Stara-chi: "Hello! How are all you KHR! Fans?"

Kyoya: "Omnivore, explain why I'm here?"

Stara-chi: "Cause you've got to do the disclaimer Kyo-chi~"

Kyoya: "Do you wish to be bitten to death?" -Get's Tonfas out-

Stara-chi: "Meanie! Kyo-chi~ what did I do? Plus, since I'm the author of this story who knows what I could do. Ne, Kyo-chi~ do you really want to test me? Like I could make you and a certain pineapple haired Male illusionist kiss for one thing."

Kyoya: "..." -glares-

Stara-chi: "I'd knew you see it my way! Now the disclaimer please."

Kyoya: "The omnivore does not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn!" -Leaves-

Stara-chi: "So cute/hot~ Kyo-chi~ is! I just wanna hug him, don't think he'll take too lightly to that though. Now this is my first KHR! fic so if you see anything out of character please inform me."

Warnings: None at this stage except that most of the events will be based of the Anime version, I've watched the anime but only read bits from the manga before the Inheritance arc.

Tsuna will be OOC, also other characters might seem OCC to get them interacting more and such

Pairings: All x Fem27 (All x Female Tsuna)

Note: Please enjoy! And leave a review, reviews = motivation, which = quicker updates

"Normal speech."



Chapter One: Target 1 - Beginning

Tsunayomi Sawada, thirteen years old and a first year junior student at Namimori Middle school. Has below average/poor academic grades and chooses not to participate in PE classes. No friends, isn't seen associating with anyone therefore a loner, is also incredibly clumsy. Bullied and also teased by half of the student body, believed to have gender identity issues by everyone even the teachers. Why? Because of 'his' appearance.

Wears baggy, oversized clothes with multiple layers, 'his' body was petite in both height and proportions. 'His' hair was light brown, spiked up in all directions at the front, covered half of 'his' face, the back part of 'his' hair was always seen held back in a low pony tail that reaches all the way past his bottom.

Not much can be said about his face thanks to his hair.

Normally referred to as Dame-Tsuna, Baka-Tsuna, or No-good-Tsuna by classmates and fellow students.

In truth though, Tsuna was actually a female. Only her mother and relatives knew this, well except for her supposed 'Father'. He somehow managed to end up forget and start believing she was male. She didn't care though. She didn't care what others thought of her. She preferred wearing pants and shorts to skirts and dresses any day.

No one else could see through her or tell she was a female. Especially since it seemed that she had a flat chest with no breasts at all. Whenever she was required to change at school she quickly and quietly ran off to the bathroom stalls, making sure no one was in the bathroom, God forbid anyone was in there when she was that was just awkward. And if a really curious person were to go resort to checking her school records and Data they would find the area under Gender, blank.



It was the fourth period at Namimori Middle school. Well, actually now it was fifth period thanks to the bell that just rung. Fourth period had been PE class for Tsuna. Her class had played a game of Dodge ball. Neither team wanted Tsuna to be on their side, but eventually one had to give in. And just like always the team Tsuna was on had unfortunately lost.

It was a rule that the losing team packed up the equipment and cleaned the room/ field the activity was held in. Tsuna was blamed for the loss and her team mates had all pointed fingers and angry looks and left her to do all the work.

Tsuna wasn't happy about this but she was used to this behavior. 'If they really wanted to win they could have actually put effort into trying! Not blame me, sure I did nothing but hey, they told me to stay to the side and do nothing! They're all annoying sore losers.'

Quickly packing away all the equipment they used for Dodge ball, Tsuna glanced at the clock then around the room. The thought 'he' shrugged her shoulders, fifth period lesson was already ten minutes in why bother showing up. Instead of sweeping the floor like she was meant to. She headed home, grabbing her bag out of her locker on the way. 'Nobody will even notice if I forget to sweep anyway.' Tsuna thought.

Stepping into the humble abode that was the Sawada residence the brunette headed upstairs, but paused midway when Nana Sawada, Tsuna's mother looked around the corner.

Nana Sawada was in her mid, thirty's. She had short dark brown hair, caring brown eyes and was normally dressed in a plan shirt and skirt with an apron on, today's apron was pale yellow. Nana's personality was air-headed and oblivious it seemed to others, but Tsuna knew her mother was actually quite observant when she wanted and she always wanted what was best for her daughter like most mothers.

"Tsu-chan! What are you doing home? You should be at school, making new friends and enjoying life!" The older woman questioned her daughter. She wanted Tsuna to open up to others but the only way she could help was through encouragement. "I don't care if you don't go to a good high school or college but what do you expect to do with your future?"

The younger female merely shrugged in response and continued her path upstairs.



"Come into the living room please dear. I need to discuss a matter with you."

"Let me have a shower and get dressed first!"


"So what did you need to talk about Mum?" Tsuna asked. She now wore a simple orange T-shirt, and baggy black pants. She had replaced the bandages she usually wore after her shower in exchange for new clean ones. Tsuna had also let her hair down.

"You're grades Tsu-chan, I know you can do better. You're not dumb, you just don't focus or bother." Nana scolded, "So I've hired a tutor to help make sure you stay focused."

"YOU WHAT? Why? Mum your not being serious are you? This is just a joke right? Ha-ha you really fooled me!" The light haired brunette rubbed the back of her head in a reassuring manner, trying to calm herself down. Nana passed her a advertisement letter.

We will train your child to become a leader of the next generation.

No matter what grades or problems.

Our tutors are young and handsome.

In exchange for you providing living accommodations the cost is free.


"It's so creative isn't it! I've never seen a ad quite like it!" Nana sang. Tsuna shook her head.

"No! It sounds like a scam Mum! Call it off."

"No Tsu-chan, I've already signed a contract and arranged things. The tutor should arrive later today, and he'll be living with us till your grades improve. I want you to be polite." Nana stood up.

"But-" Tsuna's words were cut of by her Mother's look.

"No but's Tsu-chan. I'll be lenient with you and call you Tsu-kun like you've asked me to around others. And I won't talk about your gender. But you need to give the tutor a chance, no complaints." Tsuna knew not to argue with her Mother when she was this upset, Nana was normally a gentle woman and it took a lot to upset her like this. Tsuna stayed quiet so Nana continued, "Now I need to go pick up some things we're out of. I should be back before the Tutor arrives though. Bye Tsu-kun." And Nana was off, leaving a very irritated and pissed Tsuna alone.

"Stupid, stupid!" Was muttered under the teenage girls breath. No it wasn't stupid the situation was utterly ridiculous! She didn't want a tutor nor did she need one. What was her Mother thinking? Okay, so her grades were bad, but that didn't mean she was stupid!

Tsunayomi Sawada was not stupid, not at all. In fact she was far from stupid. In class she just didn't give a damn, and didn't pay attention. She didn't study at home. With homework she just did a quarter or less, or she didn't bother doing it at all. And when it came to tests, she dozed off and slept. No Tsuna was not dumb. 'I could hack into numerous systems and data basis when I was seven! And not once was I tracked.'

Tsuna from a early age even found out about the Mafia, and that her 'Father' was involved. The stupid, idiotic excuse for a Father had been careless gotten drunk and passed out when he was home for once. Tsuna had taken the opportunity to search through his luggage he brought home with him. She found files of information, guns and other little Mafia used weapons. But she wasn't surprised or scarred about her little discovery, no in fact she had a haunch he was involved in some dangerous business. Why, because it wasn't the first time she encountered things or, and people related to the Mafia.

Her first encounter with Mafia had been when she was five years old. Her Mother had taken her to a small county side town in Italy. They were visiting her Mother's Mother, her Grandma or 'Granny' as she called the old kind woman. Her 'Father' had met them there and stayed with them for a total of three days before he had to get back to his 'job'. When Tsuna was board she had wandered off in the near by forest to play around and test out the small light Tessen her Granny had gave her, the Tessen was crafted out of wood and had a floral design as it's theme.

-Flash back-

"La~la~La~" Young Tsuna sang full of cheer. She was wearing a pale light orange sleeveless dress that ended just below her knees, one the ends of the dress it was a little frilly. She also had white short, shorts underneath. Her hair was held in a high pony tail and reached down past her shoulders. Her fringe was short just reaching in her eyes, it was swept to the sides revealing innocent, warm big brown eyes. The young girl was swinging around a small Tessen around in a experimenting way, observing the movements of how it closed and opened and what way it would open successfully quicker.

Her Granny had also given her a book containing all the basics of using Tessen. Of course neither her Mama nor Papa new of Granny's gifts to her. Granny had said it was their little secret and she pinkie promised not to tell.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Little Tsuna giggled, the Tessen in her hand was moving exactly how she wished it to.

Her Granny had only given her the Tessen thanks to little Tsuna's curiosity. She had explored Granny's house to find something that perked her interest when her parents and Granny were having a chat, leaving little Tsuna with nothing fun to do. Lucky for her she stumbled in the attic and found an old trunk with the Tessen neatly put inside. And Tsuna being the young child she was decided to play around with the beautiful fan like object, it was bigger than a normal hand fan she would occasionally see and it was stronger. Later on her Granny found her swinging around the Tessen.

Her Granny than got something else out the old trunk and presented Tsuna with a book titled, 'Basic's of Tessen'. Granny was so nice a told her that she could keep both the Tessen and the book as a gift saying that Tsuna had a natural talent with the fan like weapon. Needless to say it had made young Tsuna's day.

Swinging the Tessen closed, little Tsuna smiled. She hid it away under her dress, using a strap she had around her leg to keep it in place.

Then taking notice of a butterfly landing on a flower, Tsuna being as quiet as she could crept towards the small creature.

Holding her hands out in front of her, cupping her two hands she took one more step towards it. Just as she was about to reach out and try catching the creature she froze. A bad feeling rising in her chest as if it was warning her something was wrong.

Seconds latter, young Tsuna's eyes widened. Something small, black and projectile flew past and pierced through the butterfly instantly killing the poor creature. It was so fast though Tsuna couldn't even blink before it was over. The left over remains of the beautiful insect fell silently to the ground. Young Tsuna starred in shock. Her eyes began to water. Crouching down, the cute child dug a small hole before gathering the remains of the now once beautiful creature and laid it in the hole.

"Sleep well..." the child whispered. Filling the hole back in, and burying the butterfly remains along with it.

Tsuna must have zoned out for the next thing she knew, there was a black shadow standing over her. She looked to the side to see a lone figure standing a few steps away from her. The stranger quickly spoke aloud.

"Who the hell are you scum?"

-End Chapter 1-


Stara-chi: "So how was it?"

Mukuro: "Kufufu... Stupid~ No one will want to read something without my beautiful self in~"

Stara-chi: -Vain snaps- "M-u-k-u-r-o! GET LOST OR GO COMPLAIN TO CHROME!"

Mukuro: "Kufufu..." -Vanishes-

Stara-chi: "... Wow! He actually listened. Anyway please review!"


(Something that isn't right or you don't understand please don't hesitate to tell me, I'll try to answer your question.)

A Tessen:

A fan like weapon, if your still confused look at Temari's weapon in Naruto.