the confrontation



'Fuck' Sasuke thought as he stared at Sakura wide eyed. Not only was he freaking out at actually remembering who she was, but she was his little sister's friend. Karin was going to go fucking mental. She was still picking up and looking at CD's, the fact that she hadn't mentioned the party to him told him that she obviously didn't remember him either. This was a good thing he thought. If she didn't remember him, then this whole thing could be avoided and Karin would never know that he was with her.

Sasuke was hit with yet another horrible thought. If he was reminded of her by being around her then surely she would remember him soon? Faced with that thought he quickly made his exit.

"I have to go, see you later." He said suddenly and Sakura looked at him confused and a little disappointed.

"What?" she said as he backed up accidently knocking over a stack of DVD's, he cursed and hoped over them rushing out of the store.

Sakura stood there bewildered. What had she done?

Once Sasuke had made his exit from the music store he whipped out his phone and began dialling.

"What." An annoyed voice snapped from the other end.

"Fuck Itachi, I really messed up." Sasuke said almost running into someone in his haste to distance himself from Sakura.

"What did you do this time?" asked his brother yawning.

"I made out with Karin's friend and she doesn't know." He said slightly annoyed.

"Foolish little brother." Itachi said before laughing.

"This isn't funny Itachi, she's going figure it out, and then Karin is going to fucking kill me." He sighed slowing down having finally placed distance between himself and the store.

"What makes you think I can do anything to fix this mess?" his brother drawled, and Sasuke let out another puff.

"I don't know, I just need advice." Sasuke admitted relieved to see the exit up ahead.

"Well, do you like her?"



"You might as well pay me now skank, your brother will never realise it's Sakura." Ino said on the phone to Karin.

"I wouldn't be so hasty slut; I have a feeling dear brother of mine will remember exactly who Sakura is." Grinned Karin thinking of those Jimmy Choo's she would have ownership of once she won this bet.

"Even if he does remember her, would you be cool about Sasuke dating your best friend?" the blonde quizzed.

"Before Suigetsu happened, I probably would have been pissed but I'm not exactly in a position to argue with him." Karin admitted, she had decided that once Sasuke found out about Sakura whether it be by himself or because Ino would no doubt tell him she was going to confess about Suigetsu.

"That's true I guess, so we still on for this party on Friday?" Ino grinned, the thought of drink and drama swarmed in her mind.

"But of course, I put out a facebook status about it, should be most eventful. I now just have to subtly hint that Sasuke ought to invite Suigetsu." Karin laughed and she heard the front door open, Itachi walked into the kitchen and nodded to her pouring a glass of water.

"Hold on a minute Ino." She said covering the phone to speak to her older brother.

"What are you doing home?" she questioned as he raised his eyebrow.

"Can I not come home once in a while?" he shrugged.

"Suppose, what's up."

"Not much other than the fact that Sasuke just rang me in a panic saying he had made out with your lovely pink haired friend. He's concerned that you will 'kill him' because of it." Itachi stated and Karin's mouth dropped open.

"When did this happen!" she exclaimed.

"He said it was at some party last week."

"No you idiot, when did he tell you this?" she rolled her eyes.

"About twenty minutes ago."

"And did he say anything else?"

"He said he liked her." Itachi chuckled and lifted his glass leaving the room. Karin sat in utter silence for several minutes before grinning wildly and putting the phone back to her ear.

"Well, well, well, looks like I'll be wearing those lovely shoes of yours to the party on Friday."



"What the fuck is your problem?" asked Suigetsu as Sasuke landed at his house looking extra pale and extra emo.

"Fuck." Was all Sasuke could say and Suigetsu had no idea what was going on.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" he said turning back to the Xbox. Clearly his friend was finally having some sort of break down they all thought he would have had by now.

"Fuck." He said again and Suigetsu rolled his eyes, Sasuke could be so over dramatic sometimes.

From: Karin

To: Suigetsu

Hahahahaha Sasuke knows he made out with Sakura, apparently he likes her too!

Suigetsu looked over at Sasuke who had a mixture of happiness and complete horror on his face and he sorely resisted the temptation to laugh at him. Trust Sasuke to freak out the first time he finds himself with feelings for someone.

"Is this about a girl?" Suigetsu asked quietly hoping to draw the information out of him.

"Maybe." His dark haired friend replied looking at him sideways.

"Who is she?" he asked and Sasuke turned away for a moment.

"I can't say." He mumbled and Suigetsu smirked.

"Okay, well what's the problem?" he asked instead, he saw Sasuke looking conflicted before finally looking at him.

"Hypothetically, if you liked your siblings friend, would you think it was wrong?" he asked and Suigetsu was momentarily taken back at the sincerity in Sasuke's voice and expression. All along they had been joking about Sasuke and his girl at the party, and here he was actually troubled by it all. He had never seen Sasuke interested in a girl like this before, perhaps it was his first actual 'crush'.

"Ugh, well what would you do if you found out your sibling and your friend were together?" Suigetsu asked slightly uncomfortable.

"I would be pissed; you just don't cross that line." He said and Suigetsu felt something in his chest sink.

"But if you really liked this friend of your siblings, then what would you do if they objected?" he asked before Sasuke snapped.


"Yes fucking hypothetically." Suigetsu rolled his eyes.

"Well, fuck, I don't know!" Sasuke snapped looking flustered and irritated. "If I was really serious about her then, I would just tell my sibling that. I would tell Karin that I'd never felt anything for anyone like I feel when she smiles at me." There was a long tense silence until Suigestsu coughed awkwardly at Sasuke's declaration and the Uchiha promptly turned scarlet.

"Ugh hypothetically." He emphasized again.

"Hypothetically." Agreed Suigetsu.



Friday had quickly approached and Karin was slightly overwhelmed at the response to her Facebook post, it seemed like every one wanted to be at this party. She was thankful that her parents were out of town on this occasion, she had told them only a few people were coming over. She had a plentiful supply of alcohol in the kitchen, provided by Itachi after she begged him to get it and all that was left to do was to calm her nerves before Suigetsu showed up.

She wasn't sure why she was so nervous about seeing him tonight, they had met up several times but she hadn't interacted with him in front of Sasuke much, she felt like some how he would know something was up. Perhaps she was being paranoid, she felt bad for Suigetsu as he so desperately wanted to tell Sasuke what was going on but Karin was worried about him freaking out; especially considering they had kept it a secret for so long.

"Karin!" yelled Ino from upstairs; Karin had left Ino in charge of calming Sakura down. There had been the most awkward yet entertaining moment Karin had ever witnessed when she sent Sasuke to answer the door for Sakura.

It consisted of Sasuke opening the door, giving Sakura an awkward 'Hi', Sakura blushed furiously and replied with a 'Hey'. They stood staring at each other for a moment before Sasuke stood back to let her in, as Sakura entered the house she tripped and stumbled a bit and Karin could all but laugh at Sasuke's pathetic attempts to help her from falling. It was perhaps the most amusing situation she had ever witnessed; Sakura had quickly stormed up to Karin's room and had not left since.

"Sakura you're going to have to leave my room at some point." Karin said after reliving the moment in her head.

"No, it's too awkward! I can't even speak around him I'm too nervous." She replied as Ino messed around with her hair.

"Have some of this." The red head said handing her friend a glass filled with wine.

"No wine is gross." Sakura replied wrinkling up her noise at the smell.

"Trust me it will calm your nerves a little." Karin encouraged and Sakura took the glass timidly.

"It tastes disgusting." She exclaimed after taking a sip.

"Drink more and you won't notice." Said Ino finally leaving Sakura's hair the way it was.



Sasuke couldn't believe how unbelievably pathetic he was being. He had answered the door to Sakura and stood there like a moron not knowing what to say. He had quickly marched off to his room and began blasting music after that incident. He had also taken a bottle of Jack with him too and could slowly feel the effects of his pity drinking.

"Oi!" Sasuke heard as a pounding came at his door. He got off his bed and opened his bedroom door seeing Naruto on the other side.

"Hn." Was the best response he could muster.

"Glad to see you're in a good mood?" the blonde replied. "So what seems to be the matter with you?"

"Nothing." Sasuke grunted as he took another swig of his Jack.

"Jeez take it easy the party's only starting." Naruto said attempting to remove the bottle from Sasuke's grasp.

"Leave it Naruto!" he exclaimed turning his back to his friend.

"Fine if you want to get drunk and make an ass out of yourself, go ahead. Don't say I didn't try and stop you." Naruto sighed as Sasuke took another mouthful.

"Well fuckers!" Came an obnoxious noise from the doorway.

"Aw fuck." Naruto swore as he saw the intoxicated Suigetsu in the doorway.

"How the hell did he get so drunk?" he asked Kiba who followed him into Sasuke's room.

"I have no idea, I tried to stop him but you know what he's like."

"This party is going to kill me." Naruto sighed.



"I can't believe Sui, is fucking drunk." Karin said glaring at said man across the kitchen. The party was in full swing, there were at least sixty people in the house and she was stood in the kitchen bitching to Ino and Sakura.

"Yea and he has Kiba running after him to keep him from doing anything stupid." Ino frowned at not being able to spend time with her on again, off again boyfriend.

"I think I'm going to go find your brother!" exclaimed Sakura swaying slightly as she spoke.

"Sakura you're drunk."

"No I'm not." The pink-haired girl said giggling.

"This plan is so not going the way it's supposed to." Karin growled. The boys were drunk, her house was already a mess and regardless of how much drink she was consuming it didn't seem to be affecting her.

"Well did you really expect to get alone time with Suigestsu?" Ino asked, she really didn't understand why they didn't just tell Sasuke they were seeing each other. She really didn't think it was a big deal.

"Yea, Sasuke usually passes out after a bottle of jack." Ino rolled her eyes at Karin and decided that Kiba had spent enough time with Suigestsu and not enough with her.

Ino marched over to the boys and grabbed a hold of Kiba's hand. He was slightly taken back at her actions but smirked seeing the devious grin on her features. It always meant one thing, as much as Kiba cared for his friends, Ino was more important and he followed her out of the kitchen and upstairs.

Suigetsu was finally happy to be freed from Kiba's constant baby-sitting all he wanted to do was tell Sasuke what was going on. It had been too difficult to do that with Kiba around. Now however Suigetsu had his chance.

"Oi Sasuke!" yelled Suigetsu. The dark haired male was swaying slightly due to the unhealthy volume of alcohol in his system.

"Yea bastard?" he replied.

"Don't talk to me like that man, I'm trying to be serious here."

"I'll talk to you however I fucking want." Sasuke snapped, the drink causing him to behave more aggressive than usual.

"The fuck you say?" growled Suigetsu not appreciating how his supposed best friend was speaking.

Karin was watching the scene with wary eyes, this was not looking good. She grabbed Sakura's hand making their way to the boys; she hoped Sakura might somehow distract her brother from causing a scene.

"Is everything ok?" Karin asked interrupting the two friends.

"I'm trying to tell your brother something." Suigetsu said looking at Karin.

"Tell him what exactly?" she replied keeping her temper in check.

"I think you know what I'm trying to tell him." Suigetsu said.

"I don't think it's the right time for that." Karin said glaring at the pale haired man.

"Time for what?" said Sasuke watching the two of them.

"Sasuke there's something we need to tell you." Suigetsu started as Karin almost hissed.

"There's nothing we need to tell him!" she snapped and Sasuke's eyes narrowed.

"Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on here?" he snapped.

"Karin and I are seeing each other." Said Suigetsu as Karin glared at him furious at what he had done.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"I said, I'm dating your sister." Suigetsu replied confidently.

"Is this some sort of joke?"

"Sasuke we wanted to tell you but I knew you would freak out like this." Karin said hoping her brother would at least try to be reasonable.

"Of course I'm going to freak out, that's my younger sister you fuck." He said snapping at Suigetsu.

"I don't know what your fucking problem is Sasuke, you're hardly one to judge you fucking hypocrite!" yelled Suigetsu fed up with Sasuke's pathetic and immature behaviour.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sasuke glared.

"Sui, don't" Karin tried to stop him but he was too riled up to stop.

"You made out with Sakura at that party Sasuke." He said as Sakura stood wide-eyed, the sudden shift in attention in her direction caused her to sober up some.

"That's a completely different situation, I didn't know it was her at the time." He said looking over at the pink haired girl.

"Wait, did you know it was me after?" Sakura asked noting Sasuke didn't seem surprised at Suigetsu's outburst.

"Yes I know it was you." He glared, his brain was overloaded with all the new information and he just didn't care anymore.

"And you didn't think to let me know?" questioned Sakura.

"Why the fuck should I? It's not like it meant anything." He said harshly.

"Sasuke." Karin said seeing the hurt and disappointment wash over Sakura's face.

"Go fuck yourself." Sakura snapped uncharacteristically as she stormed out of the house.

"Smooth move you fucking dick." Karin glared at her brother.

"You do yourself no favours." Suigetsu said, he knew Sasuke liked Sakura and he couldn't believe how massively his friend was blowing his chances.

"I need to go find her." Karin said moving to leave but Sasuke grabbed her arm.

"Wait, I'll go." He said realising his mistakes knowing they would be better corrected now rather than later.

"If you fucking hurt her Sasuke, I will kill you." His sister snapped at him as he too left the house.



Sakura didn't know where she was going, all she knew was that she had to get far away from that house and Sasuke. How could she have been so stupid. She thought that Sasuke might actually have liked her?

She had wandered far from Sasuke's house and down into the park nearby. She had to admit it was pretty creepy but the alcohol in her system was diluting her fears yet somehow managed to increase the hurt she felt. As she made her way through the park she swore she could hear footsteps behind her.

Sakura tried to remain calm and tell herself it was in her head but the sound was getting louder, someone was definitely walking behind her. Starting to panic Sakura quickened her pace only to find the person behind her was doing the same. Being too freaked out Sakura began to run not caring if it was all in fact in her head.

"Wait!" yelled a voice from behind her causing her flinch and trip on a branch. She tumbled to the ground and the person behind her crouched down next to her.

"You're so clumsy." Sasuke said offering Sakura a hand up.

"What are you doing here, don't you think you've humiliated me enough tonight." Sakura snapped sitting up dusting the dirt from her arms. She was couldn't believe she had started running away from Sasuke.

"I-" Sasuke began but stopped not sure what to say.

"You can't even say sorry can you?" Sakura shook her head pushing herself off the ground. "I don't know why I even liked you."

As Sakura got up and began walking away Sasuke began to panic. He had never been a situation like this, he had hurt Sakura with what he had said and he couldn't think if how to make things right. Finding that his actions always spoke louder than words he hoped up from the ground and sprinted to catch up with Sakura.

He grabbed her hand pulling the girl around into his arms and before she could protest he leant down and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. He could feel her relax ever so slightly and he moved his hands to her waist, her tiny perfect waist. Kissing Sakura was like everything else in the world didn't matter, he could hear the blood rushing in his ears, his head spinning and his stomach doing flips. Is this what it felt like to have a crush or was he way to drunk?

Sakura was in heaven, Sasuke's lips were soft and sensuous, teasing yet strong. After what felt like hours but was more like minutes he pulled back both of them panting.

"I'm sorry." He said his dark eyes conveying so much emotion as he stared into her green ones.

"It's not just me you need to apologize to." Sakura breathed their noses touching the chemistry thick in the air.

"I know." He said their lips almost touching again.

"We should go back." Said Sakura her thoughts hazy be is from lust or alcohol she didn't know.

"After we make out again." He said and Sakura giggled.



The End



Tenth anniversary celebratory posting and ending to this trilogy…err trio of chapters…

Sorry I'm terrible at posting if anyone read ANBU I left lengthy message at the end of that about life and growing up etc, etc

But here's hoping you enjoyed and don't hate me too much :P


Flowne xx