A/N: I know I am the worst at updating any of my stories and I only finished one of them. But if anyone wants me to finish any of my stories just let me know. But for right now I just couldn't get this idea out of my head. I hope you guys like it!
All mistakes are mine! Let me know if there should be another chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own glee.
You chewed me up and spit me out, like I was poison in your mouth! I sang at my most drunken state since college. Which was a hard lesson to learn after a severe hangover and the shamefulness of hanging your head over the toilet. But the piercing headache and pitiful sleep crouched in the bathroom all seem worth it right now. I'm willing to swallow shot after shot and chug vodka till my insides burn because feeling drunk right now is the closest thing to numb I can get to. And feeling numb is better than feeling pain and overbearing heart-break. So when I wake up tomorrow, alone, with a dreadful head ache it will be better to be in pain right then, then it feels right now.
I stumble into a late night drifter, like me, on the bright street. And wonder what pain they're feeling right now to be stalking the New York streets right now. It's weird really how lively New York feels at four in the morning then Lima ever did. I guess that's why I tried so hard to get out; strived so hard at every song I sang and poured every emotion into every performance. Just to get out of that town and reach New York. Saying good-bye must have been the hardest part. With tear filled eyes I hugged Brittney and Tina hard. My best friends since elementary school were Tina was the new girl and Brittney and I joined together to make the new girl feel comfortable. But our friendship stretched beyond that first day of second grade. Our friendship made it through plenty of arguments and dozens of short lived declarations of our no longer existent friendship. But our trio never spilt or divide; it was always the three of us. But now miles keep us apart but they never changed us.
The hardest good-bye must have been to my high school boyfriend, Finn. I clasped his hands in mine and kissed them; Feeling the soft skin of his hands on my lips. I leaned my head in the crook of his shoulder and breathed in his scent and closed my eyes. I didn't want to leave Finn; but I knew if I stayed and settled and made a life here in Lima I'd come to resent Finn. So I had to leave, and when I stepped on the platform of the train station tears leaked from my eyes. I whispered one final good-bye in Finn's ear that listened to all I had to tell him. I placed my lips on his for a brief second feeling the way I had a hundred times when I kissed him. I ran my hand across his cheek and swiped my thumb at a tear rolling down his cheek. Finn choked out a sob as he pulled me into a hug. We pulled apart and he handed me my ticket and I boarded the train. I looked out the window as my life in Lima dissolved away.
And here I am now wallowing in the past, when all I wanted was to be in New York. I let out a giggle as I think of how innocent and pure Finn and I's relationship was. How there was no lies and deceit. Not like it is now.
And that brings me to Milo. The man I thought was going to be my husband and best friend through the toughest of times. With his thick black curls and deep blue eyes I was hooked when I first saw him. I was in a bar with Kurt, my good friend, and it was pouring out and when we walked in we were soaking. We slide into a booth and ditched our wet coats. I stood and walked over to the bar. I ordered us two vodka sodas and waited patiently. I didn't even glance up at him until his deep voice spoke out to me.
"Two vodka sodas, for the pretty lady." He winked at me and pushed the drinks toward my hands.
I let out a heavy sigh and covered my hands over my face and let a ragged sigh escape from my lips. Because every time he comes to my mind I can't help but think of the familiar blonde who also took part in the lies. I scoffed at the irony of it all. And soon enough the alcohol pulls me into the recent memory of it all.
I got home early from an audition in L.A. and was looking forward to surprising Milo. I had swung by the liquor store and got some drinks and dropped by the lingerie shop. I picked up a black lace underwear and matching bra, spontaneously I bought a sheer black night gown. The whole thing was perfect; He wouldn't expect me home until tomorrow night and when he comes home to find me sprawled in the bed waiting for him. So as I made my way up the steps to our apartment and finally got to our door. I stuck my key in and opened up the door. I placed my keys on the table by the door and pushed my dress off and suddenly felt modest in my lingerie. So I slipped my coat back on and decided to wait until I saw him. I was hungry to see his sexy chiseled face and muscular arms that I almost barley heard the moaning coming from our bedroom. I froze in my place and listened carefully hoping it was just my over imaginative mind creating sounds. But I was wrong as I heard a deep groan and a whiny breathy sigh.
I leaned toward our closed door desperate to hear more. I had to be dreaming this can't be happening. I once saw a movie were people snuck into other people's apartments and had sex and stole things. Maybe this was just like it.
"Milo! Milo!" a woman's voice rang out from behind the heavy oak door. I creaked open the door silently hoping they'd hear me and cover themselves up in shame. So ashamed that the fiancé and maid of honor were having an affair behind the bride to be's back. But they didn't because they were too busy having sex in her bed. I got a 'great' view of her fiancé screwing her ex best friend. They were facing forward so she could clearly see their faces but both of their eyes were closed in the passion of the moment.
"Milo!" Quinn breathed out. Quinn screamed as her and Milo moved together.
"Fuck… Baby, you're so damn good." Milo gasped into Quinn's ear as they broke apart. Rachel didn't know how they didn't notice her in the darkness of the door's shadow.
Rachel was fed up her tears brimming in her eyes but quickly they dissolved. And her rage over took her; bubbling inside her like a boiling pot of water when the stove was left on too long.
"Jesus, Quinn didn't know you were so vocal." Rachel said as she stormed over to the happy pair that were just having sex in her bed. She pulled the blonde off of Milo and pushed her to the ground.
"Rachel, were so sorry!" Quinn begged as she clutched at a dirty towel on the floor to cover herself.
"About what? Having sex with my fiancé? In my bed? Why I was away? Promising to be my maid of honor when you are this disloyal?" I screamed at her.
"Everything ,Rachie. It just happened." Quinn whimpered through her sobs.
"How pathetic are you? Crying here like you were the one to find your fiancé screwing your best friend! Get the hell out of my apartment! I never want to see you again. You idiotic desperate slut!" I raged as I tossed her pursed at her and chucked her shoes in her direction.
"Can I-I-I have my clothes?" she said pointing to the pile at my feet. I smirked and picked them up opened the window and tossed them out. For a few seconds I watched them fluttered down the 48 stories down to the street like confetti new year's eve.
"Now you can walk out of here feeling and looking like as much of a whore as you are." She nodded and slipped on her shoes still clutching and the short towel wrapped around her body. Before she left I coldly said, "Oh and Quinn?"
She turned around hopeful for my forgiveness.
"You're dead to me." I said as I turned my pack to her to face Milo. I could barely stand the sight of him. His dark waves I thought to be so charming when they fell over his eyebrows now look shaggy.
"Pack your shit and get out." I said throwing his underwear at him, "I'm giving you an hour. Don't be here when I come back." I say curtly over my shoulder as I walked out of my bedroom.
"Wait, babe, you don't even wanna talk about this?" he said his eyebrows raising up in a way I once thought cute now I found annoying. I scoffed and turned back to him.
"There's nothing to talk about. You screwed my best friend; you're just as dead to me." I grab my purse and coat and walk out the door. Shutting Milo out of my life for the last time, something I never thought would happen.
As soon as I hailed a taxi I realize I'm still wearing the lingerie under my coat. Oh well, I'm not going back.
So this is where I am now, not wanting to go back to the apartment, afraid Milo waited for me to come back. I walk into a nice enough looking diner and ordered oatmeal, knowing Milo hated oatmeal. I also order orange juice because I know Milo was allergic to citrus so I couldn't have it in the apartment. After I finish my early breakfast I walk out of the diner after paying and walk randomly down streets. Thinking of Milo. How he hated the subway, dogs, doing things on a whim, waffles, people who bite their nails, tattoos, and Talyor Swift. How he loved tacos, sex, snakes, the zoo, books, his car, and his mom. So when I pass by a tattoo shop I don't hesitate to walk right in. I'm surprised its open but quite relived to do another thing Milo hates. I don't know what to get a tattoo of but a look through a book of pictures of tattoos. I like the star most of all though so I decide to get a tattoo of that. Because that was another thing Milo hated. He hated my metaphor for stars, he couldn't stand that I put stars next to my name. right then a handsome and very sexy man comes out from the back of the shop.
"Hey the names Puck. What can I do you in for today?" he smirks down at me as he watches me nervously fidget with my coat buttons.
"Do you have a 'I fucking hate my cheating ex fiancé' tattoo?" I say a playful smile tugging at my lips.
"One of my specialties." He winks at me.
"Actually I'd rather not be reminded of him every day. How about this star?" I smile pointing down at the picture of the star.
"Looks good to me. Where at?" he says eyeing my short coat and black pumps. I blush thinking I probably should have thought that over before.
"How about right on your hip?" he says pointing at my hip. "It's a popular one, especially for hot little bods like yours." He winks again as I nod reluctantly.
"What do I got to lose right?" I say shrugging and settle on to the chair. He sits down on a stool with wheels and gets his ink ready. After only a couple minutes he looks up at me and motions to my coat. Oh shit! I forgot about my 'outfit'. But I decide to not be modest and push aside the fact that it will come off like I'm a hooker. I'm sure Puck has seen much more; professionally and for fun.
"Okay I don't have much on under this, so I'm just giving you a heads up." I say as I duck my head away from his gaze and I start to blush as I see him smirk. I shrug off my coat and toss it on a nearby chair. "It was supposed to be a surprise to my fiancé before I caught him fucking my best friend."
"She must have been ridiculously hot for him to cheat on you." his eyes raked over my bod once again and he licked his lips. "He must be fucked up in the head." His eyes look up to meet mine, I hold his gaze before I feel the heat in my cheeks rise.
"Thank you." I say as I shift in the leather seat.
"Let's get your tattoo started." He says as he leans in close and pushes back my panties so they dip expose my defined hip. I shiver in pleasure at the feel of his calloused fingers touch my skin.
"It's just us in here?" I ask looking around as he starts up the needle putting the black ink cartage in.
"Yeah, I'm a one man shop." He says as he hovers the needle over my skin. "It gets hard but it's good money." He says softly as he places the needle on my skin and puts some pressure on it as he starts to work on the shape. I whimper softly at the stinging pain. He glances up at me for a brief moment and says the pain will go away if I don't think about it. So I study his face in his deep concentration. His defined tan face and his buzzed head.
Once he is finished he rubs it with a cold liquid and dabs at it with cotton balls. He runs his fingers over it softly; barley touching. I shiver again in pleasure and I close my eyes briefly.
"So what's with this guy?" Puck asked me as he kept his head bent down in concentration. "If you don't mind."
"Well, he was a total asshole now that I look back. He was an aspiring artist and always so moody. He never paid that much attention to me after we got engaged. But then again I guess he was giving all his attention to Quinn." I looked down at him the same time he looked up with eyes of confusion.
"Oh, Quinn was my best friend that I caught him in bed with tonight." I said softly but with angry still cutting my voice as tears prickled my eyes. The pain resurfaced at mentioning the affair.
"Sorry." He said just as softly. "What does he hate?" he blurted and nodded his head in encouragement at the weird glance I gave him.
"Umm… he hated the subway, dogs, doing things on a whim, waffles, people who bite their nails, tattoos, and Talyor Swift. Oh and I remember how he hated my long hair. I know weird right? Normally guys love long hair so I cut it for him." I let out a bitter sigh.
"You know what I did when I caught my girlfriend Brittney having sex with my cousin?" I quirked an eyebrow and he shrugged at the family betrayal. "I made a list of everything she hated. This consisted of dogs, dark shaded furniture, contact sports, lizards, taking trips on a whim, and my best friend. So I bought a puppy, replaced my furniture with dark colored ones, joined an adult hockey team, got a lizard, took a trip to California on a random Tuesday, and hung out with my best friend every day. Once I did all of this it felt great."
"Do you recommend I take the subway every day, buy a dog, do something on a whim, eat waffles for breakfast, bite my nails, and go to a Taylor Swift concert?" I said smirking at the idea of doing something in spite of Milo.
"Maybe not bite your nails but you got a tattoo already and don't tell me you felt like it. Cause I know it must have been to spite him." He smirked when I grinned at him. "So why not knock off everything else on the list." He said shrugging and going back to the tattoo.
"Maybe." I said my thoughts churning in my mind.
"Do you like it?" he asks softly looking up at me.
"It is perfect! I love it." I say nodding my head frantically. I walked over to the counter and pulled out my wallet from my purse. I laid the bills down on the counter. He pushed back half of the bills that I put down he smiled at my confused expression.
"Half price. For two things; One, you're sexy. And two, because I know how bad of a night this must have been." He smiles a sad soft smile has he stares down at the glass counter.
"Thank you." I say as I turn to leave before a step out into the morning air, I flutter my fingers in a friendly good-bye.
Later when Rachel arrived home to an empty apartment she just couldn't stop gliding her fingers over her hip where her tattoo now imprinted her skin. She made a list of everything Milo hated.
Take the subway every day.
Get a dog
Do something on a whim
Eat waffles for breakfast
Go to a Taylor Swift concert
Get a tattoo
I knew I'd wind up adding more later but for now this was a start. I lightly crossed off get a tattoo and smiled. Maybe tomorrow I'd drop by the tattoo shop and see if Puck wanted to help me out with this.
A/N: so what did you guys think? Let me know because reviews fuel me to write more. Thank you! and I am open to ideas and loved to put them in the story.