Neither Renee nor I own Hetalia. The characters belong to their respective owners. All we take claim for is the plot.

I wrote Lovino, and Renee wrote Antonio. Her parts are in Italics.

Now, enjoy~!

It was a brisk autumn day. Heavy winds sent dead leaves into a dance along the sidewalk. It was a beautiful sight, but Lovino couldn't care less – he just wanted to get home and curl up on the couch and not talk to anyone. He walked with his hands in the pockets of his sweater and music playing into his ears from his headphones.

Antonio walked down the street, head down and hood up. The sun was hidden by the clouds, leaving Antonio feeling lost, like he was missing something. He sighed audibly before looking at the grey sky, searching for any sign of the sun. It had always made him feel better, comforting him, and at a time like this, comfort was something he could use.

Kicking a pile of leaves in his path, he grunted. How could they have fired him? He wasn't doing anything wrong. He simply spoke what was on his mind – which, apparently didn't please the customers at the catina. He could scarcely heard footsteps nearby, but he ignored them.

A pile of leaves blew into his face, drawing him out of his reverie and back into reality. An enraged looking man was walked towards him with loud music blaring out of his headphones. Antonio stared, half-intrigued and half-angry at the stranger for kicking leaves into his face.

Lost in his thoughts and blaring music, he almost walked straight into the mad in his path, a couple of leaves floating off of his jacket. He recognized the man from somewhere, but he couldn't tell where. Possibly a regular from the catina where he worked – well – used to work at.

"Mind moving over?" He snapped, feeling slightly bad after the remark escaped his lips, but not enough to apologize.

"Mind watching your manners?" Antonio snapped back, not hesitating.

"Don't need 'em anymore," He muttered to himself as he tried to shove past. The stranger spoke with an accent – must be Spanish. He snorted.

"¿Perdón?" Antonio grabbed the man's arm, obviously mad now. "I couldn't hear you, amigo. You were muttering."

Lovino gritted his teeth and yanked his arm away. He didn't need to be yell at by anyone else – especially a Spanish stranger. "Just move, Spaniard!" I don't need anymore shit from anyone today!"

"Fine then! Just get out of my face, will you?" Antonio yelled over his shoulder, walking away. "And learn some manners. That's probably why you've gotten shit."

"That's none of your business!" He shouted back, trying to make his feet move to away. He felt his eyes burn, tears threatening to build up. Oh great, just what he needed. He crossed his arms, frustrated at everything.

Antonio looked back, at first planning on giving the other man a dirty look, but he stopped when he saw the man's face. It was contorted in what looked like an effort to stop crying. His arms were crossed over his torso and his legs were practically shaking. Guilt washed over him, turning his feet around and making him walk back towards the man.

Managing to get his feet into a slight shuffle, he started to walk down the sidewalk, taking slower, sulkier strides before he heard footsteps again from behind him. Augh! He wasn't done yelling at him yet? He spun around to spit out another sarcastic remark but his words caught in his throat.

Unbeliveably sad hazel eyes stared back at Antonio, almost causing him to gasp. Had he been the one to make those eyes so sad? Whatever the cause was, Antonio knew that he needed to do something to fix the problem.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I was out of line earlier. It hasn't been the best week for me." Antonio shrugged sheepishly.

Lovino would tell anyone else to fuck off and walk away, but there was something about the way the man spoke that seemed to melt some of his anger. Maybe it was that Spanish purr.

"Join the club." He sighed, looking at his shoes. A strong gust of wind cut through the air, causing him to shiver slightly.

Antonio noticed the shiver. "Let me make it up to you, si? How about a cup of coffee?" The Spaniard felt slightly strange asking something he had almost assaulted for coffee, but it was the least he could do. The other man looked up at him again, eyes questioning.

"Oh, well…um…" His words jumbled inside his head. Why was this handsome man asking him for coffee? Wait, when did he stop being rude and start being handsome? Lovino sighed and managed to mumble a response, "Why not."

Antonio smiled. The other man was so cute. "I know the perfect place. By the way, my name is Antonio."

The stiff anger built up inside Lovino's muscles melted away at the Spaniard's bright smile. It was like the sun had bumped into him, yelled at him, and then asked him for coffee. He shook his head, still confused by it all. "I'm Lovino."

They started walking. Antonio used this opportunity to break the ice. "Lovino, eh? That's such a nice name."

He let out half of a laugh, "Uh, thanks." Walking beside Antonio, he was vaguely aware of the direction they were heading in, "Just where are we going anyway?"

"There's this bakery right by my apartment. It's muy bien. You'll enjoy, trust me."

"Oh…" He stumbled – he was never good with conversation. "So you're Spanish then?" He cursed himself in the head, why did every he said have to come out sounding stupid?"

"Si. And you're Italian, no?"

"Si." Another gust of wind blew past them, sending leaves flying into their path. He wished he had worn a heavier sweater.

Lovino shivered again, and this time Antonio couldn't ignore it. He took off his own coat and placed it around Lovino's shoulders.

Lovino's heart fluttered in his chest. "Um, it's fine really…" He began. First offering him coffee and now handing over his jacket? This man has shown more kindness to Lovino within just a few minutes of knowing him then anyone had in quite some time.

"It's not a problem. You looked cold." Smiling to himself at the Italian's face, Antonio led them down a side street and stopped in front of a café. "Here we are!" He announced, smiling. "La Luna, my mother's favourite café." Antonio opened the door, bowing and sweeping his arm forward for Lovino to enter.

We've got sooo much of this written already it's ridiculous. Hope you enjoyed!

~Aly and Renee