So, I quickly fell in love with the couple Spacosity, because I love Space core and Curiosity core to death, and they seem like they would get along fantastically! So, yes. This is my attempt at a Portal fanfic that actually makes some sense. Hehe. (Not saying others' fanfics don't make sense, I'm saying most of mine don't. lol)

There had been the bored glare, there had been the angry snarling and barking, there had been the monotonous cake ingredients, and there had been the bombardment of questions.


"Fish shaped… toxic materials…"

"Ooh, what's that? What is that? Do you smell something burning?"

And then they'd all been dumped into a hole which quickly became a tunnel. And the heat had grown more intense with every second they continued to fall. Curiosity knew immediately where they were all headed, and with that thought confirmed by the heat, she'd screamed at the top of her audio processors the entire way down. This was the end. They were all going to die. She was going to die!

Why had that lady thrown her down? Hadn't she known this would mean death for them all? Or maybe she had known and in which case, that kind of made Curiosity a bit sad. But, the horrible terror left little room for sadness.

To make the matter worse, in order to burn to death in the incinerator, it would require them to all be sitting down there for a long time. An incredibly slow, painful death awaited them all and this was the only time Curiosity ever wished she hadn't been build to withstand up to 4000 degrees Kelvin.

If she was going to burn to death- actually, if any kind of death was to be involved- she would've preferred it to be quick and painless if the third option of not dying wasn't available. All of this came to her automatically and as quick as they were falling, and she only had time to think about it for a few moments before the heat started to hurt really bad. She shut her eye and prepared for the unbearable pain that she was about to endure. And then-


Curiosity opened her eye and looked around frantically. They had stopped. But how? How had they stopped? Why was it now actually darker than it had been before? She gazed down and found the answer. Anger and Morality had been right next to one another when they approached the narrow opening and become lodged into it, leaving them stuck in this tunnel that lead to death by fire.

Logic core was right above them, and Curiosity was balanced on top of him. As soon as they'd gotten stuck, everyone had stopped screaming. Anger core was silent for once in his life, and Logic core was moving his optic around lazily, taking in the surroundings.

"It appears… we have… broken the fall… by lodging two cores… into the opening…" he said flatly. Curiosity would've grimaced if she'd had a face. His voice had always struck her as creepy, and this was no exception.

"Isn't that obvious?" Curiosity asked him.

"We should… make cake…"

"How do you expect to do that? How are we going to get out of here? How can you think of cake at a time like this?"

"I have a recipe…" Anger started to growl. Curiosity knew he wanted Logic to just be quiet for awhile. They were all in shock, although it was hard to tell with Morality. She looked about the same as she'd always looked: bored and uninterested.

"Is it hot down there? Does it burn?" Curiosity asked Anger and Morality. Morality simply glanced her way, before turning her attention to the fire below, which Curiosity couldn't see well. Anger didn't respond; he was also staring into the orange abyss and Curiosity started to feel thankful that she couldn't see it.

"It's a long one…" Logic continued. "It begins with two sacks of flour…"

"Can't you just be silent for awhile? Please?" Curiosity asked.

"I don't have an answer… for that question…"

"Why not? How can you not have an answer?" Curiosity started to get slightly aggravated, which only aggravated her more. This emotion was for Anger to experience, and look how he acted because of it. She preferred to stay curious.

What she didn't know was that she would be stuck in here for a long, long time…


That was his goal, his dream. Space was the only thing he ever talked about. He almost never even thought of anything else. The other defective cores who were awake had long since abandoned the hope that he would rant about something else. Anything else!

"Space! Going to space; can't wait! Yes, goingtospace. Space, space, spacespacespace. Ba ba babababa, ba ba ba baba…"

"Can't you shut up for one freaking second?" Rick yelled.

"I'm the best at space."

"At least talk about something else! Talk about girls or adventures or shaving or… me! Ya know, man stuff!"

"Wanna see the stars."

"Yeah? Well, you know what I wanna see?"

"Fact: Nobody wants to know that." Fact piped up.

"Shut up, Four-Eyes!" Rick snapped.

"Galaxies, meteors, stars." Space continued.

"That's it. I refuse to believe that you're literally talking about space. For my next adventure, I will decipher the code you are speakin' in!"

"Needa rocket ship. Needa rocket ship to gotospace!"

"Whadaya mean by that?"

"Space." Space seemed so happy and unaware of the other cores. His optic twirled around gleefully. "I'm going to space!"

"Fact: Space does not exist." Fact said.

"Yesitdoes!" Space protested. "I'm going to space! Space is big! And there's stars! And I'm going to space!"

"No, you're not!" Rick yelled.


"You know what? I hope you explode." Rick said, quickly giving up his attempt at trying to find some kind of code meaning to Space's rambling. "Yeah, that's right. I hope GLaDOS takes her giant claw, picks you up, drops you in a big box with glass walls, and then bows you up. And we can watch. It would be SO funny. Ya know why? Because, it's much more ENTERTAINING THAN LISTENING TO YOU TALK ABOUT SPACE!"

Having been stuck in that cage with only a simple-minded core who was obsessed with space and a weird pompous core who's facts didn't even make sense half the time, Rick was at the brink of insanity. He should be in a room full of pretty ladies, not a cage with a bunch of deactivated cores and a couple of fast-talking retards as his only companions!

"Space if fun. Space is the best. Let'sgotospace!" Space continued, having ignored Rick's entire little speech, which only angered him.

"GAAAHHH!" Rick screamed.

"Fact: You need to calm down before you explode." Fact said.

"Fact: If I had a pair o' legs, I would kick you so many times that your face would implode!" Rick turned to Space. "And you! I changed my mind! I don't want you to explode! I want you to catch on fire!"

Rick feared he really would spend the rest of his life screaming his hatred towards the other two cores. There was nothing else to do and they were really starting to rub him the wrong way. They were stuck in a big cage with no limbs of any kind to assist them so Rick couldn't even move away from the two of them, even a little. He was doomed to listen to Fact's stupid comments and Space's constant obsessive shouting without any pretty ladies for the rest of his functioning life.

Or so he'd thought.

Cleaning up the facility had begun as the most horribly irritating thing GLaDOS could've possibly had to do. The facility was a total wreck, complete with plants growing through the walls and the ceilings literally falling apart. Half of the wall panels sat piled on the floor like they had nothing else to do. There was water everywhere. There were holes everywhere. Not to mention, the wing made entirely of glass… which was broken to tiny little bits.

And no test subjects.

The thought had been so appalling for awhile, so GLaDOS had allowed herself to have the most fun she could with taunting Chell before dropping her down to test. Chell, the human that had killed her. GLaDOS had been so happy to see her again, so that she could at least make her life miserable while she, admittedly, had a rough time herself having to clean up the facility. Waking up without being able to locate Chell again was something GLaDOS was glad she didn't have to think about.

The first and most noticeable thing to do was to clear out the pipe systems that carried all the cubes, gel, and other stuff that got stuck in them, such as the bunches of turrets that had somehow gotten stuck in there. She'd began with trying to force everything to go through, but when that hadn't worked- everything insisted on getting all clogged up- she'd decided on reversing the suction and pulling everything into one big, huge dump to be organized by the systems that were created specifically for organizing things so she didn't have to.

As she did this, she returned to her thoughts.

At least she had Chell to test. Besides, she was different than other test subjects. She was better than ordinary test subjects. She was determined. She never gave up, no matter what. And yes, she was always up for an escape and some destroying, but GLaDOS wouldn't allow her to escape. It wouldn't fly to simply let her go out of fear ,just because she'd killed her once.

And that was when it dawned on her: she only needed one test subject. And this particular test subject would give her all the satisfaction she needed. That little… monster had ruined everything before, and now GLaDOS had to clean it all up. By herself. So, if she had to do that, then Chell had to provide a good reason to, by testing… for the rest of her life. Eventually, GLaDOS could round up some other humans to test for her, but none of them would compare to Chell.

And GLaDOS was going to enjoy watching her test…

Please tell me what you think. I'll be uploading the next chapter soon, but I want to know how you like it. If I messed up any facts about the game or anything. Especially the 5000 degrees Kelvin thing. I heard that online but I couldn't find it anywhere when I looked it up. So, if it's wrong, please tell me, and I'll correct it. ^^


Fixed it after GLaDOS tried to kill me.