Wow that was the longest break. You guys survived like 5 weeks without this story. It's been rough writing after I got really sick last week, to actually finding time to write or just plain writing in general. So we have 1 more chapter left in this story. It will be up by Christmas ;) My present to you for waiting so long. And then I don't know where I'll go from there. If any of my reader's have any ideas of things to write, I'm open for suggestions. I hope you like this chapter! :D

Love at First Bite

Chapter 17

The drive back to Kurt's house was silent except for the radio quietly playing in the background. On any other car ride they would hum or even sing along, but Kurt could sense the tension between them, and knew that in this situation it probably wouldn't be appropriate to sing. Every now and then he would glance at Blaine who stared endlessly out the window; the rain spitting outside the window, making the situation even more dark and gloomy. Kurt occasionally would reach out his hand and stroke his thumb with his finger causing Blaine to smile at him and give a slight "thank you."

Kurt pulled into the long lit driveway, and parked his Navigator outside his mansion. He ran around and opened the door for Blaine, like a perfect gentleman. The look in Blaine's eyes was as if he were looking into the faraway distance. Kurt took his hand, and led him inside, and swiped a drop of rain from Blaine's face. After all Blaine had been through in the past 3 months, Kurt knew he should give Blaine some space and not cramp him, but after not seeing his boyfriend for that long, all he wanted to do was hold him tight and kiss him slow.

Kurt was about to say something to break the silence when Blaine spoke. "Kurt baby, I missed you so bad, and right now you're probably thinking, why is he avoiding me. After being away from you for that long, my body is not used to having you around again. I keep feeling like I am going to wake up from this dream and realize that you really aren't here, and that it's just an allusion. I can't be without you anymore. I NEED you. You are like my air." I went up to Kurt and grabbed the back of his hair, and pulled him in to a forceful kiss, I licked his lips trying to recapture his taste, and smell. I took over this kiss and made our tongues crash together with as much force that I could muster into one kiss. Kurt groaned at how sudden my change in attitude had been. I mean I don't blame him because without even warning him I went from depressed/scared to horny as hell. I hooked my legs around Kurt and continued to kiss Kurt til even he was weak in the knees. He ran us upstairs constantly crashing into walls, after what my tongue was doing to his neck and any exposed skin. I found Kurt's sensitive spot, a small spot under his right ear. Kurt moaned so load, and he bucked his hips up into my leg begging me to do something. I was the one in control tonight. We stayed rutting up against each other until our hard-on's got too uncomfortable in our jeans. God did I want to be inside Kurt. Like NOW! I tore off Kurt not even caring if he liked that shirt. I was horny and I needed friction like yesterday. "Blaine," Kurt screamed as if the neighbors a mile away could hear it. Kurt helped me out of my shirt luckily leaving it in far better shape than the shreds of Kurt's shirt. I worked the buttons of his jeans, until they were off and I slid his boxers off as well. Kurt pulled my pants off and curled around each other. "Blaine I want you in me now," Kurt pleaded. I started out easy just inserting one finger up to the knuckle before continuing to add another. Kurt keened and started to twist and fuck himself on my fingers which only made me harder. Once he said he was prepped I slid in but kissed him gently to help ease the pain. He gave me a nod when he was ready for me to move. I started to move swift and deep. I received a moan after almost every thrust because I kept hitting his prostate. We rocked hard and in time, I felt him clench around me and cum splatter across his chest and thighs as he screamed my name. I came shortly after continuing to thrust in him. I stared at him for a minute coming down from my high, remembering him again; the sweat glistening off his cool skin, and his hair mused from me running my hands through it. He had a dopey smile on his face.

"I love you Blaine. I hope to spend the rest of my life with you forever."

"Well I was thinking about that actually," the look on Kurt's face looked as if I had just torn his heart out of his frozen chest.

"Oh Blaine, I'm so sorry for not rescuing you sooner. If only I had remembered the old cabin sooner we could have been together. I knew this would happen. We grew apart. Blaine please don't leave me. I beg you;" the tears welling up in Kurt's eyes.

"Woah, Kurt stop. I wasn't going to stay that. How could you think I would leave you? I love you too much to ever leave you. That's why I was going to ask you if… if….. you might think of changing me; Now rather than later."

"What? Blaine, that's what you were going to ask? Why of course I will change you. You are the love of my life, but why now? I thought when we talked about this earlier you said you didn't want to. Why now?"

"Well I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I mean after being kidnapped and being away from my loved ones for over 3 months. Why should I even go back? Someone can say that I died and now would be the perfect time to leave without making it harder on them in another year or two."

"I guess. But Blaine you would miss them so much. You can't ever see them again."

"I would do anything to spend the rest of forever with you. So I want you to do it. Tonight, because this night has been magical and I want to stay like this forever."

"Alright, just lay down and try to relax. It will all be over quickly; but first one last human kiss." It was a slow kiss, full of passion and love, but not looking for anything more than a simple kiss.

"Will it hurt?" I asked lying down on my back on the bed, neck exposed for Kurt to bite.

"A little." Kurt looked at me warily.

"I love you Kurt. I can't wait to spend the rest of forever with you!"

"I love you Blaine." And then he bit, and the light of this world started to fade into total darkness, as if the life and color was sucked out of this world.

Was it worth the wait? Comments? I haven't had any reviews in 5 weeks, maybe I should get one ;)