This was a random idea that came to me last night, I didn't want to forget it so I just typed up the first chapter and posted it. I now have no idea how the rest of the story is going to go... . So forgive me if it goes kinda slow for a while.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
"Hurry up Kagome, you still haven't sorted this merchandise!"
"I'm coming grandpa!" I run over, muttering angrily to myself, "That's it Kagome, you've got to find yourself a better job and stop dealing with this bull-"
"What was that Kagome?" Grandpa glares at from across the aisle, signaling that he had actually heard every word I had said, "Er, nothing grandpa."
"You know, I really wouldn't mind if you found yourself a better job, then maybe you can finally move out!"
I cast him a withering look, "You don't like having me around, grandpa?"
"Of course I do, but you're 21, Kagome."
I sigh, yeah, that is pretty sad I guess. "I know grandpa, I'm working on it."
"Hey Kagome, what would you say if we hired another worker?"
I gasp, "Grandpa, you're replacing me?"
"No," Grandpa crosses his arms, "I just think it would be nice if we had someone more diligent about work around here."
"God damn this, damn it to the deepest pits of hell." I mutter to myself as I flip through the help wanted ads in the newspaper. Of all the things my father could do, he chose to send me out here to live with all these... common people. With only 1000 dollars no less; seeing that my rent alone is $600, I realized I needed a job. That, or marry my landlady's daughter which she had hinted very strongly at.
Of course, I had a perfectly good job, working for my father at InuYoukai Corps., but apparently, I have to stop working there now that I've been cut off. I still remember the conversation as if it had been last week, which it had been.
I had been sitting at my desk in my office, working out my father's financial records, when he flounces in. "How are you, Sesshomaru?" He proceeds to sit at the edge of my desk like a woman trying to flirt. I glance up, "How are you, father? Buying a Lamborghini Reventon at $1,600,000 must have done you some good."
He grins, "Sometimes, you have to live a little, son. Which reminds me..." He then told me that, to be a good CEO, I must understand my customers. So, any ties I had with my family and the company would be cut, and I would be forced to live among the common folk. With the aforementioned mere $1000. I have yet to understand how he could connect 'living a little' to cutting me off.
When I left the office, I found a Prius was sitting in my parking spot instead of my Mercedes- Benz.
At home, I managed to get in our code- activated front gate, but every single lock on our doors had been changed, so had the lock to our garages, which contained my Porsche. There were two suitcases at the front door with my name on it, and held my clothes, shoes, and other necessities.
My father also left a hand written note inside saying that these were all the things I would need to survive in the 'real world'. He ended it with a smiley face, and signed with a heart and InuPapa.
I crumpled up the note and stuffed it in my jacket, planning to burn it along with my father's corpse later.
I was driving around when I noticed a TENENTS NEEDED sign on the front lawn of an apartment. The rest is history.
I growl to myself, but remember that I had things to sort out now. I flip back and look through the ads I had circled with a red pen. I would go around tomorrow and submit applications.
Lol, I know next to nothing about cars so I just winged that part. ^^