It's been awhile but meh. Life always seems to get in the way of the things you really want to do with the things you have to do. Oh well all you can do is just go with it and hope for a minute (that's my kitty's name) of free time.

Hope you enjoy; much love for you all. Keva


Misaki drew his brows as Akihiko walked right past him like he didn't exist. "What the hell?" He hissed.

He was sure his plan was going to work how could it not? Sitting on the stairs seductively in nothing but one of Usagi-san shirts should have brought the author to his knees. Every time he showed even the slightest hint of skin Usagi was all over him like a rash so why didn't it work this time.

Something was off he decided and the only way to figure out what it was was to go after him. That is after another pep talk to himself to keep his courage up. This was the first time he had ever gone this far to seduce the author and he wasn't all that sure he would succeed. However this was war and he had to win; he just HAD to!

He held the large shirt he was wearing closed as he hiked the rest of the stairs to go to Akihiko's bedroom. When he opened the bedroom door he thought that maybe this turn of events wasn't so bad. The author was nearly sound asleep in the middle of the bed with a cooling cup of coffee on the nightstand. Perhaps he wasn't going to have to sacrifice his body to make sure he won the bet.

He suddenly cringed. "This time." He nodded to himself. "Once he wakes up he'll be right back to work full of energy."

Now that was a problem. The more rested and awake he was the faster he typed and put his ideas into words. No he had to derail him now not later when he was awake and clearly thinking straight.

It was now or never. Do or die!

Oh and he was sure after this was all over he was definitely going to die… of embarrassment that is.

So he pushed one side of the shirt off his shoulder while making sure to hold it closed in the middle and leaned seductively against the door frame. "Usagi-san." He called in the most seductive voice he could muster without sounding girlish.


He scowled and tried again only louder this time. "USAGI-SAN."


"HEY! WAKE YOU UP YOU TWO BIT HACK!" Surely the insult should trigger at the very least an indignant grunt or something.

A twitch.

With a growl and a grind of his teeth he stormed over to the bed. One last try and if this did nothing then he didn't know what to do. "Usagi-sama I fell out of my clothes." He purred as seductively as he could while blushing madly. "All I could find was one of your shirts to wear; you don't mind do you?"


Well that was something which was better than nothing even if he didn't wake up per se. So he tried again with something that had to absolutely get his attention. "I think I'll go visit Usagi-ani wearing this and see what he thinks." He said thoughtfully out loud.

Okay that was a little extreme and didn't work as well as he thought it would.

"Be home for breakfast." He mumbled, rolled over, and pulled the covers over his head.

Seriously; he couldn't be that tired. "Usagi-san!" He growled and jerked the covers off the man.

Usagi sat up and glared deadly at the boy. How dare he wake him just when he was getting into a nice carnal dream about said boy. "You disturbed me." He growled.

Misaki forgetting his state of dress held both hands out in front of him to ward off the threat in effect causing the shirt he was wearing to fall open. "It was an accident." He defended and backed away towards the door.

"Too late." He glared as he crawled out of the bed.

Misaki tried to turn and run but again his short legs weren't near fast enough to escape the longer strides of the taller man. Three strides and he was caught as per usual; it just wasn't fair.

"Since you disturbed my dream," he growled and jerked the boy over to the bed. "you can take up where I left off."

"I'm sorry!" He struggled to break free of his hold. "I didn't mean it!"

Akihiko pinned the boy down beneath him and held his hands tightly in one of his above his head. "If you didn't mean it you wouldn't be dressed or rather undressed as such and in my shirt."

Oh how was he going to explain his nakedness and the shirt without coming right out and saying why he was undressed as he was. "I was trying to help give you ideas for your book?" He questioned stupidly knowing full well that that was a dead give away.

"If it was anyone else it'd be believable." He glared. "Unfortunately for you I know exactly what you are trying to do and it will not succeed to the ends you desire." He purred as he trailed his free hand over his bared hip and down his thigh.

"I'm not doing anything; really!" He defended.

Akihiko leaned down until they were nose to nose. "I'm not convinced." He purred and moved his hand from his thigh to his crotch and wrapped his fingers around the half hard piece of flesh between them. "This however says something completely different." He began stroking him slowly up and down until he was stiff and hard.

"Usagi-san." He moaned and arched up against the hand stroking him oh so good. "I'm," he squirmed as he felt the tension within his gut tighten to the point of an impending release.

"Done." Akihiko growled finishing Misaki's sentence, laid down next to him, and held him tightly against his chest.

"Wha… what?" Misaki questioned confused by this sudden turn of events. Done? He wasn't done so what did he mean done? "Uh Usagi-san?"

"Sleep." He growled and tightened his hold upon him when he tried to turn in his arms.

Oh he knew exactly what this was this was reminiscent of spilling soup all over Suzuki-san, he was being punished. "Usagi-san." He pleaded. "I'm sorry." He squirmed only to have the older man reach down, grab his manhood, and give it a tight squeeze. "Owww…" He whined.

"Move again." He threatened.

Misaki instantly froze and resigned himself to his punishment. The next nine hours were going to be the longest nine hours of his life.

"So tell me boy what purpose do you serve."

Misaki fidgeted nervously twisting his fingers in front of him while staring at the floor. "To serve master." He whispered.

Iyakon arched a brow highly. "And exactly how do you serve your precious master?"

"He is master and I serve him as he wishes." He looked up through his bangs at the man standing imposingly before him.

"Is that so?" He smirked knowing exactly what the boy was saying. "So I wonder if your… skills," he intoned. "are so grand he'd risk life and death to rescue you?"

"I know not sir." He lowered his head and stared at his bared feet.

Iyakon stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Well I suppose we'll see in time a weeks time in fact." He smirked at the boy when his head shot up and emerald eyes stared wide at him. "If he doesn't show in that time you my dear boy will find yourself with a new master."

"No." He gasped and shook his head.

"You have no say on the matter." His dark eyes sparkled evilly. "You're just a mere slave boy and you'll do as I say or suffer."

"Akihiko-sama will save me." He whispered with as much force as he dared.

Iyakon smirked at that. "Like I said we'll see how much you really mean to him if at all." He moved to stand in front of the boy, grabbed his chin, and tilted his head up to look at him. "You are just a slave boy after all and slave boys are easy to come by."

His emerald eyes widened even further.

"Hmm… what strange colored eyes you have." He grinned at him. "I think I might keep you myself. That innocent face and wide eyes calls to a man's desires." He leered as his free hand gripped him by the hip. "Yes I can definitely see why Akihiko desires you so." He began pulling his yukata up."

"Please don't." He whimpered and cringed away from him.

Iyakon jerked him roughly against him. "Boy you have no say in what I do to you." He growled into his face. "The sooner you learn that the easier your life MIGHT be." He smirked darkly at him then shoved him to the floor while laughing. "You better hope your precious master comes for you soon." He walked towards the door. "I don't know how long I'll be able to restrain myself."

Misaki watched him leave the room then curled up into a tight little ball trying to disappear from this nightmare. "Please master come soon." He whimpered, closed his eyes, and tried to pretend this wasn't happening to him.

Akihiko smirked at the boy standing in front of him. "If you wish to know how far along I am just ask."

"I'm not wondering that at all." Misaki casually answered.

"Oh?" He arched a silver brow at him. "Then what is it you want?"

Plan B was now in effect he titled it as 'Make Usagi-san Jealous'. It was simple really just tell Usagi that he was going to hang out with Sumi-sempai all day and let nature take its course.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm going shopping with sempai today." When his eyes narrowed slightly he knew he had him.


"No?" He stared at him.

"No." Akihiko answered simply.

"Well I'm going." He nodded determinedly. "I'm a grown man now I can do what I want!" He then narrowed his eyes when the elder opened his mouth. "And don't you dare bring nii-chan into this either!"

Akihiko snapped his mouth closed having his counter argument taken away from him. However as he stared at the boy his emerald eyes sparkling with something underhanded he realized he was being played… again.

It took everything in him not to smirk but as a man that had lived some years longer than the boy in front of him he contained himself. "Ah well you have fun and please tell your sempai I wish to speak with him once you're done shopping." He nodded curtly then turned and walked away from the gap-jawed boy.

"What?" He followed dumbly behind him. "Why do you want to talk to sempai?"

Akihiko walked up the steps heading for his office. "Don't concern yourself with that you just go have fun."

"Why do you want to talk to him?" He asked again getting irritated.

Akihiko smirked at him before he entered his office and closed the door behind him.

Misaki glowered at the closed door with every intention of storming in there and demanding some answers from him. However before he could storm anywhere he heard the familiar click of the door lock leaving him with no way to get in.

Now what was he going to do? Better yet how was going to be able to spend the day shopping with Sumi-sempai knowing Usgai-san wanted to meet with him? Maybe Usagi-san wanted to meet with him because he decided he wanted to take up Sumi-senpai's offer.

Would Usagi really do that to him? Cast him aside for another man and not just any man but his own classmate? Perhaps this was his own fault for being such a tease all the time. Always telling Usagi-san he'd do this and that but when it came time he never wanted to this and definitely wanted no part of that.

Was he losing Usagi-san because of his prudish ways?

Now he really didn't feel like going anywhere. He just wanted to stay home and be with Usagi.

Yes that's what he would do stay home and make Usagi a nice lunch. With that decision made he went over to the phone to call Sumi and cancel their day together.