Ok I wasn't planning on updating so fast but I couldn't help myself. I hope you all enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: I sadly enough do not own the PJO series or the HoO series. It's sad but it's true and I'm not nearly as great a writer as Rick Riordan, so I won't pretend to own the series. He can keep them, he does them justice.

Few hours earlier

Artemis's P.O.V.

We were in a meeting again and I noticed that Apollo wasn't as happy as he usually is. Right as the meeting was about to end, father remembered something.

"I almost forgot someone has to go down to Camp Half-Blood and see how Percy is doing with training the campers. Who would like to go?" My father asked and everyone's hands shot up. Just by mentioning his name and camp seemed to brighten Apollo's mood. I wanted him to go if it would make him happier. Right when I was about to put down my hand my father spoke up again.

"How about you go Artemis?" Father asked.

"Why does she always get to go? Others want to go and visit Percy too you know. It's not fair that she always gets picked to go to camp." Interjected Aphrodite before I could say anything.

"That's true maybe Apollo should go instead." I offered and Apollo's eyes brightened again.

"No I want you to go Artemis. This is because you are the most responsible, I think. Percy also trusts you more so than he does others." Father said stealing the sparkle that came into Apollo's eyes.

It made me angry that father did not notice this. Apollo is my brother and I love him, I wouldn't want him to change in any way. Although it seems that he is changing and I want him to go back to normal. I had warned him not to fall in love with a woman he can't have.

"What about my uncle Poseidon is he not responsible? What about Hera, do you think that she is not responsible enough to go down to camp and watch how camp half-blood is doing? We are Gods father and we have lived for a very long time. We are all capable enough to watch the progress of demi-gods." I said, making father angry.

"Poseidon is his father he cannot go. I do not want Hera to go and she has other things to take care of, here on Olympus. We might be old but we are not all as disciplined as others. I thought you wanted to go, why the sudden change in heart. You have also been there before and you can tell better than others if they have made progress. Or if Percy is just there not really helping. We don't even know the child that well. What is he isn't even our ally?" My father finished and I stood up, along with my Uncle, Apollo, Hermes, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and the rest of the council except for Hera, Athena and of course father.

"How dare you brother, accuse my son! He is an ally and we can all vouch for him." Uncle Poseidon said outraged.

"Indeed he is, even I can respect him." I said and that angered father.

That's when it clicked, the other Olympians were saying things shouting at my father or at each other, I felt as though I couldn't hear them. I sat back down on my throne and starred at the floor.

"Artemis are you ok?" Asked Apollo and the noise stopped. Everyone was looking at me now, some impassive and others worried. I slowly nodded and looked at my father.

"Your jealous and scared of Percy." I said quietly but it sounded loud because of how quiet it was.

"What?" Father asked.

"I thought it was quite obvious, it sure was loud enough." Said Demeter. "She said that you, Zeus, are jealous and frightened of a demi-god otherwise known as Percy." She finished promptly. Apollo and some other laughed and I smiled.

"That is not true." My father said through his teeth.

"I think it is the way you said his name earlier certainly hinted towards that." Said Athena and now that she pointed it out I noticed that father had said his name as if it were venom in his mouth. I had never felt so glad that Athena was my sister than now.

The other Olympians were nodding and Athena continued.

"I think that you are jealous of Percy for many reasons. One he is more powerful than you. Two he has had a better life than you. Three he is more loved than you. Four he is better looking than you. Lastly he has a better personality than you. Those I think are the reasons why you are jealous of him." Athena started and others started agreeing.

"Athena has a point she's right in all of those categories. Especially the one about his looks, Percy certainly does look good." Aphrodite said and that made me want to slap her upside the head.

"I think that you are scarred of him because he is more powerful than anyone in this room. Also because you haven't tried to get to know him. You really should you would end up trusting Percy and liking him. Also remember his fatal flaw is personal loyalty. He isn't an immortal he is still mortal and can be killed. Percy has a gentle nature to those he cares about, he wouldn't go against us." Athena continued, ignoring Aphrodite's comment.

Father looked really angry now. "Meeting dismissed, Artemis go check up on Percy." Father said and flashed out. He said Percy in a very fake sugar sweet voice. I ground my teeth together not liking the way he had just ordered me to go check up on Percy.

I walked up to Apollo and we smiled at each other.

"Something wrong you seem sad today?" I asked knowing the answer but he's my little brother and I care about him.

"I'm fine I'll get over it soon." He said and grinned at me.

I grinned back and got an idea. "Do you want to come to camp with me?" I asked and Apollo shook his head.

"Dad's in a bad mood wouldn't want him to blow up in our faces. Besides I'm going to the archery field." He said and I nodded. knowing that if I got him in trouble I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

Apollo walked away and I flashed out of Olympus to Camp Half-Blood.

I found Percy training Annabeth, it seemed as though he hadn't sensed me. I smirked guess he wasn't as powerful as he seemed. He couldn't even sense a Godly presence. I stood there watching them for a while when suddenly Percy threw a dagger at me. He had caught me off guard and I just barely caught it. I started bleeding but wiped my blood off the blade and healed myself.

After a while Percy and I were going to spar. I thought that I would win this quickly. Then Percy went up to me and fixed my form. That had never happened to me before. He had even dared to touch me. It shocked me and I looked at him questioningly.

By the time we began sparring I knew this wouldn't be an easy fight. I ended up losing and was angry. A boy managed to beat me. He was still so young and I had so much experience when it came to fighting.

I don't know what compelled me but I threw a dagger at him. He caught it and that angered me but I made sure my emotions didn't show.

I lied to him and made up a convincing lie on the spot.

After some more time passed I left to go back to Olympus. I had, had a good day today, at least so far.

Annabeth's P.O.V.

When I woke up today I was in a good mood. But then later we had a battle. This is what I loved to do, fight. But I wasn't able to kill a single monster before I blacked out. When I regained consciousness, I was next to my half-siblings. I saw Percy begin to spinning his swords really quickly they were a blur. It didn't do anything to help my headache though, so I looked away.

Sophia was killing monsters left and right. She made it look so effortless and made it look so cool. There was even a point where she threw two daggers into the air and grabbed two more and jumped doing a back flip type move. Except her legs were out and she kicked some monsters really hard. Two even died from the force. She also stabbed two other monster effectively killing them. It was amazing to watch, next she landed and caught the daggers. She then turned around and stabbed two other monsters. That was my favorite part to watch.

Everyone had seen her do that and our jaws dropped. We all looked back and forth between Percy and Sophia. They had the best personalities out of anyone I had met. Sophia was also the kindest person I had ever met. It seemed weird because of how she looked, usually people as beautiful as her were mean.

They finished killing the monsters in a matter of minutes. I was so amazed and was cheering with the rest of the campers. That's when suddenly Sophia fell and screamed arching her back. Percy took something out of her and got incredibly angry. He screamed for Apollo and he came. After some more minutes passed a black hole opened up and out stepped Chaos. He healed her and then Chaos and Percy went into the woods.

Sophia stayed and Apollo helped her up. She was still weak kneed. So she leaned on Apollo for support. She said something quietly and Apollo nodded. Sophia smiled and they started to slowly walk towards the forest. With the first step that Sophia took all of the color she had left in her face drained from her. After a few more steps Sophia looked ready to pass out so Apollo picked her up bridal style.

We were all in shock. That's when I realized that I hadn't even killed one monster and got angry. My siblings finally noticed that I was awake.

"Do want me to call one of the Apollo campers to heal you.? Maybe I should ask Will he is the best healer." Offered Malcolm.

"No." I snapped and that shocked him. Right now I was in too bad a mood to care if I hurt his feelings or not.

We all eventually went back to camp and I went straight to the arena.

I began training and after a while Percy joined me. I looked at him and all my anger washed away. But it returned when he asked me about the bruise on my forehead.

I found myself telling him what had happened. I expected him to laugh but he didn't. I was grateful for that.

After we had trained for a while Percy suddenly threw a dagger at the wall. I was confused as to why he would do that. Because if he was trying to hit one or the dummies, he was way off. He walked up to where he had thrown it and stuck his hand out. Then he had his dagger back I was amazed, how had the wall given him back his dagger? Then he bowed for a second I thought that he was crazy.

I mean who bow's at a wall? That's just plain out weird.

Then Artemis emerged and I realized what had just happened. I was still shocked that Artemis was stalking Percy though.

Then a little later Percy fixed my form and I had to suppress a sigh.

Then when he did the same with Artemis after having me go practice by myself, I felt a sudden anger towards the Goddess. But what was I compared to her. I was glad that she was a maiden Goddess though or else I wouldn't have a chance against her. I started training again and stopped to watch them fight. It was cool and ended quickly so I began training again.

When the conch shell was blown signaling lunch I found that I wasn't hungry. Even though I was tempted to go with Percy I didn't. After a few more minutes passed I decided to go get a drink of water. When I was near the dinning pavilion I saw Percy making a statue for Miranda Gardiner. She then hugged Percy and kissed him on the cheek. That got me mad and he grinned. He had even hugged her back so I turned on my heel and left.

I looked back and saw him talking to the Stoll twins.

I was training pretending that Percy was the dummy.

Percy came in again telling me that he brought me a coke. I ignored him and he walked over to me. After he had set down the coke. He started to fix my form but at the moment I wanted him nowhere near me. I told him to get away and he did just that backing away from me.

I was still thirsty so I decided to drink the coke. I opened the can at arm's length. Right now I couldn't trust Percy. I took a sip and it had weird flavor, I wrinkled my nose. But I was so thirsty I needed to drink more. Plus I hadn't had coke in a while so maybe it was just me. I took a big gulp and started choking. He had put something in here. He started laughing and ran I popped a mint into my mouth and ran after him. The Stoll twins had followed him in the arena and had followed him out.

I was so mad and my adrenaline was pumping. I started gaining on them and Percy noticed because he got behind them. He told them to jump and he caught them and ran. They were far out of my reach now. I didn't see them anywhere but knew Percy enough to guess where he had gone. So I ran to the beach and waited.

After some time they emerged and came back to shore I had seen them laughing. Right now I was fuming.

I walked up to them and slapped them all. But I slapped Percy with a lot more force. I began punching his chest and telling him things. When he told me that he hadn't spiked the coke I stopped hitting him.

I didn't want to ask him what it was but being a daughter of Athena I couldn't help myself.

He confessed and I was so disgusted by what I had drank. My disgust quickly turned into rage again and I aimed a punch for his jaw. He caught my wrist so I used my other hand and he caught my wrist again. He apologized and said that it was a force of habit due to his training, and he told me to continue. That just made me more mad so I punched his jaw with all my might.

He didn't even move his head. That made me feel weak so I started punching his stomach again. It was easy to tell that Percy is really fit. Because it hurt my hands to punch him. He was pure muscle making him feel rock hard. The Stoll twins left and I continued punching Percy.

Eventually I broke down and started crying on his shoulder. I didn't want him to comfort me. Just let me cry on his shoulder. I cried until I felt like I had no more tears. It had hurt me emotionally that Percy would actually play a prank on me.

We talked for a little while until I told him he had to keep his shirt off. He did and I could see all of the bruises that I made. Now he could display them to the entire camp. When he told me that he was sure the girls would get a kick out of seeing him shirtless, smiled at me and then left, I felt dumb.

Then I remembered Miranda and got angry she would see him without a shirt. But I was too proud to go and tell him that I changed my mind.

Percy's P.O.V.

My father came and I was happily surprised to see him, but also worried by the look on his face.

"Percy I thought that you should know that your mother is hurt." Father started, I wasn't really worried because I already knew that.

"I know remember I saw her a little while ago." I said and father shook his head.

"Your mother wanted to go visit you grandma Hemera. So she went by then she was already strong enough to go. But in my opinion she should have of stayed. She convinced me to let her go. On the way there she was attacked. I don't know what they did but she can't heal herself. I tried healing her but didn't do much. She may not survive. Later I might be able to heal her more but for now she has to heal the mortal way." Father finished sadly.

It was the worst thing he could have of ever told me. I felt as though the world was collapsing in on me.

"Did you come to take me to her?" I asked somehow finding my voice.

Father winced and shook his head. "I'm sorry Percy but you can't visit your mother." Father told me and I felt even worse than before.

"Why?" I asked in a barely audible tone.

"Because Percy you have to train the campers. Also I wouldn't want you to have to see your mother in the state she's in." Father said.

That's when he seemed to notice the bruises on my chest.

"What happened Percy, who did that?" He asked motioning towards my bruises.

I wanted to answer but couldn't find my voice. I made a bench and sat down hard on it. I shook my head trying to get horrible pictures out of my mind.

"Percy and the Stoll tins, Travis and Connor played a prank on Annabeth. She's a daughter of Athena. Well anyways she got mad and started punching Percy. He took all of the hits so that Travis and Connor wouldn't have to get hit anymore. Because she had slapped them all once, she hit Percy the hardest." Miranda said, looking my father in the eye.

"This Annabeth she is a camper here yes?" Father asked and I could tell what he was thinking.

Miranda gulped before answering "yes." She was obviously intimidated by my father. So where the twins and it looked like they wanted to leave but feared that if they did it would seem disrespectful.

"So she is a demi-god?" My father continued.

"Yes she is." Miranda answered with more confidence.

"Where is she?" My father asked harshly and Miranda seemed like she was about to faint.

"I don't know, maybe she's in her cabin, it's that one over there." She answered pointing at the Athena cabin.

My father started walking over there and Miranda sat down next to me.

"It's ok my dad's a really nice person. He's just mad right now and trying to find out who did this to my mom." I said comfortingly.

"He's still the creator I mean this is the first time I talked to him. I was so scarred I'm sorry Percy." She said and hugged me. I hugged her back and got up.

"I should go after my father, do you want to come with me?" I asked and Miranda nodded.

I smiled at her she was braver than others. As soon as my dad started walking away the Stoll twins ran to their cabin.

We ran there and arrived just after my father.

"Where is Annabeth?" He asked and all of the Athena campers parted to show my father Annabeth.

"I'm right here Lord Chaos, may I please know why you are asking for me?" She asked and bowed quickly.

"What is your full name?" My father asked.

"Annabeth Chase." She answered, looking frightened.

"Where have you been this entire day?" My dad continued to ask.

"I was in this cabin, around camp, mostly in the arena though." She replied and looked at me pleading me to help her with her eyes.

"Have you been anywhere else?" Asked my father.

"No sir." She answered politely.

"Stop addressing me like that, with the Lord's and the sir's." My father snapped at her.

"I'm sorry." She said and started trembling.

"Father she didn't do it. She's telling the truth I've seen her for almost the entire day." I said and my father turned to me. He looked the angriest I'd ever seen him in my entire life. Miranda hide behind me.

"I can tell that those are not the only places she has been Percy. I can detect when someone isn't telling the entire truth." My father told me and I got a little angry.

"Annabeth is my friend and I know that she wouldn't do that." I said.

"That is why I suspect her Percy." My father told me angrily.

"Do you think that I had let her in The Void?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes I do because I gave you the power to let some people in." My father continue.

"Well I have not let anyone in The Void yet." I said.

"Then who do you think did this?" Asked my father.

"I don't know but I know that it wasn't anyone in camp. Also Annabeth had been on Half-Blood hill earlier as well." I said and my father turned to her.

"Where you on Half-Blood hill earlier?" He asked.

"Yes I was." Replied Annabeth and my father relaxed.

"I'm sorry I blamed you Annabeth. I should of trusted Percy's judgment when it comes to picking friends better." He said and Annabeth tried to smile.

"It's alright." She said.

"Whoever did it was already in The Void and has most likely been living there for their entire lives." I said and my father nodded.

"I'm sure your right but the only person I can think of who would do this is Greta. But she's in the icy prison planet." My father said.

"Can I go visit mom?" I asked again.

"No Percy you can't." He told me.

"The campers can survive without me. I taught Annabeth some forms for self defense, she could teach them. Plus I have to see mom. I wouldn't be able to stand not being able to see her knowing that she's hurt." I said and my father looked at me for a few seconds.

"I'm sure your mother would be mad at me if I didn't let you see her, huh?" Asked my father smiling a little, I smiled back.

"I'm sure she would." I answered.

Well that's all for this chapter. I know it's short but I'll try to update soon.

Please review over 22,000 people have viewed this story but only 171 people have reviewed.

Hope you all liked it.

Who do you all think did it?

The person has been mentioned in the story before.

The website that I mentioned in the last chapter was suppose to be wiki/Demeter Just copy and paste this website on the search bar or Google or whatever and search if you want to see it.

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