A/N: Welcome to my first update of 2013 everybody! Hope you like it! Also this chapter was created around the time of Episode 67 of Z! True Long Island Story, which is why Episode 68 is in rather than a more current episode because I hadn't gotten around to updating it in time with Zack's show. I also do not own the character of The Nostalgia Critic, it is owned by Doug Walker and I'm simply borrowing him for fun.

Last Time

"Then lets go to bed together then," Eve smiled.

Taryn eased both of them down on the bed. Now they were lying on the bed, looking into each others eyes as they kissed.

"Good idea." Cena smiled.

Randy smiled at her.

Eve got into the covers first.

Taryn smiled back at Randy. As far as she was concerned this was the final test to see if she deserved to be Randy's girlfriend, her performance in bed could seal the deal and cement her relationship with the Viper. She decided to be aggressive and gave Randy a slow kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth.

Randy let out a sensual growl of approval, he liked her aggressiveness.

Cena followed her, as the two started to cuddle.

Taryn knew she was doing something right so she decided to go a little further and press her body against Randy so he could feel her big breasts against him.

Eve gave John a soft kiss on the lips before turning out the lights.

Randy moaned softly.

"Night baby." John smiled.

End Flashback

It was a beautiful Thursday afternoon in Long Island, New York as everyone's favorite broski Zack Ryder was setting up to film another episode of his hit webshow Z! True Long Island Story as he turned on his flip camera.

"Welcome everyone to Episode 68 of Z True Long Island Story, I am your host, the WWE Internet Champion and the WWE United States Champion, Long Island Iced-Z, Zack Ryder! Now this week on Z, we have a couple very special guests. First up is my girl AJ. Say hi to the broskis, baby!" Zack grinned.

"Hiiiiiii," AJ waved with a radiant smile on her face.

Zack smiled, leaning over to kiss his girlfriend, not caring that all his broskis would see.

AJ blushed while she kissed him back.

Zack turned back to the camera, smiling broadly. "Next up is a fellow internet icon, much like me and we have him here tonight. SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK! AJ, baby, might you bring him in please?"

"My pleasure," AJ said cheerfully, "From Chicago, Illinois, The Nostalgia Critic!" She announced.

The Nostalgia Critic came out in his trademark attire and a smile on his face, "Good to be here, nice setup too, almost as good as my blank white wall," He joked.

Zack laughed. "Very funny, you a comedian on the side bro?" He joked back.

"No but I get that alot," NC smiled, "But really it's good to be here."

"Good to have ya bro. Critic, my girl AJ is also a fan of yours."

"Yeah my fans get prettier and prettier every week," He smiled, "It's good to be an internet icon."

"You know it bro." Zack grinned.

"With that being said I'm a huge fan of your show, too." NC complimented.


"Yeah. Whenever you're in Chicago look me up, I might, just might make you a guest on my show."

"That'd be SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!" Zack laughed.

Then a silver banner with the words, "Ask The Heel" appeared on screen.

Zack inwardly groaned.

"Yes it's the only interesting guy on the internet who you all are fortunate to see. The hashtag heel, Dolph Ziggler."

"Of all the weeks to do this.." Zack sighed.

Dolph smiled smugly, "And unlike some people I don't need to pander to the audience or review old things from three decades ago to prove to everyone that I am the most entertaining superstar in the ring AND online."

"He didn't say that, tell me he did not just say that!" Zack exclaimed.

"Why? Because nobody talks as slick as I do, nobody fights as well as I do, nobody looks as good as I do and you can bet that nobody is as charismatic as I am," Dolph said, his voice full of cool arrogance.

"Oh my gosh bro, shut up!" Zack groaned.

"In other words, the reason why you tuned in this week is to see me. I'm Dolph Ziggler and I'm the best and you're not, later marks," The heel finished.

"Well folks that was Ask The Heel, a regular segment here on Z True Long Island Story. Any comments?" Zack asked,

"Yes, do you ALWAYS have that string-haired loudmouth on your show?" NC asked.

"It seems like it. How bout you AJ?"

"Yeah, seems like it," AJ said. "Oh...bummer," Critic stated.

Zack then stepped away from the camera for a moment, returning with 2 Broski t-shirts, headbands and sunglasses, giving them out to AJ and NC.

AJ put on her glasses while NC put on his headband, "Gifts from Zack Ryder, now my life is complete," He said with a cool, dramatic tone, complete with fake sniffing.

Zack laughed. "Glad to help with that bro."

"Well that's all the time we have for this week, I hope you enjoyed the show. Don't forget to like this video, leave a comment, subscribe to my Youtube channel, go back and watch all my other episodes, watch me all month long on WWE Classics on Demand, and like me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, buy all this Zack Ryder merchandise on WWE and take care, spike your hair. Woo woo woo..."

"YOU KNOW IT!" AJ & NC said in unison.

Zack then shut off his camera. "All right that was a great show. Nostalgia Critic, bro thank you so much for being on my show!"

"You're welcome man," Critic smiled, offering a handshake, "Look me up whenever you're in Chicago."

"Will do, if ya need anything, like if ya want me on your show, I'll give ya my number and ya can call me. I'm sure AJ would also love to be on your show, wouldn't ya babe?" Zack smiled at his girlfriend, returning Critic's handshake.

"Of course I would," AJ smiled, "That's good, I'll keep a spot open. I can always use more girls on my show," Critic smiled.

"Thanks again bro, be seeing ya." Zack smiled as he gave Critic his number, and Critic gave him his before he left.

Later that night Zack Ryder was all freshened up and ready to finish off a great day with a hot night with his sweet girlfriend AJ Lee. Everything was right, especially after he just posted his crossover with the Nostalgia Critic on his YouTube account.

"Hey Zackie?" AJ asked cutely.

"Yes my darling broskette?" Zack responded, a happy smile on his face.

"Wanna play some games?" She asked, a playful grin on her face.

Zack grinned back at her, "Sure, what games you have in mind baby?"

"How about Mortal Kombat?" She asked with a giggle.

"Oh you're on baby," Zack grinned at her, Mortal Kombat was one of his favorite games.

"You play?" AJ asked, surprised.

"Sure do." Zack grinned.

"I'm gonna own you with Kitana." AJ smirked.

"Not if I own you with Johnny Cage," Zack smirked back.

"Bring it." AJ challenged.

"To the living room then," Zack said with cool confidence, ready to play a game with his girlfriend.

AJ happily skipped to her boyfriend's living room.

Zack walked behind her with a happy smile on his face, grabbing a controller and turning his game console on.

AJ grabbed hers with a smile.

Zack grabbed his controller. Once the game was at the main menu he went to the "Fight" mode and was ready to select his kombatant.

AJ selected hers. "Kitana!" Shao Khan boomed on the tv.

"Johnny Cage!" Shao Khan's voice bellowed once Zack selected his.

"Isn't it ironic that Khannie's the announcer?" AJ asked with a laugh.

"It is a little ironic," Zack nodded, knowing how Khan was the announcer as well as a game character and boss villain.

"I mean what other game has the announcer has the final boss?" AJ laughed.

"I have no idea baby," Zack laughed with her as the virtual fight started.

AJ smirked, starting off with a quick flurry of kicks.

Zack lost the first strike but returned fire with an energy punch.

AJ ducked, grabbing Zack, using Kitana's signature throw.

Zack was thrown back but he recovered quickly. He then tried firing an energy ball at AJ.

It connected squarely, knocking AJ backwards.

Zack moved in closer, waiting for AJ to get up before throwing a quick high kick.

AJ visibly cringed as Kitana screamed, hitting the ground hard.

Zack smirked, seeing his super meter rise up. He stepped back just a little to give AJ a fair shot at getting up.

AJ calmly got back up.

Zack went in for a big stomach punch flurry attempt.

AJ smirked, using a Breaker combo.

Zack was sent rolling back from the Breaker combo but he got back on his feet and shuffled forward, ready to attack.

AJ grinned, letting loose a combo barrage.

Zack's health was almost gone at the end. He activated his X-Ray move, seeing Johnny goad and arrogantly pose, "C'mon."

AJ accidentally walked into it.

Zack grinned, hitting AJ with his X-Ray combo. A flurry of low blows and a diving elbow drop to her back, cutting her health down to match his own.

AJ smirked, building her combo back up to hit Kitana's X-Ray. "Farewell." She giggled, imitating Kitana.

The X-Ray attack depleted Johnny's health, Zack's mouth widened as the X-Ray attack ended his resistance. The dreaded, "FINISH HIM," appeared on the screen as Johnny Cage was a sitting duck.

AJ smiled gleefully as she performed Kitana's fatality, the Kiss of Death.

"Aw man!" Zack said in defeat as the words "FATALITY" appeared on the screen.

AJ giggled. "That was a good fight."

"It sure was," Zack smiled at her, "Man that fun."

AJ yawned. "Carry me baby?"

"It'll be my pleasure," Zack replied, getting up with AJ to sweep her off of her feet and carry her bridal-style.

AJ smiled, soon laying down in bed with her wonderful boyfriend next to her.

Zack turned off the lights, placing an arm over his beautiful girlfriend, "Good night angel."

"Night Zackie." She smiled, drifting off to sleep, or so she thought. Within minutes, AJ was tossing and turning, letting out soft fearful whimpers.

The nightmare took place in the ring of a Smackdown event. AJ and her ex-boyfriend Daniel Bryan were in the ring during a live Smackdown event.

AJ looked up at Daniel fearfully.

"Eighteen seconds...I cannot believe I lost to that white monster Sheamus in eighteen seconds!" Daniel yelled in anger, coming after a hard loss to Sheamus as Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight Championship. He looked at AJ from the corner of his eye.

"Daniel.." AJ whimpered.

"I blame you..." Daniel said, his voice was cold and full of seriousness.

"Daniel, you asked me to kiss you!"

Zack just woke up, he could tell that something was wrong with his beloved, "AJ, baby.." He kissed her softly on her lips, thinking that would wake her.

AJ's eyes slowly opened, before hugging Zack tightly as she started crying. "Zackie...he..he blamed me.."

Zack knew just what she was talking about, "It's Danny's fault, not yours baby, " He said, holding her close.

"It...it was..your right." AJ whimpered.

"Baby..." Zack said softly. He never liked to see AJ like this, crying and sad over her ex.

"Yeah Zackie?"

"I love you more than I've ever loved anybody, I'll never treat you like how Daniel treated you."

"Y...You promise?" AJ sniffled.

"I promise," Zack said with a soft smile on his face.

"I love you Zack."

"I love you too AJ." He smiled sweetly.

The two shared in a passionate kiss before drifting off into a happy slumber.

To be continued...