Author's notes: This is going to be the last chapter I wasn't going to make this a long story, but I like to thanked all of you who gave this story a chance. And actually liked it! You guys are awesome!

Tecna never liked to keep things unfinished.

She never understood that, ever sense she was a little girl. She never liked playing her computer games without finishing a level-or the whole game in fact. Which is why she understood now that, she never liked her homework half way done. It had to be done immediately or early. Never late or especially unfinished.

So as she gazed at her phone staring at the digital name written across with the song Turn Me On as her ringtone (secretly she liked the song). But right there on her phone was just a reminder of something unfinished.

"Are you going to answer that"?

Tecna looked up slightly startle by her kind friend." Oh sorry Flora you scared me. Uh what did you say"?

"I said are you going to answer that"?

Tecna look at the phone wondering that herself a part of her wanted to but then again…

"No", she said tapping away on her laptop.

"That's too bad I bet Timmy would love to hear your voice".

"I bet he would", Tecna muttered

Flora sighed seating herself down on Tecna's bed, looking aimlessly at her computer." What are you doing"?

"Some extra work",

"But you have already straight A's I think you could relax a little".

Tecna's phone ranged again cutting Tecna's reply. Of course it had to be no one other than Timmy. That was of course something unfinished, Timmy would probably want help with a science project or maybe he just wanted something for his hard drive. Nothing else.

"I think Timmy wants to talk to you". Flora said,

Tecna rolled her eyes," Probably just wants something that's not important".

"Why are you so mean to him"?

"I'm not mean",

"You're ignoring him and that's rude". Tecna turn slightly to look at Flora's frown. It meant something if you upset Flora, but to have her frown at you meant more to Tecna. "Aw Flora"!

"You should respect him more", she said sternly

"That's highly illogically".

"All he's does is try to find ways to impress you".

"Yes but Flora"-

"And all you do is ignore him or be mean to him. And that's not fair"!

"Now you're just sounding like my mother".

Flora expression turn into a satisfying smirk," Okay well maybe if you answer him I wouldn't have to".

"Ugh"! Tecna sighed in defeat while Flora held a victory smile. Hesitantly she picked her phone.

"Hello", she muttered,

"Hi Tecna"! Timmy answered brightly,

"Uh…hi Timmy",

"Can you do me favor"? He asked,

Exactly as she thought. "What do you need"?

"I need you to come outside".

Come outside? What does that have to do with anything?

"Outside"? She question,

"Yeah"! Timmy said brightly.

Tecna didn't know what he was talking about. But it beat just sitting around talking about some dull old computer drives." Sure" she answered.

"Great"! With that, Timmy hanged up.

Hesitantly Tecna sat her phone down," So…what did he say"? Flora asked,

"He wants me to go outside",

"Oh that's great! Why"?

"I don't know". There was always a logical explanation for everything. But with Timmy, and outdoors don't add up at all." Well what are you waiting for? Go"!

"But this does not make sense"-

"Tecna"! Flora said in a harder tone that was unfamiliar from her usual gently tone," for once just go with it, please for me"!

Ugh! She couldn't deny Flora especially when she was giving a sympatric look that always made her more persuasive. Huh, she should probably use it on that new Helia, there's probably no way he'll say no.

Without another word Tecna got up not bothering to look back at her friend's victory look again." Have fun"! Flora called out while Tecna walked silently at the door.

Quickly Tecna to the closet mirror hanging around, immediately making sure her hair and make-up were in check. Usually she would never care how she looked around others, she liked her short hair her natural color make-up and her clothes no matter what Stella said. She liked who she was. But ever sense she met someone who could calculate the speed of a rocket just as fast as she could, made her more paranoid of who she was. She never wanted to admit that Timmy could make her blush just by the way he stares at her. Which is saying a lot because, no one has ever made her feel that way.

With a deep breath Tecna walked outside. And what she saw differently made her gasp.

No computers, no ship, no technology. Just Timmy.

Timmy smiled sheepishly as Tecna stared, he tried not to blush instead he walk towards her with no hesitant slowly grabbing her hand." I uh I was hoping you would want to out with me today"?

Tecna blink, trying to make sure all this was real and not so hologram or another day dream. She stared at her hand, feeling his smooth soft hands gently touch her." Um…I uh don't think I have to for a study date". She wanted to slap herself for saying that-though Timmy didn't look insulted her laughed a little still her holding her slightly tighter. "I wasn't planning on studying today", he said" I was hoping actually we could go dancing then afterwards we could walk around the park".

Dancing? "Uh Timmy I'm not really that good of a dancer".

"Neither am I", he smiled" but we'll be together and that's all that matters".

She froze at his words, slowly she started to blush on how he could say all this without stuttering or saying something about hard drives, or just blushing crazy like she was right now. Silently she nodded, letting out a dorky smile that Timmy mirror back and it was one of the most- cutest thing. With that they held hands walking away together.

Tecna didn't realize how much fun they had together. Once they got to the club the bouncers seemed to be in some friendly terms with Timmy, that Tecna was still trying to figure out why the bouncers laughed when he saw her. Once they got into the club, Tecna was a little shy to dance that's when Timmy started dancing with her. And he was actually a really good dancer! Tecna was surprised on how careless she started dancing right next him. It felt fun and relaxing, now she understood what Musa and Layla were talking about all these years! After wards they went to the park not once did Timmy get in real deep conversation about computers. They actually had a real conversation! She didn't want this date to end! But it had to as Timmy walk Tecna to the entrance of Alfea, it was dark already it was time for him to leave back to Red Fountain.

"Wow Timmy I had a really nice time tonight"! Tecna exclaimed

"Really"? Timmy couldn't hide his smile as she talked.

"Yes, maybe we could do this again next week or how about tomorrow or"- she stop talking once Timmy slowly move a small strand of hair from her face. Tecna froze, stay steadily as her heart hammered to realize in her wildest dreams that this was actually happening.

Slowly Timmy moved closer drawing Tecna closer to him, close an enough to feel his breath. She stopped, not knowing if Timmy was going to chicken out or close the distance.

Slowly Timmy closed the distance, having his lips easily glide along hers.

And it was great.

They didn't know how long they stayed that close to one another. Both never known anything, better but they're lips together.

In the back of his head, Timmy thanked Musa.

Slowly the pulled away, breathing in each other's scent. Neither of them wanted to leave, but neither of them had the nerve to go past curfew." I like to see you again tomorrow…if that's okay"?

"Of course it's okay". Tecna laughed softly. Hesitantly Tecna walked away with a smile on her face.

As soon as he known she left, Timmy let out a giant "YES"! Before jumping up and down and doing a victory dance all the way to Red Fountain.

Not far away on a bench near the two couple, but not so noticeable was Musa sitting with a please smile on her face. Watching how her work brought two people together. If only she could persuasive one other person." I know you're here. You can come out". She said,

Sulking he walked out of the shadows with a hard smirk muttering 'stupid sonar ears'. While slumping down on the bench beside her.

Musa just rolled her eyes," Why are you stalking me Riven"?

Riven raised an eyebrow smirking, that smirk that Musa found to be so hot." I'm not stalking you, I'm just making sure Timmy got good advice sense he didn't come to either of us".

Musa let out a humorless laugh," Maybe if you guys stopped teasing him he would have came to you".

Riven rolled his eyes, while Musa sighed." When are you done with the teasing"? She said quietly, Riven heard it despite of her silent voice. "What do you mean teasing"?

Musa sighed, not bothering to meet his gaze." Don't you think everyone else knows how we feel about each other"?

Riven's voice got caught in his throat, as he watched the most beautiful girl blush right next to him. He was unprepared for these feelings were not Riven's favorite subject. He didn't know how to answer, or how to breathe right now. He wanted more than it was good for him or her. He could be selfish grab her waist right now and kiss her all over. But if he was selfish, Musa wasn't she was too perfect to be selfish. A princess that deserved a prince and that wasn't him. It would be a mistake, if she was with him. So he couldn't be selfish, it wasn't fair to her.

So like the brute he was, he had to say the wrong thing." I don't know what you're talking about".

Musa blink twice trying to comprehend, what he saying." W-What"?

"I don't know what you're talking about Musa. You probably need to get your facts checked". With that he walked away before he could see the tears that were falling down her face.

She doesn't want him, she can't want him. He's not good an enough, she deserves better than him. Maybe someday they could be together. No not even then.

I know it's not a happy ending. But as I recall Musa and Riven didn't get together till the ending of the 2 season. So...maybe if I get a enough reviews I could write a sequel...maybe a happy sequel...just saying...