A/N: So...my friends…here we are. The last chapter of this fic, even though it took me almost a year to finish it! I want to thank everyone who took the time to read/review this fic. It really did mean a lot. Thank you SO, much. This fic did SO much better than I EVER expected it to. If you have a request for a Punk/AJ fic, then just PM me and I will try my very best to do whatever request you have in mind. :) However, please keep in mind that I'm extremely busy with school and work, and may not get to it right away. :) Here's chapter 17! Enjoy!

Chapter 17: Happily Ever After

Today was the day. It was AJ Lee's wedding day, and she felt sick to her stomach. She had never felt so nervous before. Not about anything. Today she would no longer be AJ Lee. She would become AJ Lee Brooks, and it would stay that way for the rest of her life.

She stood in the dressing room of the church where she would be getting married as she looked herself over. She thought that she looked beautiful, and for AJ, that wasn't easy to say. But today was her wedding day, so she made an exception.

She sigh heavily to herself as she messed with her hair, and watched it fall right back into place. "I'm going to throw up rainbows and a unicorn before today is over," AJ mumbled to herself. "Wonderful wedding present for a pair of newlyweds," she added.

AJ turned around as she heard Eve chuckle. "What's so funny?"

"Rainbows and a unicorn, huh? Very you…AJ." She smiled. "Don't worry about it too much. Punk loves you, and I bet Zack is having the same talk with him that I'm having with you right now. I'm sure that Punk is just as afraid as you are."

AJ nodded. "Do you think he wants to throw up rainbows and a unicorn too?"

Eve shook her head laughing. "Probably not."

CM Punk looked himself over in the mirror as he took a deep breath. He hated dressing up, but today was his wedding day, so he figured it was best not to complain about it.

He heard the door open and close softly, and saw Zack standing before him. "You're going to do just fine. Don't worry," the Long Island native gave him a warm smile, and patted his shoulder softly. "You know, everyone knew this was going to happen."

Punk rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his suits. "What if I forget my lines?"

"Your lines?" Zack laughed. "You only have one line, and that's 'I do'. There's nothing to worry about. Those two words are nothing compared to the pipebombs you drop every week," he smiled again.

Punk chuckled softly. "I know. But those two words are the biggest two words a man ever says to a woman…what if I pass out?"

"I'll catch you before you fall," he teased. "Now, on a serious note, I want to ask you your opinion on something."

"Okay, shoot."

"No, that's dangerous."

Punk laughed, shaking his head. "What do you want?"

"Do you think Eve would say yes to me if I ask her to marry me?" He asked softly. His facial expression had changed, and Punk could see that Zack meant what he was asking him. He was in love with Eve, and it was clear that Zack wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He had been in love with her for years. Everyone knew it.

"Of course she would say yes, Zack. She loves you. She really does."

Zack nodded as he pulled a box out of the pocket of his tux. "So, I guess it's a good thing I bought this then, isn't it?" He asked in a low whisper as he opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring inside of it.

Punk nodded. "It's a very good thing, Zack."

AJ was now standing in front of Punk as he looked back at her, his eyes wet with tears as he set his pride aside. She looked beautiful, and a few moments after this, she would be his for the rest of their lives.

The priest looked to Punk. "Would you like to go first, Phil?"

Punk nodded his head as he looked into AJ's eyes, his green eyes soft as he locked eyes with her before he spoke. "I, Philip Jack Brooks, take you, April Jeanette Mendez, to be my wife, knowing in my heart that you will be a faithful friend and a loving companion. On this special day, in the presence of our relatives and our friends as witnesses, I give to you my sacred vow that I will always be with you and support you, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow. I promise to love you completely, to console and comfort you during difficult times, to laugh with you and to grieve with you to share with you life's simplest but most enduring pleasures, to be truthful and honest with you, and to cherish you, for as long as we both shall live." As he spoke his vows to her, his voice was soft, and he gave her a warm smile as he watched AJ no longer fight the tears that were falling from her brown eyes. But they were tears of joy.

"April, are you ready?" The priest asked after a few moments.

AJ nodded as she locked eyes with Punk, just like he finally had with her before she spoke. "I, April Jeanette Mendez, take you, Philip Jack Brooks, to be my husband, knowing in my heart that you will be a faithful friend and a loving companion. On this special day, in the presence of our relatives and our friends as witnesses, I give to you my sacred vow that I will always be with you and support you, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow. I promise to love you completely, to console and comfort you during difficult times, to laugh with you and to grieve with you to share with you life's simplest but most enduring pleasures, to be truthful and honest with you, and to cherish you, for as long as we both shall live." AJ now had tears soaking her face. But she didn't bother to wipe them away, because she knew that the love the two of them had was real, and that forever would be starting for the two of them today.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said softly, and Punk's lips were on AJ's, and he kissed her like he meant forever.

Punk and AJ walked into their reception party, being welcomed with many loud cheers. Soon after, Angel's Brought Me Here by Guy Sebastian came over the DJ's speakers, and tears formed in AJ's eyes. "Oh baby," she said softly. "This song is so beautiful…" she whispered. "I love this song so much."

"I know you do," he said as he took her by the hand, and led her onto the dance floor. "That's why I picked it for our first dance." He smiled slightly as AJ fit into him perfectly as he held her close, and they swayed to the music.

Zack Ryder sat happily beside Eve Torres as he watched his two friends dance. He asked Punk the night before the wedding if the second song that was played could be This I Promise You by Nsync so he would be able to ask Eve to marry him during that song, and Punk had granted him his wish.

Before he knew it, This I Promise You was now blasting through the speakers, and that was his cue. "Eve, will you dance with me?" He asked softly.

Eve nodded as she took Zack's hand into her own, and allowed him to lead her out to the dance floor. "Call me old school, but I love this song." Eve said softly as she rested her head in his chest, and they began to sway to the opening notes beside AJ and Punk who were lost in their own world of bliss.

"I do too," Zack agreed, running his fingers through her hair. "It explains how I feel about you."

Eve lifted her head out of Zack's chest as she gave him a warm smile, and kissed him softly. "I love you, Zack."

"I love you too, Eve. More than you'll ever know."

Zack then made brief eye contact with Punk who nodded. This was his time. It was now or never.

"Hey Eve, can I ask you something?" Zack asked in a soft tone.

Eve nodded as she lifted her head out of his chest. "Of course, babe, you can ask me anything. What is it?"

Zack took a deep breath as he took his shaking left hand out of his pocket. He dropped down before Eve onto one knee, and looked into her eyes. "I know this may be a little crazy…but I've heard that sometimes…love is crazy. You make me crazy, Eve. But in the best way possible, you're the girl I've been looking for all my life…and even though I was hurt by a girl who I thought loved me…I didn't know what love was until I found you, and now that I found you, now that I know the meaning of true, real, love, I can never let you go again. I have, and want to spend the rest of my life with you more than anything. I know that you've been hurt, too. But I swear to you that I will take care of you for the rest of my life, and treat you like the princess you are. This I promise you." He whispered. "So, Eve…baby…will you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me? Eve Marie Torres, will you marry me?"

A slight gasp left Eve's lips as her hand covered her mouth, and tears were rolling down her cheeks. She was speechless. "Yes….baby…of course I'll marry you." She finally managed to choke out as she watched Zack slide the breathtaking ring on her finger. "Oh baby, it's so beautiful," she whispered.

Zack smiled as he covered her mouth with his own, kissing her softly. "Just like you." He whispered against her lips before kissing her again. "Just like you."

AJ, who was still next to them, could no longer hold back her squeals. "I knew this was gonna happen! I knew it!" She exclaimed. "You two are so cute together!" She hugged them both tightly. "I'm so happy for you guys! This really is the best day ever, isn't it?" She turned to Punk, smiling warmly.

She looked into the guys of her husband, knowing she was going to spend the rest of her life with him. He brought her back into the warmth of his embrace as he swayed to the music, and Zack and Eve swayed along beside them.

Everyone finally got their true happily ever after. Zack and Eve found each other in their time of need, and put the broken pieces of one another back together. As for Punk and AJ, well…Punk learned a lesson. Punk may have been AJ's rock, but there was doubt in his mind that she was his savior.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this fic. :') A squeal, maybe? Classes for me finally are done at the end of the end of June, and all I have to worry about in the summer is work, which will leave me more time to write! :) Let me know in your comments if you would like a squeal. If enough people want one, then I'll start one. :) Once again, thanks again for reading, don't forget to review! – Melly.