Hey guys, it NoiseTankR3K here. Sorry it's taken so long for me to update. Darn you writer's block! I'm through with that now though, so updates should be a bit more frequent. This chapter is a bit different than previous one's because it is told through 1st Person instead of 3rd. I thought I'd try something different, so let me know what you think with a review.
Disclaimer: (I just realized I haven't done one of these yet) I don't own Legend of Korra, all content, with the exception of my OC's, belong to Bryan Konietzko and Michael DiMartino.
Kyzan's POV
"Bye, I'll miss you," Korra said to me as I started to board the ferry that was returning to Republic City.
"I'll miss you too. I'll come and visit as much as I can, okay?" I said.
"Alright. I'm holding you to that promise," Korra said, smiling.
"Then I guess I better keep it, huh?" I replied, and we both laughed. We kissed goodbye, and I boarded the ferry. As the ferry departed, Korra and the Airbender kids waved goodbye. I did the same, until they were out of sight. I sat down on the ferry, looking back at Air Temple Island. It really was an incredible sight to behold, with the massive Air Temple and Master Tenzin's equally as large home spanning the incredible landscape of the island. It sure beats the hell out of where I live I thought, chuckling to myself. But, the compound was my home, and I loved it. Within no time, the ferry was docked and releasing passengers. I hurried off of the ship, and ran towards my home.
I entered the ally, and lifted the familiar sewer cap up and off of the hole leading into the compound. I slid down the ladder, and into my home. I sniffed the familiar, charred air of burning wood and young firebenders practicing their art.
"Home, sweet home," I said aloud. Although I was already wishing that Korra were here with me, I was happy to be in the compound again, among my "brothers and sisters" that I had grown up with. I made my way straight to the training area to practice my combat skills. I was planning on practicing on a dummy, but I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a while.
"Hey Jehna!" I said as I hugged her.
"Hey Kyzan! It's been a while, huh?" She said while smiling. I hadn't seen Jehna in a year or two. She had gotten taller, maybe a few inches. She had definitely grown since he last saw her. Her voice had matured, but she still acted like the same old Jehna that she used to be.
"Yeah, it's been like two years. How old are you now?" He asked.
"Seventeen," She said.
"Oh, you're the same age as Korra," I said.
"Who's Korra?" Jehna asked.
"Oh, Korra's my girlfriend. She's from the Southern Water Tribe, and she's the Avatar," I explained.
"Oh…" Jehna trailed off. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought that she was upset. I just shrugged it off.
"So, how long have you been here?" I asked.
"Three days I think. It was one wild ride getting here though," She said.
"Really?" I said, lifting one eyebrow. "Why don't you tell me about it over lunch? It's the least I can do to celebrate you being here."
"That sounds great! I'll go get ready," She said, scampering into the girl's dormitories. I smiled as she ran away. I was really glad to have my childhood friend back in town, and back in my life. I proceeded to box against the dummy, throwing punches and kicks left and right, practicing my hand-to-hand fighting.
After about thirty minutes, I finished my exercise. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead with a towel and started to walk towards my bed. I noticed the sweat that had collected on my clothes, and reasoned that it would be a good idea to shower before I went to lunch with Jehna. As I undressed to prepare for my shower, I couldn't help but feel weird about taking Jehna out. She's just a really good friend. It's just gonna be lunch between two friends, I thought. I shook my head as I stepped into the shower, and turned it on. I forgot about everything as the warm water cascaded down my body.
Jehna's POV
"I can't believe it. Kyzan has a girlfriend," I said to myself, sighing. I changed out of my gym clothes, and got on some appropriate clothes for this afternoon. I started to pull my hair back into my normal ponytail, but I decided I'd let it fall down. My naturally wavy hair curled around my neck, falling just below my shoulder. I tried smiling, but the reality of the situation took over, and I almost started to cry. I held back my tears, but it was not easy. I promised myself that I would hold myself together when I was out with Kyzan.
"If he only knew how much I loved him," I said. The problem was that there was only one thing between me and Kyzan. His girlfriend, Korra. The Avatar.
"What do I do?" I asked myself, throwing my hands into the air. "I can't just sabotage their relationship. That would be wrong! And I'm not like that…" I said, confused on what to do. Then, the solution popped into my head. It wasn't necessarily what I wanted, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I knew I had to just be friends with Kyzan. If Korra was what made Kyzan happy, then I would just have to let him be happy. I sighed, and left my bedroom. My gloomy mood was soon brightened, however, when I saw Kyzan outside of the dorm waiting to take me to lunch. I smiled at him, and he returned it.
"Follow me, Ms. Jehna," He said, leading her out of the compound. When we got to the surface, we started walking to the restaurant where we would be eating.
"Wow. You look really good," Kyzan said.
"O-Oh, thanks," I said blushing. "You don't look too bad yourself," I replied.
"Uh, thanks?" He said, and then he laughed. I joined in the laughter. We soon arrived at the restaurant. It was one that neither Kyzan nor I had been to. We were taking a chance, but I knew it would be great anyway. We sat down across from each other, and ordered our meals. I ordered Smoked Sea Slug, and he ordered Komodo Sausage.
"So tell me, how did you get here in the first place?" Kyzan asked me.
"Well, it's a pretty crazy story," I said.
"Well you better get started," He said. I proceeded to tell him the story as we ate our meals.
Korra's POV
I walked back to the house, and laid down on my bed. What to do… What to do… I wondered to myself. I flipped over on my bed, and clicked on the radio. Static. I turned it off, and turned over to the opposite direction, and slowly drifted to sleep.
Kyzan's POV
"Haha! No way!" I said, laughing at the story Jehna was telling. I cut a piece of my Komodo Sausage and ate it.
"Yeah, and then…" She continued to tell the story. I stared into her mesmerizing golden eyes, and went into a trance. She kept talking, but I didn't hear a word he was saying.
I let the word "Wow…" escape my mouth, and I instantly regretted it. I snapped out of my trance, and luckily Jehna didn't notice. Her eyes are so beautiful… Wait! What am I thinking? I'm with Korra, and I-I love her! Damn… I'm so confused. My thoughts were jumbled, and I couldn't think straight.
"Excuse me Jehna, I have to use to the restroom," I said as I quickly got up and made a beeline to the restroom. I splashed my face with some water, and looked in the mirror.
"What is wrong with me?" I said aloud. "I love Korra. I do. But Jehna, she's so amazing as well. Ugh! Who can I talk to?" I said, this time louder. Then, it hit me. Pema! I decided that I'd talk to her after I took Jehna back to the compound. I'd get to see Korra too. Relieved, I went back into the restaurant.
"Is everything okay?" Jehna asked as I sat down.
"Yeah, I'm fine. So where were we?" I said.
"Oh yeah, so I was…" She continued to tell the story until both of us had finished our meals. I walked her back to the compound, and then I started making my way towards Air Temple Island. I made it just in time to catch the ferry, and I boarded. It took a little over fifteen minutes to get to the island. I stepped off of the ship, and started walking towards Tenzin's home. I reached the door, and knocked three times.
Knock Knock Knock
I waited for about a minute before someone answered the door.
"Hello Kyzan! It's good to see you."
"Pema! Just the person I wanted to see," I said as she welcomed me inside.
"Me? I thought you'd be here for Korra," she said.
"Well, it's kinda about Korra. I need to talk to you," I said.
"Please, come in then," She said as she gestured for me to come inside. We walked down the hallway for a while before Pema spoke up again.
"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" She asked.
"Can we talk somewhere private?" I asked. Pema nodded, and pointed to a room just a few more feet down the hall. We went into the room, and we both sat down.
"So, Pema, I have a dilemma. I'm not gonna be hypothetical, I'm just gonna say it. When I left yesterday, I went home, just expecting to train and do what I normally do. But I ran into my friend Jehna, who I hadn't seen in two years. I decided to invite her to lunch to, you know, just celebrate her being back. I couldn't help but weird about it. I just shrugged it off and continued with the day. While we were out, I caught myself entranced by her eyes. I don't know what it was, but I thought they were beautiful, and in the same way I think Korra's are. I just can't help but feel guilty about it. Do you know what's wrong?" I asked. Pema contemplated what she was going to say for a little bit, but just said four words.
"Do you love Korra?"
"Yes, of course. I love her more than anything in the world," I said.
"Then I think you just solved your problem. If you love Korra, then there shouldn't be anything to worry about," Pema said.
"But what about Jehna?" I asked.
"Well, it sounds like Jehna is a really good friend. So, if you care about Korra as much as you say you do, then Jehna will remain just that. A really good friend," She said.
"That makes a lot of sense. Thanks so much Pema. I knew you could help," I said.
"It's my pleasure Kyzan. Now, go see Korra. She's been missing you," She said as we stepped out of the room.
"Definitely. That's exactly what I was going to do," I said. Pema smiled at me, we went our separate ways. I walked to Korra's room, and quietly opened the door, so she couldn't hear me. She was leaning back in a chair, her feet up on the window sill, staring out at the city. I snuck up swiftly and quietly behind her, and put my face right next to her ear and whispered, "Hey Korra." I had just meant for it to be a joke, but the next thing I knew, I was being flipped over her shoulder and onto the unforgiving wooden floor of the house. Korra straddled me, with a fireball hovering in her hand.
"Kyzan?! I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!" She said as she got off of me and helped me up off of the ground.
"Note to self, don't sneak up Avatar Korra. It will always end badly," I said aloud. We both erupted into laughter, and she pulled me into a vigorous hug.
"I missed you Kyzan," She said.
"Really? It's only been a day," I said with a smirk. Korra lightly punched my arm, but she smiled anyway. "Just kidding, I missed you too," I said. With that, and pulled her into a passionate kiss that lasted for a while. When we pulled back, we were both beaming.
"I love you Korra," I said, with complete sincerity.
"I love you too," She replied. We kissed again, this one shorter than the last, but just as passionate. My forest eyes met her cerulean ones, and we kissed once more. Although it was amazing, I wished we hadn't. When we pulled apart, I heard soft but still audible giggle of a young airbender.
"Ikki?" I said. Ikki's head peaked around the corner, and she revealed herself. "What are you doing?"
"I was just a… just walking by and I saw you and Korra kissing, so I decided to watch! Is that a problem?" She asked.
"Uh, kinda? It's a little private," Korra said.
"I'm sorry Korra. I'm sorry Kyzan," Ikki said, putting her head down.
"Hey, don't sweat it kiddo. I think it's cute that you like watching Korra and I kiss," I said, smiling while ruffling Ikki's hair, much to her dismay.
"So does that mean that I can watch you guys kiss whenever I want?" Ikki said hopefully.
"No," I said. Korra and I laughed, but Ikki didn't.
"Run along Ikki," Korra said. Ikki relented, and went flying on an air scooter to her room. Korra turned back to me, giving me a melting smile before pressing her lips against mine once more. I returned the kiss with gusto.
"You are incredible," I said.
"So are you," She replied. I smiled, and held her close, not ever wanting to let go. Eventually, I did though, and I led her out of the room, her hand in mine.
"Where are we going?" Korra asked.
"You'll see," I said, as I led her out of the house on Air Temple Island, and to the ferry leading to Republic City. We boarded, and within no time we were out of Yue Bay, and into the City. We started walking towards our destination. We were walking for around fifteen minutes when Korra spoke.
"Seriously Kyzan, where are we going?" She asked.
"Please Korra, just wait a few more minutes," I said. Korra scrunched her nose and rolled her eyes, but I just shrugged it off. We walked for a few minutes and we finally reached our destination. It was a deserted dock, and gave a perfect view of the moon over Yue Bay.
"Okay Korra, we're here," I said, sitting on the edge of the dock. "This was my favorite place to go when I was a kid. I came here every time I felt down. The view of the moon shining over the bay always made feel better."
"Spoken like a true waterbender," Korra said.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," I said. I draped my around her shoulder, and head instinctively rested on my shoulder.
"Let's go for a swim!" Korra said excitedly.
"Uh, really? Right now?" I said.
"Yeah! Come on, it'll be fun!" She said, pulling on my arm.
"I don't know… I don't even have any swimming clothes," I protested.
"You don't need them, just jump in the water," She said. I groaned, but decided to go along with it. I pulled off my shirt and my shoes. I smirked when I noticed Korra couldn't keep her eyes off of me.
"Enjoying the show?" I said, smiling.
"W-What!? N-No, I wasn't looking at you," Korra said.
"Whatever Korra, you and I both know it," I said.
"Oh? So we're playing that game now?" Korra said, pulling her top off exposing her mesmerizing and strong stomach muscles. I tried to tug at my collar, but then remembered I didn't have one anymore, so I just stared.
"Who's enjoying the show now?" She said, smirking the same way I had previously.
"Okay! You win, now let's swim," I said, pushing her into the water. She screamed, and then hit the water. I jumped in after her, and landed not-so-gracefully, with a large splash. We both regretted entering though, because the water was freezing cold.
"Why did I let you talk me into this?!" I yelled through chattering teeth.
"Come on, let's just get out of here!" Korra said as she grabbed hold of me. She bent the water into a spiral that shot us both up and out of the water. We landed back on the dock, soaking wet and cold. Korra bent the water off of both of us so we both dry. I held her closer now, increasing my body temperature so it would generate more outward heat to warm Korra and me.
"Well, that was fun," Korra said. I laughed, and looked up at the moon.
"The moon is so incredible," I said.
"Yes, it is," She replied. I turned, and pulled her into a kiss. These are the moments we live for, I thought as I kissed her. Little did I know, someone else was watching Korra and I at this moment. Someone who destiny would soon cross paths with ours.
A/N: So that's it, it was a little shorter than usual, but I took so long to update that I thought I'd just put it out anyway. There's a lot of fluff, I know, but I promise there will be more action in the next chapter, when the Progressors return. And yes, I know there were a little too many POV changes in the beginning, but it evened out in the end. So please read and review, just a few words. See you next time,