Order of Sweets-

This is a side story to my other story, Hikikomori in Wonderland. Yukairi works for Blood as Dee and Dum's personal maid, that has to do whatever they say or want her to do. For any more questions, PM me or just read Hikikomori in Wonderland.

Day 1- Dum

Yukairi was in the middle of getting cleaning supplies in the storage room, when her pager beeped. She sighed, took her broom stick, and walked towards the twins' room.

"Yu-chan!"Dee called, throwing his arms around her. Yu-chan, her nickname, was something she told only Boris to call her, but then she allowed others to use it as well.

"Whaddaya need?"she growled.

"Ah, ah, ah~ That's no way to talk to your masters, is it Yu-chan?"Dum reminded her.

Her eye twitched as she smiled. "Y-yes. M-my apologies master Dee, master Dum. What is it that you need?"she asked in a sweet tone. Dee and Dum smirked.

"Yu-chan, we want to make an order~"Dee started, forcing Yukairi to sit on the bed.

"O-of what?"she asked, turning a bit red.

"Something.. Sweet."Dum replied, bringing his face close to hers, placing his hands beside her so she was trapped.

"W-what do you want?"she stuttered, her heart was beating fast.

"You."the twins said in unison. Her face turned bright red.

"W-what? !"she cried, pulling her face as far away from Dum's as she could.

"Yu-chan, don't resist~ Now, be a good girl and lay down."Dee insisted. Yukairi resisted, which started to annoy Dum.

"You leave me no choice then."Dum sighed, as he pulled her into a kiss. His tongue had explored each and every part of her mouth. She moaned quietly to herself as she began to lay down.

"Good girl."Dum whispered, taking off her bow tie. He slowly untied her apron, and threw it on the ground.

"M-master?"she called, in a scared, yet cute voice.


"C-can you go easy on me? This... This is my first time after all."she pleaded, giving him a sad face. Dum smirked.

"I'll try."he answered, unbuttoning her blouse. He could clearly see her bra, white with lace and a pink ribbon in the middle. Though, he wondered why she needed it, being her breasts were as flat as a cardboard box. Yukairi immediately detected what he was thinking and frowned..

"If you're going to criticize my boobs, then why even bother doing this with me?"she pouted, a bit disappointed that he cared about breast size.

"Sorry Yu-chan, I just thought it would be more fun if they were bigger."he admitted, making her blush. She knew what he meant. She turned her head to see Dee exiting the room.

"M-master, where are you going?"she asked. He turned and smiled at her.

"It'll be hard for you to have two people, so I'll wait till next time."he smiled, and left, closing the door.

"Yu-chan, I'm going to have to make you wet first, okay?"Dum said. Yukairi nodded her head slowly. Dum took her skirt off, and slowly pulled her panties down. They matched her bra.

She became flustered as she realized her lower body part was visible. Dum started to lick, and she shivered, being a first timer, it felt weird to do this. She saw something like this in a manga though.

"M-master? C-can you please make me... F-feel... Good?"she asked, as Dum licked his lips.

"Of course Yu-chan. You're wet already too, so let's get started."he exclaimed, picking her up. He sat on the bed and placed her on his lap, they were facing each other.

"W-what do I do master?"she asked, and he smirked. He pointed 'down there', confusing her. She soon realized what he meant, and unzipped his pants. Her eyes grew wide at how big it already was.

"So? Are you ready?"she nodded, and inserted his manhood inside of her. She went slowly, which actually cause a bit more pain than it should have. Once it went in all the way, she started panting. Dum kissed her and wrapped his arms around her. Their tongues intertwined, and they both panted. Finally they pulled away for some air.

"M-master. You can move if it you want."she said, hugging him. He accepted her offer, and slowly, he started moving. Her blood trickled down her thighs as they moved, she was a virgin after all.

He moved deep inside of her, making sure to please every inch of her inside. She moaned and panted as he started to move faster.

"Hyaa! M-master, i-it's so tight!"she cried, holding him close. He went faster every minute, causing Yukairi to feel a little pain.

"Don't worry, it'll be over soon Yu-chan!"he replied.

"Ngh! It's so~ de~ep!"she moaned, tears filled her eyes.

"I'm cumming Yu-chan!"Dum groaned, as he let it out. Yukairi moaned louder. They both panted, as they laid on the bed next to each other. Yukairi turned towards Dum, who smiled at her.

"Master?"she called.

"Yes Yu-chan?"he answered.

"Can we play this game more?"she asked. He chuckled at her innocent face.

"Of course we can Yu-chan."he said, and kissed her goodnight. Not too long after, they both fell asleep in each others' arms.

Haha I was feeling a little pervy today. Don't mind my profile, I'm not Sharon/Kirara, Lexi/Louise, or Skye/Fumiku. I'm Kirara and Lexi's older cousin, and I'm Skye's friend though. Though... I am only 15... Oops! Hehe, don't judge me.