I do not own League of Legends, nor any characters created by RIOT games. I am not a RIOT Staff Member, if I was I'd be busy buffing Evelynn and getting the Stealth Rework done.

Author's Notes: This is the first piece of fan fiction I've done in years. Please rate and review, if I get positive feedback I am more likely to continue the story. Chapters may be a variety of lengths.

- Light and Dark -




The girl could only hear the rapid pulse of her heartbeat as she ran beneath the high canopy of trees that blotted out the sky, through the thick grass that went much higher than her body. She was being hunted. She knew it. Turning a corner sharply, her eyes went wide an instant before she smashed face first into a thick tree branch; her legs went flying forward, continuing their perpetual motion as the back of her head cracked against the ground wickedly, dazing her even more than she had been. Pain had literally wrapped itself around her skull, and she could swear her nose was broken. It certainly felt like it.

Forcing herself up, it was then that she heard it, the cold, murderous, ethereal voice that penetrated into the depths of her mind. It held no source, and all it did was mock her, with a deep, whispery laugh that no living being could make. Panic flooded her once more, as she whirled around, raising the small staff she wielded in a meek defense. Fearful sweat and dripping blood mixed on her body, as her rapid breathing filled her ears. There was no sound in the area. That alone, was a very, very wrong factor within a jungle. A flood of murderous intent loomed over her, and she swung around to find two white, pupil-lacking eyes staring back at her. She froze, and there was nothing she could do as the ghastly ethereal creature extended a blade from its arm straight into her gut, piercing clean through her. She couldn't even manage a scream as she was lifted up by the being… The Eternal Nightmare… She filled her lungs with one last gasp of air, tears beginning to stream down her face from the excruciating pain of the blade that had ripped through her organs and just as the creature put a second pointed blade between her eyes, about to thrust it into her…

Luxanna woke up with a scream. She was upright, sitting, and immediately her hands clutched at her stomach. She was alive. She took a moment to breathe, realizing that once again, she was in her room. She clutched at her sheets, the fabric soaked completely through with her sweat, along with the form-fitting night gown she had chosen to sleep in tonight. With a flick of her fingers, all of the lights in the room came on at once, a magical system she had arranged herself. It had been the same nightmare, the one that had haunted her every night for a month now, a repeating track of the staggering defeat she had suffered in her most recent match within Summoner's Rift. She had been hunted, targeted, and murdered repeatedly. Over. And over. And over. It hadn't stopped in the match either, it seemed, the cycle continuing in her slumber.

A knock came at her door, and she guessed who it was. She shimmied her way out of the fairly large bed she slept in, and made her way over to open it. Slitted pupils and dark skin greeted her, a fair inversion of the appearance of the Lady of Luminosity. It was Shyvana, the half-dragon that had made Demacia her home, and fought alongside them against Noxus.

"Sleeping well, I presume?" She asked sarcastically, knowing full well of the nightmare that had been terrorizing her.

"Beautifully," She sighed in response, opening the door completely for Shyvana to enter. The Half-Dragon stepped inside, quickly taking a seat at the dining table within Lux's room. Lux followed, but chose not to sit, obviously still shaken by her dream.

"I told you to go see one of the doctors about this. They may be crazy, but they get their job done."

"I don't need that sort of help. I can deal with this on my own, Shyvana. I don't need someone asking me prodding questions about my life to deal with nightmares."

"But this is no ordinary nightmare, Luxanna." Shyvana retorted, "This is the Eternal Nightmare. He isn't of this world. He may be sealed away in a Nexus Fragment, but we still know nothing of what he really is, or what sort of effects he can have upon a person. Many Summoners describe my true form as a frightening thing, however even I can fall victim to that creature's power."

"Shyvana. I'm not going." Lux responded firmly, putting her hands on her hips to emphasize the point, a movement that almost made the Half-Dragon roll her eyes. "Besides, what's a little darkness compared to the light?"

"Fine," Was the return, Shyvana standing to leave. "Lady of Luminosity, you should attempt to sleep. We have a match against Noxus at dawn." She walked to the door, but stopped at it suddenly, turning back to Lux. "Remember, shadows cannot exist without the light in the first place." With that parting comment, the reptilian woman left, closing the door behind her, leaving behind the blonde girl flustered by the comment, her only ability left to stick out her tongue at the door.

Standing for a moment, Luxanna went to return to her bed, which was separated from the main room by only a small partition. She crawled into it, lying upon the now cold sweat-soaked sheets. She didn't turn off the lights, and dawn seemed to arrive the moment she closed her eyes.