Random idea I'm playing with. PLEASE REVIEW! Warnings per chapter. Oh and I own nothing!

"Carlisle," Alice yelled over the phone, "You have to get home. Hurry."

Before I could even answer back the phone was hung up and I was left shocked by her outburst. Alice must have seen something horrible or someone in the family was hurt badly.

Grabbing my things I quickly made an excuse and got into my car. I was supposed to be helping teach some students today, but that wasn't nearly as important as my family's safety. Though I didn't like the sadness on their faces when I left.

It took almost half an hour to get to the house. By then I was swearing under my breath telling myself that I should have just run. My family was hurt in some way and I wasn't there.

Throwing the front door opened I went yell to find out where everyone was only to freeze as a small crying child ran past me. I turned towards the child wondering why I felt like I knew the boy.

"Jasper, wait," Emmett yelled running past me, "Stop running!"

"Jasper?" I asked confused.

Before I could say anything else Alice, Edward, and Rosalie had run past me as well. I continued to stare at my children in confusion until I felt a presence standing behind me.

"Bella," I said glad that she was human and there for didn't have the speed to keep up with the rest of them, "Can you tell me what is going on?"

"Witches exist," Bella said softly.

"A…A witch did this to Jasper? Why?"

"He said something about pain and sadness. Then that Jasper will change back after his heart is healed."

"Healed? What is that supposed to mean?"

Bella shook her head sadly and looked towards the kitchen. Moving so I could look in I saw Esme sitting at the table with a shocked look on her face. I started to take a step towards her when I heard a scream come from the forest.

"Bella," I said turning to her, "Go take care of Esme. I'll be right back."

Without waiting for an answer I took off running towards the sound. From what I could tell it had to have been Jasper that had screamed. Whatever happened he was still my son and he needed me.

When I got there everyone was trying to catch Jasper like he was some sort of prey. That was just making him more and more afraid. If I had to guess he probably didn't remember who we were.

"Enough," I said causing everyone to look at me, "Go back home."

"But…" Emmett said staring at me.


Once it was just the two of us I calmly sat on the ground a little ways away from Jasper and gave him a slight smile. The boy, who now was four or five, looked terrified causing him to back up further.

"Hello," I said as soothingly as I could, "I'm Carlisle. What's your name?"

"J-Jasper, sir" he said stuttering slightly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Jasper. I saw you fall when you ran past me before. Can I make sure you aren't hurt?"

"Not hurt, sir."

"I'm a doctor, Jasper. Please, I just want to make sure."

Jasper still looked a little wary, but nodded his head ever so slightly. Smiling a little bigger I motioned for him to come closer to me. I couldn't help but hope that me giving him some control would help him.

Once he was standing in front of me I couldn't help but look over him. I was so used to seeing him as an nineteen year old, but I had often wondered what he looked like as a child.

His blonde hair was wavy and fell over his eyes covering half his face. His eyes were the same gold that they normally were, but now I could see emotions in them. He looked so scared that I had to resist pulling him into a hug.

I had seen all of my children act childish at one point in time or another. Except Jasper. Was that what the witch had meant? Jasper was so used to hiding that he needed to lose full control, like a child?

Sighing softly to myself softly I let the doctor side of myself take over and started to look over the wound. I didn't expect it to be bad, but it seemed that even though Jasper was still technically a vampire it was only when it came to food.

The hole in his jeans already had blood on it and I knew that I would have to remove them. Looking into the boys eyes I realized just how short the boy was. Even sitting I had to look down at him.

"I need a better look at the cut," I said softly, "I want us to go back to my home so I can. Would you mind if I carried you?"

I could see Jasper didn't really like the thought of me carrying him. Whether that was because he didn't trust me or something I didn't know. A second later he opened his arms and let me lift him up.

As we walked towards the house couldn't help but love that I could carry my son around like this. Sadly he didn't even know that I considered him my child. He truly had no idea who I was at all.

When I got to the house I saw everyone looking at us from the living room window. They looked like they wanted to run over to us and attack Jasper with questions. Shaking my head slightly I brought Jasper inside and up to my and Esme's room.

Resting the boy on our bed I wondered how I was going to do this. The pants were too tight for me to roll up so I was going to have to remove them. Hopefully he wasn't going to fight me on this.

"Jasper I need to remove your pants so I can take a better look, okay?" I said kneeling next to the bed.

Seeing a blush come on his cheeks I waited until he nodded before removing his pants. I saw the cut almost instantly. Dirt and blood were caking the spot and I knew that it was going to get infected, if that was possible, if I didn't clean it quickly.

I picked up my extra bag from the closet and went back to Jasper. Once I was by his side again I saw something I never wanted to see again. Tears streaming down my sons face.

"This might hurt for a moment," I said taking the supplies out, "But it will only last a moment and you'll feel better afterwards."

When I didn't receive any answer from Jasper I started to clean the wound. Small whimpers were falling from his lips. This was the part of the job that I hated more then anything.

By the time I finished and wrapped the wound Jasper's whole body was shaking with tears and probably with fear. I had to find a way to get Jasper to open. Or at least get him to remember who I am.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Jasper?" I said pulling a blanket over him.

"Sammy," Jasper said softly.

"Who's 'Sammy'?"


"Your doggy. Is 'Sammy' a real doggy or a make believe doggy?"


Nodding my head I wondered what I was supposed to do to help Jasper. There was no way I could just go out and buy a dog. If only a friend had a dog…Or could transform into a dog.

"What did your doggy look like, Jasper?" I asked coming up with a plan.

"Big. Sand."

"Okay, he's big and sandy. I'll be right back, Jasper. Just rest."

Jasper nodded his head slightly and closed his eyes. I had no idea if this was going to work or if they'd even agree, but I had to at least try. For the sake of my son. Hopefully they'd see it that way too.

"Carlisle," Esme said standing up when I got downstairs, "Is Jasper alright?"

"He's scared," I said sighing, "Right now I don't think he know who we are and I'm not sure about his status as a vampire either. Bella, I need you to call Jacob ask him to bring Seth and I'll explain everything then."


"It's for my son."

Seeing Bella take out her cell phone I went into the kitchen and looked around. I wondered if Jasper would be repealed by human food. Did he still want blood or were his eyes just a side affect?

I realized in that moment that I knew nothing about my son. Even though none of my other children ate human food I still knew what food they liked when they were human. Jasper was a mystery to me even after all this time.

"He's thinking about sweet tea," Edward said walking in.

"Any idea how to make that?" I said chuckling sadly.

"Alice already had Esme make some. It's in the fridge. You giving that to him was the last thing she saw before things went blank."

"Hopefully that means they agree. Is there anything else you can tell me, son?"

"He's wondering where he is, who we are, and if we…if we saved him. What did he need saving from?"

"I don't know, Edward. I don't know."

Edward nodded his head slightly while grabbing a glass from the cabinet. I could feel the worry radiating off of everyone and that hurt me. They all wanted to go see him, but right now that seemed like too much of a bad idea.

"They're here," Edward said softly.

"Good," I said pouring the drink, "Tell them I'll be right there."