Chapter 8

A/N: Guys, I am sooooooooooo sorry that I haven't updated in about a century, but I'm really struggling to get ideas nowadays. I just want to say thank you to those who have reviewed on the last chapter, you haven't given up on me!: DAForever62442; georgeweasleygirl27; MLPP; JackSpicersBitch1; BarneyOwl16; LongLiveAllTheMagicWeMade; ginnyweasley; chlorinated freak; Verya Tirananniel; Lady Miss Nothing; Pink Mockingjay In Hufflepuff; Chocolatesnipe; narniaandharrypotter4ever; kgryfferinclawpuff98! I love you all, and everyone else who has reviewed too! I'm going to attempt at another chapter, but there will probably only be one more after this…unless any of you have any ideas you want me to write in, because if you do, then I will give it a go! Now, on with the chapter, and I hope it meets your expectations! :)

Thankyou to 'The Queen Gypsy' for giving me an idea for this chapter, I hope I've done it okay! :)

*"Okay, well done Hermione, that was epic. Right, someone pick someone else," Harry requested as they took their seats in the lounge again.*

"Okay, Sirius, truth or dare?" Ginny asked of him, a dare in mind.

"Dare, of course," he replied confidently.

"I dare you to go and have a yelling match with your mother!"

"Ooh, Ginny, that's harsh," Hermione said, chuckling slightly amid giggles.

"Okay, but this will not end well, with either or our mothers," Sirius said, and he left the room and went to the hall. They all heard him purposely knock over the umbrella stand so the curtains would open.

"Filthy half breeds! Besmirching the house of my.."

"Oh shut up you old hag!"

"How dare you tell me, your own mother, to shut up! Do you have no respect for your elders Sirius?"

"You are no mother of mine! When did you ever actually act like a mother to me?"

"There were plenty of times when I tried to protect you, you ungrateful little brat! I wish I never had you! I wish it was you who had died instead of Regulus!"

"There you go, you see! You hate me! And I hate you too, and someone will get this horrendous portrait of your ugly face down one day, you mark my words!"

"How dare you?!"

"I dare because I am Sirius Black, one of the greatest pranksters and dare-devils of the century! And all you do is praise Voldemort!"

"How dare you speak his name!"

"It's a bloody name, get over it!"

"Sirius Black, you are the biggest disgrace this family has ever seen!"

"I'm glad to be of service to you, is there anything else you wish for me to accomplish in this terrible house?"


They were all listening intently from the living room, and Ginny was starting to think that maybe it hadn't been such a good idea. Harry was just about to suggest going to close the curtains, but by the sound of it, someone else had got there first. They faintly heard Lupin's voice.

"Sirius, what on earth were you doing?" he asked him incredulously. "You should know better than to get her into a state."

"Come on Moony, it was a dare, and what do the marauders do best?" Sirius asked of him. It seemed that Lupin had no answer.

"Just go back to the living room, and if you must play dares, than play them quietly."

"Whatever Moony," They heard Sirius say, and it wasn't long before he returned to the lounge.

"Sorry Sirius, that was a stupid idea," Ginny apologised.

"No, no, it was great to be able to shout at her for no reason at all. Quite fun actually."

"Oh, well I guess that's okay then," Ginny said, grinning. "You did well," she congratulated.

"Okay then, I'm going to choose Harry. Truth or Dare, oh godson of mine," he said, grinning.

"Dare please," Harry chose bravely.

"Hmm, right, Harry I dare you to – hang on – KREACHER!" Sirius yelled this last part.

"Oh Merlin, what are you going to make me do?" Harry groaned just as Kreacher appeared infront of them.

"Harry, I dare you to kiss Kreacher, for ten seconds!" Harry's jaw dropped open, everyone in the room began to laugh, and Kreacher began to yell and try to get away.

"NO! I will not! Don't make me! Let go of me!" Kreacher was yelling loudly. Harry looked horrified, and desperate for someone to help him.

"Harry! Just do it now, before he gets away!" Harry knew Kreacher would apparate in a minute, and he didn't want to chicken out. Without further thought, he launched himself onto Kreacher and pressed his mouth to the elf's. Kreacher was fighting furiously, and there was loud laughter emitting from everyone's mouths, in glee at this dare.

"Okay Harry, your ten seconds are up, you can stop being tortured now!" Sirius said through his laughter. Harry immediately pulled away and sent Sirius a scathing look.

"That was cruelty," he told him.

"Yeah, but hilariously funny for us," George commented, still laughing.

"Okay, I'm choosing someone else. Hermione, truth or dare?"

"Truth, I think."

"Do you like Ron, and if so, how long have you liked him for?" Harry asked. Hermione was about to open her mouth to say one question only, but as soon as she opened it, the Veritaserum began it's work.

"Yes, I do like Ron, and since a few weeks before the Yule Ball," she confessed unwillingly, blushing furiously.

"YES! Looks like we've got ourselves a match! They've both confessed that they like each other!" Fred exclaimed, and everyone cheered, except for Ron and Hermione, who had both turned the deepest of reds.

"Okay, okay guys. Ginny, truth or dare?" Hermione asked her friend.

"Dare, if you please," she requested.

"Hmm, at supper, I dare you to eat all of your food without your hands, like lap up your drink and eat the food straight off your plate, like a dog," she said. Everyone laughed.

"Okay then," Ginny agreed to the dare. "Ron, dare or dare?" Ron automatically chose dare without registering what Ginny had said.

"I dare you to kiss Hermione, full on the lips for 15 seconds at least, feel free to carry on afterwards."

"Brilliant, Ginny!" George congratulated her. Ron and Hermione looked at each other awkwardly, but slowly moved towards each other. Ron closed the gap between them, and slid his arms around Hermione's waist.

"Fifteen seconds!" Ginny reminded. They moved their lips together, to wolf-whistles from George, Fred and Sirius. Hermione snaked her arms around Ron's neck, and started to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. Soon, the fifteen seconds were up, but the two didn't pay attention. When their dare time had doubled, Fred decided it was time to break things up. He winked at George, and they both grabbed one of the two from behind and dragged them away. Hermione and Ron didn't realise until after they had done it, but they moaned in longing.

"Well, this will be interesting for when we go back to school," Harry decided, grinning at his two best friends, while they were gazing at each other.

A/N: I hope that was good enough for you, I don't know when I will next update because I'm going on holiday for about four week to all different places, but I will try to give you an update if I can before then. Sorry if it doesn't happen. Please leave a review anyway, and if you want me to take this story further, I will need more ideas!

I'm working on a George/Hermione fanfic at the moment, even though Ron/Hermione will always be my favourite pairing :) anyway, that story has a truth or dare section in it too, so I might need to save some ideas for that. If you're interested, I have absolutely no idea when I will post that, because I want to get a good start on it, and know exactly where I'm going with it, so I don't give up like I did on my other one. Sorry for rambling, please review for me and I will love you forever! :)

WerrnogWeasley96 x