Chapter 5

A/N: So I'm being nagged by my best friend to update this so, here it is! I'm starting to run out of ideas... so if you have any ideas or if there's something you want to see happen in this story then PLEASE leave me a review or PM me and I'll try and use all of your ideas in future chap updates! LOVEYOU! :D


So as it's valentine's day tomorrow, I thought why not have Kurt and Blaine being cute together? And as I'm going to be sooo busy with my imaginary boyfriend tomorrow I thought I'd better update this today :D YAY


February 14th was a day that Kurt always hated, ever since he was old enough to understand what Valentine's Day was. Year after year he would spend his evenings snuggled up on the couch and eat half his own body weight in chocolate whilst crying hysterically at the romantic films that were shown back-to-back. He would spend his evenings alone whilst his friends were out with their beloved boyfriends/girlfriends. But now? Now Kurt has Blaine. He has a reason to enjoy Valentine's Day. This February 14th was going to be a day to remember.

Kurt was sitting in the library revising for an upcoming history exam, when in walked Wes carrying a bouquet of red roses.

"Wes? Are you finally telling David that you're in love with him?"

"Erm n-no, I'm not in love with him. These are for you" Wes' stutter still makes Kurt think differently about his feelings towards David.

"Why are you giving me flowers?"

"Just take 'em and collect the signs"

"Oh god, you sound like Slender"

"Yeah David and I have been playing it all morning, he can scream really loud"

Kurt snickered "To much information Wes" Kurt winked taking the roses from Wes and reading the card, ignoring the fact that Wes was a human tomato right about now.

The card read "Look in your dorm's mirror – love B xxx"

Kurt was slightly puzzled but nevertheless he packed up his school stuff and left the library heading towards the dorm stairs. Along the way there were thousands of red rose petals leading up the stairs and Kurt thought they stopped directly outside his dorm. However, when he pushed back the door he stepped into a room completely covered with more rose petals, reds, pinks and purples all dancing together to create the perfect decorative carpet.

He looked around the room and noticed a yellow post-it note attached to his mirror. He walked towards it, wearing the biggest smile he'd ever worn. He pulled off the note and read "when you stand in front of this mirror and hold up these 11 roses, you will see 12 of the most beautiful things in the world – love B xxx" Kurt held up the roses and looked into the mirror. He never used to feel beautiful, until Blaine came along and made him feel beautiful. He placed the roses on his bed side table, sat on the edge of the bed and read the note once more and twirled it around in his fingers. Only then did he notice that there was something else written on the other side. In the same flawless calligraphy were the words "Your next surprise awaits you. Go back to where it all began. Go back to the place I first felt alive. Go back to the place where love was born – love B xxx"

This was easy; Kurt jumped from his place on the bed and sped through the hallways. As he approached the staircase that he first met Blaine, he could see David standing there dressed in a black suit. "David, what's going on?" But David said nothing; instead he handed Kurt a white piece of elaborately designed card that read "David will take you to wherever you say, however only one place will bring you closer to finding me. Roses are red, Violets are blue, you taste like heaven and ... too. Destination of our first 'I love you', be there in half an hour – love B xxx"

Kurt smiled, coffee, he had to taste of coffee. "David, could you take me to the Lima Bean please?" David stayed silent but escorted Kurt outside to the Black limo that waited him. Was it too much for just going to a coffee shop? Probably but right now Kurt couldn't care less, this was the happiest he'd ever been.

The drive to Lima seemed to take longer than usual, as excitement and adrenaline kicked in. Kurt couldn't believe that someone would do this for him. He was so happy. As the car came to a halt his stomach began to flutter nervously. He opened the car door and walked out into the fresh air. As he got closer to the Lima Bean's entrance a young man opened the door and welcomed him inside, was he expecting him? When he walked further into the coffee shop a grande non-fat mocha was already waiting for him. As he picked up the cup, the opening chords to Teenage Dream filled the room and Kurt could feel himself smiling. He looked down at the cup and saw writing around the edge of it. Kurt walked over to the booth he and Blaine usually sat in and read the cup "I hope you know CPR, because you take my breath away! Now, before you jump to conclusions, I don't want you to go to a hospital. Go to the place where I first admitted my feelings for you. You're nearing the end now baby; keep up the good work – love B xxx"

Kurt sat and thought about all the precious moments he shared with Blaine, there were so many of them. Kurt's favourite was definitely when Blaine first admitted that he was falling for him; he had to go back to Dalton. A man walked over to Kurt which broke his train of thought.

"Hi, are you Kurt?"


"Some guy left this for you" The man handed Kurt a black box with a silver ribbon wrapped around it. He pulled the ribbon and lifted the lid off the box to reveal and silver bracelet. It was beautiful and on the silver charm the words "You are my teenage dream" were engraved delicately. Kurt could feel tears sting the back of his eyes but he blinked them away and placed the lid back on the box.

He left the Lima Bean and David was waiting for his next instructions, "David, can you take me back to Dalton?" Silently, David pulled away and hurried along to Dalton again. Upon arriving, Kurt sprinted from the car and made his way to the familiar room. The corridors were eerily quiet and as he approached the room he was a little nervous. He pushed back the door and stepped into the room. He really thought this was going to be the last place he had to come to but no; there was another note stuck to the seat Kurt sat in whilst he decorated Pavarotti's casket. It read "You're like a dictionary; you add meaning to my life! – Love B xxx" Really? Kurt made his way back to his starting place, the library.

When he arrived there, he was greeted with the love of his life seated at the table Kurt was sat in earlier that morning. However, now there was a candlelit dinner awaiting him. "Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?" Kurt blushed but he'd already lost this game before seeing Blaine.

"Well, I love my job because my job is to love you" Kurt walked over to him and placed a sweet kiss to his lover's lips. Kurt pulled out the bracelet that Blaine had bought for him, "can you help me with this?"

Blaine took the bracelet from Kurt's hands and attached it to his boyfriend's wrist. "There you go" Blaine smiled sweetly before saying "Happy Valentine's Day Kurt"

"Happy Valentine's Day Blaine, the first of many"

A/N: AWWWW ok I just really want someone to do this for me :') HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!