So I decided to make another Cato and Katniss romance story, and I really want this to be better than Katniss Everlasting. I spent a lot of time writing this chapter so it would mean so much if you reviewed. Love you all!

She opened the book, the spine covered in dust. The pages were brand new, as if someone never bothered to open it. She started reading, and soon the secrets became revealed.

I'll tell you who this is later, for now enjoy! Note: The title has NOTHING to do with Taylor Swift!

Disclaimer: I don't own The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins does, and she always will. Please just remember the disclaimer for future chapters, because Suzanne Collins still owns it.

Chapter 1

Katniss POV:

We hated each other at first, but we soon become close to one another, some might say too close.

I was at the training center, perfecting my shots. I pulled back the arrow and released. It hit the target. It was so quiet in the room, only me in there. I grabbed another arrow from the rack, but then I heard "Nice shot you got there, Girl on Fire."

I whip my head around and see the cocky boy from 2 smirking at me.

"What do you want?" I snap.

He's still smirking, and it's really irritating me right now.

"How did you get that 11?"

I sigh. It's always the 11. Every time I'm near another tribute, they back away, their eyes wide with fear. But the Careers would never do that. That's why he's asking me.

"Why should I tell you?" Now it's my turn to smirk.

He cracks his knuckles, but I still stand strong.

"How did you get that 11?" he repeats.

"My skills that you should never know about." I really want to end this conversation, because this could go on all day, and I want to get back to my training.

He's walking toward me now, but I remain where I'm standing.

I take the arrow I'm holding and prepare to hit the target, but the next thing I know he grabs the arrow from me and throws it across the room.


He raises his fist and it's inches away from my face when I shout out "Arrow skills, you bitch!"

For some odd reason, he bursts out laughing.

"I'm Cato." he extends his hand for me to shake it.

I don't take it. He chuckles again.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you." He moves his hand up and down, as if he's persuading me to come near him.

"I'm not an idiot, Cato. A second ago you raised your fist and were going to punch me."

He runs his hand through his hair. He looks at the ground, embarresed. "Yeah, I kinda overreacted."

I mumble under my breath, "You exploded, monster."

Cato raises an eyebrow, and he grabs my arm.

"What did you just say?" Now I'm a little scared.

"Um, n-nothing!" I manage to get the words out, but it's not good enough for Cato.

"Tell me what you just said, Fire Girl."

"Nothing, leave me alone!"

Cato punches me in the gut and I fall backwards. He storms out of the room, but he turns for an instant and shouts, "Next time tell me what you said!"

"Bitch!" I snarl.

He will be my first kill in the arena.

The chapters will get longer, it's a guarantee! =)