be with him. He felt so happy he wasn't even waiting for the other shoe to drop.

By the time Wes was done, the second batch was about ready to come out of the oven. Money had run in and out, even stopping in the bathroom and laughing at an annoyed Wes while grabbing his spare glasses he kept there in case he ever lost his.

Wes was going over names in his head as he packed the side away. Travis chuckled, unable to stop himself from pulling the blond to the side and kissing him. Wes tried to stop him but kept allowing himself to be pulled back for another kiss.

"We're. Gonna. Be. Late. Travis!"

The dark skinned man laughed and let him go. He grabbed the side dish as a truce and the two quickly headed back out for Wes' car. Sighing heavily, Wes took the keys out of his pocket and handed them to Travis.


"I don't know where I'm going."

"Yeah but I can tell you, baby."

"I'm nervous, okay? Just, drive my car for me."

Travis hesitated another moment before taking the keys and handing Wes the trays. They got into the car and started off down the road. To help ease his anxiety, Travis resisted the urge to change the radio station. Wes was so collected on the outside that Travis wasn't sure if the music was helping or not.

About halfway to his foster mother's house, Travis turned down a road just as it looked like it was being shut down. "Looks like an accident," Wes told him as Travis started to backup. Other cars made the same turn and for a moment they were backed up. Travis was careful with Wes' car and made sure to do his best and maneuver around the still oncoming cars. When he pulled back out onto the road, red and blue lights flashed behind him.

"I wonder if my taillight is busted." Wes wondered out loud.

"I doubt it." Travis replied. This wasn't the first time he'd been pulled over. He kept his hands on the steering wheel. It was a sign of respect for the officer. Not many people knew but traffic stops were some of the most dangerous duties an officer had and had proved fatal for many. Of course, it was in Travis' best interest to keep his hands visible as well.

The police officer took his time coming up to the window. He looked Travis up and down a moment and nodded his head in acknowledgment. "Good afternoon. License and registration."

Travis indicated his wallet was in his back pocket and got it quickly. He handed it and the registration he knew Wes kept in the glove compartment to the officer. The man said his thanks and went back to the car.

Travis kept his hands on the steering wheel. Wes started to look more and more annoyed as time passed. After several minutes, the officer came back.

"Son," he started, "says here you're licensed to operate a motorcycle?"

"Yes, sir."

"Where is it?"

"At home, sir."

The office leaned back a little. "Who's car is this, son? Says here in the computer it's registered to a Jeff Mitchell."

"That's my father, officer."

Looking like he was just noticing Wes for the first time, the officer took a step back. He didn't ask for Wes' license. "Are you okay?"

Shocked, Wes nodded. He reached forward and took Travis' hand. "My boyfriend and I are headed to his mother's for dinner. I'm a little nervous." He was smiling but his voice had an edge.

"How nice," the officer responded dryly. "Now, son, do you know why I stopped you?"

Travis resisted the urge to answer honestly. "No, sir, I'm sorry. I do not."

"Well you came awfully close to hitting that Jeep back there when you made that illegal turn."

The illegal turn. The illegal turn everyone was making because the roads were not properly closed off yet. "I'm sorry, sir."

"Officer," Wes gained the attention of the man. "I'd like to give you my father's card. I'm gonna get it from the glove box."

He handed the officer his father's business card. The man looked it over for a second and then nodded. He handed it and Travis back his information and told the boys to have a nice day.

They waited until he had pulled off to speak. "Did you get his badge number?"


They stayed in silence for another moment as Travis turned on the blinker and moved to rejoin traffic safely. Wes could tell Travis was on edge now and he didn't blame him. "I'm sorry."

"Nothing you can do about it."

"Yes, there is," Wes insisted. "Everyone can always do something." He took Travis' wallet that was left on the dash and put the cards away, including his father's business card. "I know he'll never mind a call from you."

There may always be people who judged someone by the color of their skin but there would also always be people ready to stand against them. Wes actually shook, his mind thinking of the possibilities of what could have happened if he had not been there. What if the officer had thought Travis had stolen the car?

He reached out and squeezed Travis' knee. When they got to his foster's mother's, there were more people than Wes could count happily moving around in the backyard for the BBQ. It was a true testament to Travis' character that when he stepped out of the car, he immediately reverted back into his easy going attitude. He hugged everyone who came to him, which was everyone, and introduced them all to Wes one at a time.

A few of the older ones seemed a bit sceptical but everyone was welcoming. Money ran over and took the side dish with glee, opening one of them up and sniffing the contents. His foster mother smacked his arm and took the trays from him to set them on the table with the rest of the food before coming over and hugging both Travis and Wes in a bone crushing hug.

"Ah, my babies," she said to them, kissing their cheeks. Wes probably should have been annoyed but couldn't help smiling. "I am so glad you're here. Come, come! Join the party. My name is Marcela. Travis was with me from thirteen to about fifteen. I have lots of embarrassing stories."

"Wow, right to it," Travis laughed, "you betrayed me that fast."

"I like him," Marcela motioned to Wes. "I can tell already. I'll give him all the deets!"

Travis pretended to be annoyed but he was trying his best to hide his smile. A couple of the younger ones grabbed both his hands and pulled him further into the backyard to show him the game they were playing. He spared a glance back at Wes to see if he was following but several of the older ones had cornered him where he stood.

Wes stood awkwardly with three of Travis' siblings. He resisted the urge to shove his hands in his pockets. Alex had told him it made him look rude and closed off. Wes had countered that it was meant to but he didn't want that now. They were examining him, probably looking for anything to use to dislike him.

"I've never met one of Travis' dates before," the one girl said. She was extremely pale with curly red hair and freckles. She was looking him up and down. "Cute." Travis had said her name was Erin.

"I like your tattoo," he said back, a little dumbly. She had a sunflower on her shoulder with the words 'be your own sun' underneath.

"Thanks," she responded a bit hesitant, still trying to figure him out, "it's actually a reference to Greek Mythology."

"Is it Clytie?"

Looking surprised, Erin ran her hand over her shoulder. "Yeah, how did you know?"

Wes shrugged, "I remember the story." He didn't want to push. While the tattooing was beautiful and inspiring, it was probably born of some sadness.

"You never told me the story, Erin," Sean said, stepping in. He was eyeing the two of them like they had an inside joke he wanted to be in on.

"There's no story to tell, idiot," Charlie laughed, "read a book."

Erin laughed, lightly punching Charlie in the arm. In a second she went from fun loving to serious, looking at Wes again.

"So...you two used to date?"

Wes looked to where Charlie was looking and saw Alex and Wheels mingling at the food table. He nodded. "Yeah, Alex is great but...we weren't right for each other."

Just then, the two seemed to notice what was happening. Wheels frowned, "Stop interrogating him!"

Money came walking up with a plate full of Wes' side dish. "Yeah, we love him. If you run him away I gotta bring his white ass back."

"You just want me to keep making you that," Wes said, smiling.

"That too, you little cooking genius. If Travis don't marry you, I'm gonna."

Money walked off then to help his younger siblings defeat Travis in a game of tag, leaving Wes blushing like a tomato. He looked up and met Sean's brown eyes before averting them away in a panic. "Awww," all three of them said at the same time. Laughing, they stepped forward and hugged, crushing Wes almost painfully. He wasn't sure if they were being welcoming or mocking him. Maybe both.

They left him alone after that and Wes did his best to converse with people without being too awkward. Eventually he was pulled into playing in the yard by an adorable dark skinned girl with the most adorable eyes who called him "West". She challenged him to catch Travis for them, since Money had given up.

Laughing, Travis was zig zagging around the kids, almost letting them catch him and then zooming out of their reach. What had started out as tag had become a cat and mouse game. Travis was hopping back and forth on his feet, playfully punching the air like a boxer about to get into the ring. Wes huddled the kids around him while he got down on his knee, he whispered an idea on how to get him.

"And break!" He had the kids say because he knew it would make Travis smile. When the kids turned back to Travis, he smirked playfully and waved. Half the kids went right and the other left, leaving Travis with the only option but to cut forward towards Wes before he cut off to try to get away. The kids moved in opposite directions, leaving Travis with only so much space to run before he had to change himself. Wes jogged with the kids until he felt the mouse needed to be taught a lesson and tackled him down to his knees. The kids jumped on them as well and before Wes knew it he was in a giant dog pile of laughing children. Someone's foot was in his back and an elbow in his neck but his body shook with uncontrollable laughter.

Marcela broke up the pile by telling the children to come eat. Wes and Travis stayed behind a moment as they watched the children hustle to the table and fight over the pretzels.

"Having fun?"

Wes let out a chuckle. "Yeah."

Travis kissed him, despite the fact that people were watching. He got up when Marcela called for them, Wes moving just a tad bit slower. Wes watched Travis with his family. Despite their physical differences, Wes could immediately tell that they were related. It was in their movements, their laughter, their visible connections.

Wes felt honored to be a part of it.