It's been forever! But I'm back. You thought I'd abandoned you but no, I'd just started college and was really lazy. I barely edited that last bit in my haste to publish tonight (it was all for you sarcasm110011!). Just enjoy the fact I updated something this year.

Oh and I know some people like having music that goes in a scene and some don't so you can listen to this if you want. When Glimmer puts on the song its Down with the trumpets by Rizzle Kicks, incidentally a Brighton band and the music video is about getting high and is shot in Brighton so watch it here if you like: watch?v=8ip8OsExLJs


Sugarangelcookies: I think I might change the warnings at the beginning to 'don't do anything that the characters of this fic do'. Haha. Well I don't know, I guess it's more normal behaviour in the UK than the US but pot isn't a big deal here.

sarcasm110011: Cloveniss ftw! Sorry it's been ages I'm so lazy and crap.

Mary Gaga: I'm not leaving! Sorry it's been ages I'm just useless. I'm so sorrrrry!

Yodel: :)

NoName: Thank you!

Clovniss: Haha likin' the quote. Thanks!

BFCL: At the beginning I mentioned Peeta as what she's trying to escape from by going on the trip, so no. But I don't know, if I continue this after the trip is over I might include him. But my only nod to straight pairings of Katniss was Gale cause canon pairings are boring lol ;)

Clovenisslove: Welcome to the Cloveniss fanclub, free cookie :3

Al: S'okay, welcome back!

katnixx:Thanks, I love Clove in this I want her to be my girlfriend, fuck Katniss ;)

CACNTommyBoi: INTENSE REVIEWER. You get extra love for your awesome amount of reviews! Hehe I aim to make you laugh, I wonder if people get my humour sometimes though, but ah well. Well I'm actually basically stealing situations from my own life (in fact situations form this one school trip with this one girl) and writing them down here with Clove and Katniss so you're not the only one! If you read something awkward or bad chances are it's from my life, if you read something good happen chances are it's not :P

Blind dates are fine, blind dates from Glimmer are another matter. Yeah Katniss is thick, but aren't we all when it comes to our own feelings? You can drink here? That's great. I CAN'T. :( Another example of me writing them doing what I wish I could do. Haha they're lives are exciting, personally I think spread whats happening over like a month and then you have a normal persons life. You have a friend like Clove, well I'm writing Clove as one of my friends she English? :P Yeah I've had quite a lot of the shock on the getting high's really not that much of a big deal here, I wasn't trying to be controversial...

Slambage: :D

Guest: Here it is :)

RandomFandom5: Yeah I mentioned that first chapter, sorry I should make it more obvious. Cato/Marvel. One of my favourite pairings. Something might be arranged.

Guest: sorrrrrrrry

sociopath1978: Where is the fun if I tell you that? And you'll find out what's going on with Clove's sexuality later...

I spent much of the afternoon stuck in my own head thinking and over thinking the coming evening. Mellissa was not helping, she wastes no opportunity to remind me of the possible dangers, even somehow finding a 'just say no' leaflet which was pointedly left on my bed. After scrunching it up into a ball I decide to leave the hotel, room so I wouldn't show Clove how very nervous I was. In the deserted reception, I use the ancient computer to look up tips on how to do it properly. The results range from 'hey just relax man and have a good time' to 'DON'T DO DRUGS YOU'LL DIE' neither of which are particularly helpful. I give up at around seven and I'm preparing to clear the internet history when I hear Miss. Trinkets kitten heels pacing across the hotel lobby towards me. An epically fast minimize leaving me with facebook open has me in the clear, and smiling probably unnecessarily at Miss. Trinket as she approached.

"Oh hello Katniss, staying in are we?" She asks approvingly.


"Good, good. I can always rely on you to be sensible, not like your friend Glimmer." She frowned at Glimmer's name but finished with a trusting smile. "Try and have some fun this holiday though Katniss!"

"I'll try." I give her a painfully fake grin. Her trust in me is heart breaking.

"Well I'm having an early night. I'll see you at breakfast. Night dear." She trotted of happily leaving me feeling very very guilty. It's true I've never been in serious trouble before but it was more for lack of opportunity than actually trying to be good. I shut down the computer and drift back to the room entirely undecided on whether to even go through with tonight. Just as I am about to enter the hotel room Clove bursts out of it.

"Hey Katniss, I was just coming to get you I'm going over to Cato's now."

"Oh. Right, well about that-" I try weakly but Clove's next words interrupt me.

"I'm so glad you're coming tonight, Cato's starting to get really intense, I need someone to deflect the attention a bit and you know Glimmer will be no use."

"Oh so that's why you invited me then, human shield purposes?" I reply in mock offense although her snipe at Cato has buoyed my mood considerably.

"Yeah, you really were the best option. Foxy is all skin and bones and Rue and Delly are too small to be of any use." She shoots back sarcastically.

"Oh it's great to know my company means so much to you."

"Oh I luv you really Katniss!" She puts on the voice you usually talk to pets with and traps me in a side hug.

"Okay! Okay! Let me go!" I laugh trying to push her away my heart beating out of my chest. She finally realises me after planting a kiss on my head.

"You messed up my hair." I complain trying to flatten it.

We've walked all the way to Glimmer's room without me remembering I was trying to get out of going this evening. But it was too late to back out now really. Anyway, she doesn't want to be stuck with just Cato and I am not going to leave her in the lurch.

Glimmer's presence mars my enjoyment of the conversation slightly but I find she doesn't annoy me quite as much as usual. My mood has taken a turn for the hyped up nervous, I wonder if I even need to take anything when my own personal 'Clove' drug is pulsing through my veins already. Soon we are creeping along the boy's corridor. I don't think we're technically not allowed to be there, but the whole things seems like a secret affair so we may as well start now. Clove raps lightly on the door of the correct room and the it's opened quickly by Marvel, like they've been waiting for our arrival.

As soon as we're inside I can smell the distinctive sweet smell of weed and can tell they've started without us. Glimmer immediately attached herself to Marvel, pulling him back onto a bed she must already be familiar with and resting her head on his lap lovingly as he rolls a joint on the bedside table. I hope they've thought this through, I can so easily see them spilling the tell tale green leaves onto the carpet for them to be discovered later by a teacher. Just relax Katniss.

"Oh, uh, you can sit down...somewhere." Marvel has noticed the fact Clove and I are still hovering near the doorway in one of the few patches of floor that was not covered in dirty washing and miscellaneous belongings of the various inhabitants of this room. You'd think they would at least cleaned up a little before inviting us over. Or maybe this is cleaner than what it is usually.

Clove flicks some shirts of the corner of a bed distastefully with the very tip of her nails and settles herself there. I follow suit just as a loud yell from the bathroom doorway signals the entrance of my least favourite person.

"Glimmer, Clove, Katniss!" Cato yells like seeing us is a huge surprise even though he invited us. "Alright, seems like everyone's here and we can finally get started."

By this point, he has bounded over to us like an overgrown puppy greeting Glimmer, Clove and then me. He raises his hand probably for some kind of jock greeting but I just give him a withering look until he lets his hand fall. Unperturbed he sits right down next to me, one hand resting obnoxiously on the bed behind me.

"I told you I'd find a dealer." He talks to Clove over the top of me leaving me awkwardly sandwiched in the middle of their conversation, seriously how rude. He's practically sitting on top of me anyway as the bed sags in the middle sliding us together but as he leans over to talk to Clove more directly I am close to physically shoving him out of my face.

"Well done, what do I owe you."

"Oh this trips on me. But you did doubt my ability to get it, so I think you owe me some grovelling."

"-seriously Cato some personal space-" I cut in.

"Oh sorry Katniss." He shifts back about an inch that doesn't really help but he either doesn't hear or doesn't acknowledge my sigh of annoyance.

"What kind of grovelling did you have in mind?" Clove gives him one of her slow smiles.

"You know the usual, Cato you're the best, how did I ever doubt you, that kind of thing."

"Hey don't let him make you grovel too much, any idiot could have done what he did, this place is crawling with dealers." Interjected Marvel from across the room.

"Shut up." Cato chucked a pillow across at Marvel, which he caught before it hit him.

"Oh I guess that means you don't want the first hit, that's too bad." Marvel lit up much to Cato's annoyance. Marvel took a couple of hits before making a move like he was going to pass it to Cato, then in fact passing it to Glimmer. Well at least Cato glowering at Marvel was distracting him from Clove.

I watch closely as Glimmer took a drag hoping to figure out what to do before it was my turn and consequently not make an idiot of myself. She seems to know what she's doing, I had been hoping her uselessness would take the heat of me but apparently I'm the only first time smoker in the room. I try and remain cool, but the nerves have to leak out somewhere and I find I'm clutching my hand so tight its turned white. I quickly release them, shaking off the numbness.

Glimmer's done and passed on to Cato, probably because he looks so pissed off. Glimmer leans back lazily on the bed, her eyes half closed a smile decorating her face. Well she seems to be enjoying it. The pointless babble of slightly drugged conversation flows around me as I quietly freak out. But too soon Cato's slightly sweaty fingers graze mine as he passes the joint to me. I take a last deep breath but the air of the room is already infected so it doesn't steady me much. I am literally about to take a drag when it's snatched from my fingers.

"Let me go first." Clove snatches the smoking joint, holding it expertly between her pale fingers.

"Hey!" I protest weakly, although I'm only too happy to have the inevitable moment delayed.

She just flashes me a quick smile before raising the joint to her lips and sucking in the smoke. She holds it in for a good few seconds before breathing out in a little cloud, her head tilted back.

"It only really works if you hold it in your lungs." She remarks apparently randomly.

"Why are you telling us how to smoke?" Laughs Glimmer but Clove just smiled enigmatically and hands back the joint to me. I try to do exactly what Clove did, bringing the edge of the joint already damp with Clove's saliva to my lips and sucking in. The smoke burns my throat and makes my eyes water but I refuse to let myself choke and hold the smoke in my lungs for as long as I can bear. When I feel I might suffocate, I breathe out and with a great amount of will power, I don't cough. Proudly I pass the joint back to Clove feeling heady.

"Just the one hit? It was barely worth you coming." Marvel laughed.

"I'm pacing myself; I don't want to end up acting like a complete idiot when the evenings barely started." Like you, I added in my head. The rest of the room seemed to get my gist too though as I looked pointedly at Marvel, a little smirk of my own playing at my lips. I don't know where the words came from, but they were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"Ohhh burn dude." Chortled Cato and even Glimmer giggled at my unexpected bitchiness. Marvel looked a bit pissed off but my victory over him had found me a new confidence. I was being ridiculous panicking earlier, I just needed to relax and enjoy the moment. I glanced nervously over at Clove who was still sitting with the joint dangling lazily from her pale fingers and she gave me a small smile. The infinitesimal signal of approval sent my heart bouncing like a little school kid who'd been given a gold star.

"That's three tokes." Marvel grabbed the joint back from Clove who let it go with raised eyebrows at his petty annoyance. Apparently, Marvel was one of those who could give it out but couldn't take it. Glimmer tried to cheer him up by giving him a sloppy kiss on the cheek but he just jerked away from her touch. Glimmer rolled her eyes and leaped up from the bed.

"Who's up for some music?" We mumbled our acquiescence and she climbed over the suitcases and shoes to the iPod speakers to put on something with a heavy beat that instantly lifted the mood of the room. Or maybe everyone was just happier because they were higher. Is that the right word? Highererer. I giggle. God I'm giggling at my own thoughts. Luckily, no one seems to notice because Glimmer is now dancing in the centre of the room in her typical Glimmer way. The sight of Glimmer bumping and grinding to the beat seems to have cheered up Marvel no end.

"Clove you going to perform for us as well?" Cato's saying. Oh you perve; if I were Clove I'd punch him. Or at least tell him were to stick it.

"If you're lucky. But only if you go first."


"You heard me." There was a challenge in her eye.

"Okay then." Cato got up from the bed, feeling the air with his outstretched fingers unsteadily. He then proceeded to slowly take his jacket off which earned a whoop from Glimmer. Then he showed himself to be literally the worst dancer I have ever seen. There was a lot of hand waving and swaying so all in all it looked like he was trying to ward of a hive of angry bees. Me and Clove exchanged one look and we were both cracking up laughing.

"Is this the weed or is he normally this bad?" Gasped out Clove between laughs but Marvel was spasming with too much laughter to answer.

"Come on." Clove dragged me from my seat as I still found myself uncontrollably laughing, someone shoved the joint back into my hand at some point because I took a drag again. Then we were dancing and everything was turning and Clove's hair was glistening blue and gold in the crappy fluorescent lighting and the floor felt like it was moving under me. The only thing grounding me was the feeling of Clove's hand on me, guiding me. Another drag. All nervousness is gone, I just feel really happy, like everything is going right. Because I'm finally letting go and having a good time, and Clove's here with me, for now at least.

Different people speak to me, they always seem to be laughing, the songs ended but we're still moving around the room to the rhythm of our own racing hearts. Time seems to fly but at the same time, no time has passed at all. I drift in and out of disconnected conversations that make varying degrees of sense.

"...I think I could really make it as an actor, you know. Like in commercials and stuff, I've got the face for it."

"Totally. Do you think I should get highlights?"

"Yes. So anyway..."

Marvel and Glimmer spin off somewhere and I'm sitting down on a bed, who's bed I have no idea and I really don't care.

" you think I actually have a chance, honestly?" I hadn't even been aware Cato was sitting next to me until he started speaking. Or maybe he was speaking before and I didn't notice because I don't care what he has to say.

"With who?"

"Clove. You're her friend, right?"

"Yeah...she's very, um, secretive. She doesn't talk about her feelings much; I don't know what to tell you."

"Okay. I get it. Hey maybe she'll be more willing since I landed her some weed, huh?"

I don't know who he thinks he's talking to but he meets a stony look in reply. I leave him on the bed, to stand by the open window. I still feel distinctly floaty and it's like I'm seeing a new meaning in the stars tonight.




"What?" I grin at Clove. It took me a while to realise I needed to answer.

"Are you okay?"

"Never better!" I can't seem to suppress the grin that is on my face.

"Oh, I can tell." She seems to be suppressing a giggle herself. "Come on, let's get you some water."

Now that she mentioned it's my throat is burning so I let her drag me into the ensuite and sit me down on the edge of the bath. It feels burning cold under my legs in contrast to the overheated room. The lights burn paths in my eyes as I twist my head to watch them float in front of my vision.

"Here you go." A glass of water is pushed into my hands and I take a quick gulp ending up spilling some down my top.

"Thanks Clove, you're always so...great."

A part of my undrugged up brain is embarrassed by the stupid words coming out of my mouth but not enough of a part to stop me. Clove is laughing half at me and half cause she's probably in the same state I am, before flopping down onto the tub next to me and answering.

"No problem, first time doing weed you need someone looking out for you."

"Who said it was my first time?"

"Katniss it was so obvious."

"Great." I murmur sarcastically.

"Oh now you're offended. Jesus you need to lighten up." I heard her grumbling next to me. "Wait I know how to cheer you up."

Suddenly out of nowhere, she reached out a hand to pull our faces together and she was kissing me before I knew what was happening. My overly magnified senses went crazy as every brush of contact of her hands wound in my hair or our knees bumping together sent a thousand warm tingles through my body like our lips were connecting some kind of electrical circuit. I was pushed backwards by the force of the kiss and actually almost slipped backwards into the bathtub but I thankfully regained my balance to avoid an embarrassing concussion incident. But it did mean we stopped kissing long enough for my brain to catch up to my senses.

"Wait, Clove what are you doing?"

"Cheering you up." As I lean backwards she leans forward not relinquishing her hold on me just yet.

"You can't just kiss someone to cheer them up!" I squeak trying to focus on that and not flicker down to look again at Clove's perfect lips that were still far too close for me to concentrate.

"I can and I just did. Are you telling me it didn't work?"

"Well no-"

"Good. It's not like we haven't kissed before."

"Clove! You know that doesn't count."

"Look are you saying you want me to stop." She leans away now and I panic, realising that is the exact opposite of what I want right now.

"No." I say in a small voice I'm not even sure she hears. But with a shaking breath, I show her how I feel as I lean forward with a drug-borrowed confidence, the shiny white bathroom tiles on the walls feel like they're inverting in on me as I place a soft kiss against Clove's mouth. I can feel her smile against my lips before she takes control again. Keeping our lips connected as the kisses become more frantic Clove stands up so she can stand with her whole body pressed against mine as I sit on the edge of the bath still. I start slightly when she forces her tongue into my mouth but the sensation is surprisingly pleasant. This is not some brief kiss with our friends laughing around us, now it's just us and this is finally real. She shifts slightly to hold me up better and her leg rubs against my crotch making my insides jump in a very good way. Then a yell interrupts and the moment is lost.

"What the fuck are you doing in there? I need to use the bathroom!"Marvel yells.

We freeze breathing heavily, Clove's hands still wrapped round my neck, heads turn to stare at the door at the same time. My minds spinning. I was just kissing Clove. Like really properly. Obviously, Clove is the one to snap out of the trance first.

"It's a bathroom, what do you think we're doing?"

"Both of you? What the fuck?"

"You're just jealous I'd never drop my pants in the same room as you Marvel."

I bite my lip to hide my laughter. There's a short pause while Marvel tries and fails to think of a comeback.

"Well...just hurry up cause I need to take a piss like right now!"

Clove rolls her eyes before lending a hand to help me down from the edge of the tub.

"My lady." She says accompanied by my favourite half-sarcastic smile making me giggle again. Although when I realise she's pulling me towards the door I pause frowning.

"Wait, where are we going?" I can't hide my disappointment my brief moment of perfection is over.

"Back to our room." The words that are whispered into my ear make my heart beat surge with excitement. I'm getting everything I've ever wanted, although it is happening very quickly. As soon as Clove opens the door, Marvel is pushing past us and slamming it back in our faces. Back in the main room, the air is so choked with weed a little fog had formed around the traverse the bags and beds to the door, I notice Clove's let go of my hand but shake off the hurt as being overly needy.

"Hey where are you going?"

"It's still early!"

"I was just rolling another joint!"

We're already by the door by the time anyone notices we're leaving so we just keep going, closing the door on their weak protests. I catch a glimpse of Cato's disappointed face and can't help smirking to myself.

Before I can get too smug though Clove slams me back against the wall of the corridor to start attacking me with kisses again, reminding me with all certainty who is in control of this situation. But I find I'm perfectly okay with that as I wrap my hands in her glossy hair and open my mouth allow her tongue to explore mine. I groan with disappointment when she pulls back but I see the problems of standing making out in the middle of a corridor and allow myself to be dragged quickly back to the room. We're lucky it's too late for anyone to be wandering the halls as we hurry along halls where the carpet fly's from under our feet and stairwells where the lights glisten like stairs above us.

"Where is everyone?" I gasp out quickly as Clove pushes me backwards into the dark and empty hotel room.

"They went out to-" But half way through her explanation I realise I don't care as long as they're out now and cut her off with my lips. We walk or fall backwards onto the bed everything a blur of kisses and hands exploring each other bodies. As her hands rest round my waist and her lips kiss down my neck I know I want more. I reach up to tug of my t-shirt only to find Clove's hands gently stopping mine. I look up at her questioningly and she just smiles down at me.

"You're not really thinking straight Katniss." She murmurs getting off of me.

"I am!" I prop myself up on my elbows frowning. Sure the rooms spinning a bit but I'd still want this when I was completely sober, I'd still want her.

"No you're not; you've smoked a lot tonight. Just get some sleep I'm going to have a shower."

Then she disappeared into the bathroom like an elusive dream leaving me confused and frustrated. Probably my only chance with the girl of my dreams just slipped through my fingers. I could scream.

Wow you guys went crazy with the reviews whilst I was gone! I love each and every one of you even the guilt trip ones. That chapter was badly edited, written but I shall rectify it in the morning CAUSE I HAVE TO SLEEP NOW. Review if you likeeeed it :)