Well here you go, another quick update! I hope you enjoy.

Why was he here? That was a good question; Matthew did not even know himself. Was it just because he was hurt and had no one else to go to? Or was there more to it? "I came hereā€¦because I was scared," he muttered, his eyes trained on his hands. "I had no one else and I-I couldn't stay there with England like that!" Tears slid down his cheeks for some reason. He never wanted to lose his brother! Why couldn't Alfred have done this a better way? So many were dead and for what so he can be away from England? It was so stupid to him.

His hands began to twist together when there was no answer; he hesitantly looked up at his brother. He was surprised, when had Alfred walked closer to him? The American was now standing beside the bed, staring down at him. He felt in-signifigant to him for once the look in his blue eyes scared him even more. "A-Alfred?" he whimpered.

Alfred had been watching the other blond, the colony seemed so weak at the moment. He felt a strong urge to take over the land before him; it was something he never felt before. Was this what England felt? Is this why he was becoming a large empire now? He shook his head a little trying to rid himself of these thoughts.

He focused while the other spoke and quickly noticed who did this to him. His anger grew, how could Arthur have done this to Matthew? It was terrible and he would make the nation pay for it.

Alfred frowned when Matthew stuttered his name he was scaring him and it made him feel terrible. Lifting his hand, he gently touched his brother's bruised cheek. "Matty, I'm sorry that this happened to you. But there is no reason to be scared!" he smiled lightly. "I will always be here for you." The words escaped his mouth and it sounded true enough. However, he was not sure if he could always be there for him. He was not there for him this time and Matthew had been badly injured. What if the blond was not able to get to him next time?

"I am sorry about what happened, I never wanted it to be like this," he sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "Things just got so out of hand so quickly. My people were crying out for freedom and justice, how could I say no to them?" He felt an arm wrap around his shoulders he looked back at Matthew and smiled weakly. "It's a crazy world we live in."

Matthew wrapped his arm around Alfred. The other seemed so sad and distraught from all this. The Canadian couldn't help but feel the same way. "It will be okay someday Alfred." He leaned weakly against his brothers back. "It was so odd though Alfie, for some reason Arthur mistook me for you," he muttered. That had never happened before and Matthew never thought that he really looked that much like Al. "I hope it won't happen again, it would be silly for others to mistake us all the time," he chuckled.

It would also be painful if Arthur mistook him for Alfred again. There was always the chance that he wouldn't escape the stronger older nation. That thought lingered for a few moments, he wouldn't be able to go home with Arthur in that state. Actually, he did not want to go home at all. It may have sounded terrible in his mind; he knew his people needed him right now.

"Alfred," he muttered, his eyes trained on his brothers back. "I don't know what to do. I feel like I should go back there for my people, to show how strong I am. Yet, I find myself hesitating. I do not want to be there when Arthur is there." His hands gripped Alfred's shirt slightly. "I do not want to see the disappointment in his eyes again. I feel like somehow I failed him."

In a way he had failed him, he wasn't able to stop his own family from fighting. He should have seen where this was going early on and stopped it ahead of time. What if he had been able to find a peaceful solution to this? He could have saved them all and saved his family from falling apart.

The Canadian's eyes drifted shut, "I should have done something to stop this."

Mathew's words took Alfred by surprise his brother blamed himself? "Matty," he paused, not knowing what he should say. "There was nothing you could have done. It was bound to come to this. Arthur would never have given me my freedom. He is too wrapped up in trying to rule the world. I couldn't just stand by and let my people suffer!"

The American stood quickly, his irritation fueling him. He did not even notice when Matthew fell forward on the bed. "I did what I had to do to protect my people and myself. I knew how it could affect all of us. I knew what it would do to our family, but sometimes drastic measures need to be taken. I needed to take control of my own land! I couldn't follow England's rules forever!" he ranted, his body paced quickly back and forth across the floor. The wooden planks creaked slightly under his heavy boots.

"A family can never survive when one controls all the others. It was doomed to fall apart the moment I took his hand when I was little. Not all of us can be docile and kind like you Matthew," pausing he looked back at his brother. "My offer still stands," he said a little coldly. "You can still join me and we can rule the western world without influence of those across the pond. We could do it Matthew." He watched his younger brother his blue eyes icy. "Just you and me."

Alfred had asked the other blond about this before, when this war first started. However, the Canadian declined not wanting his freedom apparently. It seemed crazy to Alfred at first. As time dragged on, he found his thoughts wandering to the others rejection though. He had begun to understand why Matthew had said no, but things have changed since them. He had seen just how violent Arthur could be on the battlefield, and off it. It felt wrong to try and play off of the others fear right now, but it was bound to work this time.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he watched Matthew carefully. "I can protect you Matty, but you have to let me. Stay with me, please."

Matthew's violet eyes burned with tears, he had never thought that his family would fall apart. Learning that Alfred thought it would fall apart hurt him. Why did Alfred never talk to him? It hurt that his brother did not want him to know about his thoughts and worries. The Canadian wished that he was still France's colony. Everything had been so simple back then.

The warm tears slid down his cheeks when Alfred made is offer again. This time he was seriously thinking about joining him. He did not want to sit around and wait for Arthur to hurt him again. However, how would that make Alfred any different from Arthur? Power was an addictive thing that would overtake even the strongest of souls.

Yet, a world that involved just them it sounded so nice. It was very tempting to him. Reaching out he gently touched Alfred's arms, his skin felt warm under his hands. The strength he felt there could never be doubted. They were both still so young, but Alfred had already surpassed him.

They may look alike but they were so different in the end. His older brother was like sunshine, he was warm like the summer he loved so much. His eyes were like a clear sky and his hair was like a shock of sunlight that was placed on this bleak world.

Matthew seemed dull compared to him, he felt cold like the winter months that ruled his land. His hair was dull and his skin was as pale as the snow he loved. The only outstanding feature he had were his eyes. The shock of violet was the only noticeable thing about him.

Those eyes betrayed him so easily though.

Matthew's face dropped when Alfred moved away from his touch. He was about to apologize when Alfred grasped his hands and held them tightly. His blue eyes seemed to plead for the answer he wanted. Could Matthew ever deny his brother?

"Alfred," he whispered, clutching his warm hands tightly. "I think, I have an answer for you."

Sorry I left it here but I need to think of an answer for him ~.~ I hope you enjoyed! Please review!