"A Moment In Time"

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of NCIS LA or of Vampire Diaries; those belong to their original creators. The way it's all stringed together is of my making. No profit is being made out of this (*sigh* unfortunately). Any recognizable NCIS: Los Angeles aspects/dialogue comes from [3x15 – "Crimeleon"].

Inspiration: When Deeks said "bite marks on my neck", that had me thinking of vampires and with Damon Salvatore being my favorite, I couldn't resist. So this is my brain's way of putting Damon into the NCIS LA episode.

Time Frame: During the undercover op at the bar 'Edison' in ep. 3x15 ("Crimeleon") of NCIS: Los Angeles. (You'll know where in the episode plus the official clip can be found on Youtube).

A/N #1: This is in honor of Chris O'Donnell's birthday (and it was supposed to be for the character Damon Salvatore as well but apparently, his birthday isn't a concrete thing as some other characters...at least all sites agree to it being in June -_-).

A/N #2: Additional comments at the end to avoid spoilers.


"Surprise Partner"

She was finally here…and she wasn't alone.

Damon Salvatore had been lurking in the shadows at the club, Edison, for the past hour, making sure he was noticeable yet forgettable all at the same time as he bid his time. He needed to check in on her and when he realized that she was going to be at this particular club that night, he couldn't pass up the chance.

The moment she stepped into the club, his attention snapped to the stairs as he watched her descend them. Her scent was still as intoxicating as ever and that was the initial indicator for her presence. Her look was the second thing that caught his attention as she looked simply ravishing in her outfit; the tattoo running down her leg instantly caught his enhanced eyes since she didn't have those when they last saw one another.

He noticed how every male in the area had their eyes pinned to her, watching her seductive strut as she made her way towards the bar. He couldn't help but smirk at the obvious but he did have to hand it to Kensi Blye; she could lure in her target without even trying, just like him. He took a sip of his bourbon as he watched her take off her leather jacket, revealing more tattoos on her shoulders (and he would guess that there were more on her back too).

Damon instantly noticed two guys had their complete attention on the brunette; one with a black blazer and another with a grey vest (yet he tried to make it not so obvious that he was interested) once she had taken her seat on a barstool. It didn't take long for the vampire to realize that the guy just in front of him in the black leather jacket also had his attention on Kensi. Damon only got confirmation when he heard the leather-jacket-guy's voice in the brunette's ear, thanks to his supernatural hearing.

"Not him. I shot the guy in the face; he should have a scar on his right jaw. Cut him loose." The leather-jacket-guy stated, his eyes not leaving the brunette's or the black blazer guy, who offered to buy her a drink.

The brunette pouted just a bit. "Aww, do I have to? He's a cutie pie." The brunette whined a bit just before she took a sip of her new drink.

Damon couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this but he had to hold back a howling laugh when Kensi's black-blazer-date was asking who she was talking to.

"Lose him." The leather-jacket-guy told her once again before he turned to take a sip of his drink. He caught a glimpse of Damon but he ignored it as his attention went back to Kensi.

"I'm talking to the voices in my head…" Kensi stated rambling on like a mental case causing the vampire to give an amused chuckle as he watched the grey-vest-guy smiling like crazy as he too tried to hold back a laugh. By his reaction, the vampire knew that the grey-vest-guy was also linked with Kensi and the leather-jacket-guy.

"Yeah, you are good at scaring them off." The guy-vest-guy stated amusedly as Kensi's date scurried off while Damon noticed that leather-jacket-guy was staring at his drink with a smirk on his face.

Kensi sighed. "And that's too bad, I liked him." She stated before resting her arms on the bar as she surveyed the area for her next target.

"Really? How could you fall for that? There is obviously only one thing on that guy's mind." Grey-vest-guy questioned incredulously as he scanned his attention over the crowd to look like another customer. The vampire knew better than that and he was enjoying the little conversation between the trio over their comm. links.

"How's that any different from somebody like…you, Deeks?" The third voice questioned, amusement laced in his voice. Damon couldn't pinpoint the source of this voice so he figured that this particular team member wasn't inside the club.

Damon could hear Kensi chuckle as he started to move towards her without her noticing him.

"First off, I would be successful." Deeks (aka grey-vest guy) stated confidently, his attention being diverted evenly amongst the crowd.

"In picking me up?" Kensi questioned in clear disbelief while trying to ignore the fact that she was being watched. She knew she would be, considering that she was the bait for the evening but her gut was telling her that this feeling was different yet she couldn't place why it was.

"Yup. We'd be in the car right now, heading home. You'd be drunk, sitting on my lap, telling me how I'd wake up with bite marks on my neck." Deeks stated smugly as he glanced a few times at Kensi's tattooed back.

Damon couldn't help but snicker at the bite mark comment as he traveled across the room; flashes of a night from a few months ago appeared in his mind featuring a certain fiery brunette…who just so happened to be in that very room with him.

"Too much information." The third voice stated with a groan.

"Except for the fact that you're not my type." Deeks continued nonchalantly, paying no attention to the vampire that had walked right by him.

"I am too your type." Kensi argued back automatically, her eyes dilating once she realized what she had just admitted.

Damon smirked at Kensi's response as he silently maneuvered himself to her side, making it seem like he needed to get another refill from the bartender.

Due to her response moments ago, Deeks was unaware of the new guy by her side when he responded. "I'm sorry what? Can I just get confirmation that we just heard that?"

Kensi groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I did not mean it that way and you know it."

"I heard it." The third voice stated amusedly.

"I heard it too." Leather-jacket-guy piped in with a chuckle as he diverted his eyes away from Kensi, hoping that no one would make the connection between them.

"Are we recording this because I'd love to have that as my ringtone." Deeks stated cheerfully at the open-handed confession his partner made not just to him but to their teammates as well. It was only when he returned his gaze to Kensi did he notice the mysterious man lean in towards his partner.

"Tired of the teasing?" Damon whispered as he leaned in towards Kensi's ear.

The brunette tensed a bit until she recognized the velvety voice. "You have no idea."

Damon chuckled as he leaned back just a bit so that Kensi could turn a little towards him. "Well for the record, you're immediate response shouldn't have stunned them."

"And why's that?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Damon smirked. "Because darling, you're everyone's type." He declared before he moved back enough so that he could take a sip of the bourbon as his eyes roved over her body.

Kensi chuckled before she looked at the vampire underneath her lashes. "Still the charmer I see."

"You can't wish away quality my dear." Damon quipped, which earned him another laugh from the brunette; something that completely stunned the two men that Kensi was talking to through her communication link.

"Were you listening the whole time?" She questioned after taking a sip of her drink.

"Since the moment you walked into the room. I have to say, it was quite…amusing to say the least." The vampire admitted as he leaned a little closer into her as her intoxicating scent drew him in.

"Glad I could provide you some entertainment Damon." She teased with a smile and to anyone else at the club; it would look like these two were hitting it off pretty well.

"Some? This scene was a bore until you showed up. I was about ready to off someone just to lighten things up." He teased even though the subject touched upon something a little more serious.

"Damon." She reprimanded with a stare that practically screamed don't you dare.

The vampire chuckled again before he downed the rest of his bourbon. "Relax Kensi, how stupid do you think I am? You don't survive as long as I have with an impulsive attitude like that."

Before Kensi could respond, the third voice beat her to it. "Guys, what's going on? Who's Damon?"

"I have no clue but it seems like he's a lot more aware of his surroundings than most." Leather-jacket-guy responded as he observed Kensi and Damon from across the bar. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing; he was tempted to rub his eyes or to pinch himself to see if he was hallucinating or something.

Damon smirked as he heard the two men talking as clear as day. "Ah, voice number one and three." He stated with a chuckled, which caused both voices in question to emit a quick hitch in their breaths yet Damon continued as if he hadn't noticed their change in breathing. "I haven't placed number three's source yet so I'm guessing he's outside but number one is right across the bar in the leather jacket. Am I correct?" The vampire finished before he turned slightly so that he was looking straight at the one he dubbed the leather-jacket-guy. The vampire snickered when he saw the wide-eyed look on the guy's face.

Not seeing the point in keeping Damon in the dark since he's been in on them since they set foot in the club, the brunette answered without hesitation. "That's Callen. Sam's outside." She noticed Callen's body tense on the other side of the bar and she heard the groan that Sam emitted from inside his car through her earwig piece.

Damon chuckled as he moved back a bit as he looked in the direction of voice number two. "And Deeks would be the one in the grey-vest just behind you with the vivid fantasy of you biting his neck…right?"

Kensi sighed; she had a feeling that Damon would have gotten a kick out of that particular fantasy of Deeks'. "That's him."

"Well Deeks, all I have to say is that Kensi is definitely a biter." Damon declared with a smirk as he stared into Kensi's eyes; he was greatly amused when he witnessed them dilate in reaction to his words.

"Damon!" Kensi shrieked while not making a scene. She couldn't believe he had said that. Scratch that, she could believe that…it was Damon Salvatore she was dealing with afterall.

Sam groaned from inside his car. "Again…too much information."

Damon laughed as he signaled to the bartender for a refill. "Oh c'mon, don't be shy. You know you love it. The taste of my flesh, the feel of your teeth sinking into my skin, the taste of…" He trailed off as he got lost in one of the memories he had of Kensi. He wasn't joking, she was a biter and the fact that he could heal faster and that he was turned on by it only spurred her on even more in the intimate ministration. Granted Kensi never went as far with it when she was with other men but with Damon, she somehow could.

Kensi groaned out of embarrassment; this wasn't something she wanted her coworkers to know about her personal life. "Damon, that's enough."

Damon gave her a mock pout. "Oh Sweetheart lighten up. What happened to the girl I saw a few months ago?"

Damon had met Kensi during one of his getaways from Mystic Falls when Stefan and Elena got to be too much for him. He didn't need to see his brother making out with the girl he had fallen in love with so the vampire took off and found himself in Los Angeles for a week which is when he met the fiery federal agent. After their first night together, they had realized that they had met a couple of years before when Kensi was away at university. This was confirmed when Kensi's memories slowly started coming back to her about the vampire; he had compelled her to forget their week together as he had confided in her about a lot of things since she was generally sweet and compassionate towards him after learning about his secret. He didn't want to lose that connection completely so he compelled her to forget him until he kissed her again which would be the trigger she needed to remember everything. And let's just say that they activated the trigger a few months ago.

"That girl was on vacation." She mumbled before she took another sip of her drink. She didn't want to answer the team's questions through her earwig and she didn't want to be blunt and ask Damon why he was in Los Angeles since she knew that he should be back in Mystic Falls right now. Why isn't he?

"Well she should make more appearances at work." The vampire taunted before he took a quick swig of his bourbon again.

Kensi sighed. "Why are you here Damon? I'm kinda in the middle of something." On any other night, she'd drop what she was doing and hang out with Damon but she was working tonight and she needed to concentrate on luring their guy in and not on Damon.

Damon rolled his eyes. "I know and I'm bored enough to offer my assistance. You should really take advantage of it while you can." He stressed as he gave her a pointed look as if to say 'you know what I'm talking about'. And he was right; why not have a vampire help you out with an investigation? Your own personal bloodhound, if you will.

The agent gave the vampire a skeptical look. "You're not the type to lend a hand Damon unless you get something out of it."

The vampire shrugged as the comment rolled off his back since it was the honest truth about him. "Normally I'd agree with you but things have been iffy for me in the morality department." He explained a little irritably; he wouldn't be having this problem if he never came across a certain doppelganger. Since meeting her, he's found it hard to flip the switch on his emotions. "So either have me as an ally or I become an enemy Kens and you really don't want me as an enemy." He continued as he stared deeply into her eyes; the intense stare resembled the one he'd usually have when he was compelling someone. That wasn't the case this time as he could smell the vervain on the brunette. One quick look and he could see that she was wearing the anklet he had given her all those years ago that had vervain inside of it.

Kensi nibbled on her bottom lip as she thought her options over. "For the record, this is a bad idea." She voiced a few moments later before she took a sip of her drink once again.

Damon smirked. "Duly noted. Now tell me sweetheart, why exactly are you and the team geared up tonight?" He questioned before he gave a sideways glance towards Callen, who was still stiff as a board since Damon had figured their motives out.

Kensi sighed, ignoring the protests in her ear, before she whispered the cliff-notes version to the vampire beside her while she internally prayed that she was making the right decision.


A/N #3: And there you have it...the crazy mashup came to me while I was in class a few days after the NCIS LA episode aired. Should I continue with it until the case is done with Damon as a helpful and amusing tag-along or should this stay as a oneshot? Please let me know in a review! Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Originally Published: June 26, 2012