
Iroh blinked awake. He stared at his ceiling, and then found the dark silhouette of the Avatar sitting on the edge of his bed. His red coat was draped over her bare shoulders and he quite liked the look of it. Idly he wondered if he could convince her to wear red more often. He thought of her wearing Fire Nation red robes, something feminine, and curvy but suitable for fighting.

He quite liked the idea.

Iroh pushed those thoughts away, and briefly studied the curve of her in the pale morning light that tripped through the closed curtains of his quarters.

He tilted her head as she turned a page of a book.

Korra? Reading? He looked at her bemused and then sat up quietly, craning his neck to look over her shoulder.

She closed the book.

"Good morning." She murmured turning to kiss him before he could say anything.

Her deepened the kiss, so that when they broke apart Korra looked at him, flushed and panting quietly.

"Good morning." He said back. "What are you reading?"

Korra frowned and averted her eyes, blushing. "Something, for Avatar's only."

"Ah." Iroh nodded, then placed his hand over hers. "May I?"

Korra's shoulder's slumped. "I don't think-"

But Iroh has already slipped the book out of her hands and began to flip through it.

After a long moment he stopped looked at Korra and raised one thick brow at her.

The a fore mentioned Avatar buried her head in a pillow an groaned.


"A girl needs romance sometimes." she muttered.
"And I give you none?"

"Iroh, you give me sex."

"So does this book apparently," He remarked dryly though his cheeks colored delicately when he skimmed over a particularly descriptive passage.

Korra huffed softly, and Iroh shifted over her.

"Shall I compare your beauty to the sun my love, or the moon-"

Korra scowled and flung the covers away, "I will kill you, Iroh. I will murder you in the most painful way possible."

"What? I'm just reading from your book. Isn't that the kind of thing you want me to tell you?"

"Iroh. You will be dead. Stop."

"Nay, my sweet, sweet lover, thy beauty mmph-"

"Huh, I guess pillows are super effective on asshole generals." Korra snarked.

Iroh let out a muted chuckle at her antics.