It had been a month since the Light attacked and things were going pretty good for the team, even with the more missions they got. The league was determined to find out what happened during those missing 16 hours.

It was just like any other day in the cave. Megan and Connor were in the kitchen and making out. Robin and Zatanna were sparring, but were also kissing. Wally and Artemis were sitting watching a movie and would sometimes end up making out. And Kaldur and Rocket were in the indoor swimming pool, surprisingly not kissing.

Their relationship hadn't really started yet, since Kaldur was still getting over Tula. He had even told Rocket all of this, but she understood and was willing to wait until he was ready. She knew that it took time to get over your first love, and she was willing to wait for him.

Everyone was paired up on the team for the most part. I mean, when you put eight teenagers on a team together did you not think they were going to develop feelings for each other. Although the Justice League knew about the team's relationships with each other, they were still skeptical about the whole thing.

Then the computer announced Batman's arrival into the cave. Everyone then left what they were doing, got changed, and meet him in the briefing room. "Tonight, Queen Bee is meeting with Bane and the leader of the Kobra cult. I need you guys to figure out what they are doing. Radio silence at all time. This is a recon mission, but if necessary engage. Got it, go," Batman said. With that, he left the left the cave.

And with that, they all headed for the bioship. They were all so used to this that they didn't really need to talk about what to do. They had done this all a million times, and so it was supposed to be an easy mission. But they couldn't have been more wrong.