Hellooo! I just began to write a new story!
Tell me if you like my idea, and give me some suggestion for the development of the events!
I'd like your help :3 Hope you'll like it!

Chapter 1 - Go grow up.

"Oh my God, oh my God! James, look!"

"Oh my goodness, isn't she so damn beautiful?"

"How I wish she knew me.."

"If I were just a little taller than this.."

"Look at the way she moves! Look at the way she walks!"

"She's like so HOT!"

This is how the boys of her school talked about her everytime she walked in the corridor of her school.

"Christie, look at her dress.. it fits wonderful on her.."

"Her legs are fantastic! I have to go on diet to reach her perfect body!"

"And her skin, her face! Just lovely!"

"I hate her, she's too beautiful! Everytime she's around, my Max's eyes are only focused on her!"

...And these are the girls opinions of her.

She was the most beautiful girl of the high school.

Quite tall, thin enough, long black hair, and a marvelous face.

She was pretty and attractive, she used to move with elegance and lightness.

And she wasn't just a very beautiful girl, but also inteligent:

she had one of the highest averages in the school.

In other words, she was the perfect girl.

Her name was Kuki Sanban.

"Goodmorning, Kuki Sanban! I'll go after you."

And that guy opened the door and let the girl pass before him

"Thank you, Michael!" she said with a smile.

She sat at her desk.

"Hello Kuki! There's the science research you asked me to do yesterday!"

A guy with big glasses and a white shirt said.

"Thank you very much Nick! You're the best!"

Said Kuki, making that kind of nerd blushing and laughing.

"Kuki Sanban, your classwork was the best of all in this class! My compliments!"

She took an A+ at the science test.

Lunchtime was the hardest part of her day:

Everybody wanted to sit at her table, and boys used to fight to sit next to her.

Roses, notes, chocolate boxes, all that kind of stuff was ordinary for her,

and she seemed to like that life.

"Kuki, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Kuki, I really need your help in mathematics!"

"Kuki, I like your dress! You're so pretty today!"

She always refused invitations, but she liked compliments.

And sometimes she liked to make the most of that situation,

for example asking her fans a lot of favours.

But she wasn't evil: she was kind with everybody, so everybody were kind with her.

Everyday was almost the same routine.

But one day, something changed.

Kuki was going to the cafeteria with her best friend, Abigail 'Abby' Lincoln,

a really beautiful girl as well.

They two were looking for something to eat.

"Uh, Abby doesn't like roast beef, she'd prefer an hamburger!"

"Come on Abs, it isn't that bad! Try it with some salad!" Kuki tried to cheer up her friend.

"Yeah, I'll try. What about a dessert instead of that kind of meat?"

"Uhm, ok! Look over there! There's the last chocolate cupcake! My favourite!"

"What are you waitin for, girlfriend? Run and catch it!"


Kuki ran to the dessert section, she was near to catch that little sweet cupcake..

..But it disappeared before she reached the place.

"Mh? Where is it?" She thought.

She turned around and saw a tall blond guy with the cupcake right in his hand.

He looked serious, and he was looking at the floor.

Abby reached her friend:

"Hey girl, that guy took the last cupcake before you!"

"Don't worry Abs, he'll give to me. Now look."

"Oh yeah I forgot who you are! Go get it girl!"

Kuki walked to this serious guy that was about to his table.

"Excuse me!"

That guy turned to her.

"Yes? What do you want?"

"Your cupcake look delicious! You know, that's my favourite flavour!
Could you please give it to me?"

She made huge sparking eyes, the eyes nobody could resist.

"Uhm, let me think about it...


Kuki was shocked.

"Wha-what did you say...?"

"I said no. What's the problem?"

"Nothing.. I just though.."

"You're just a spoiled little girl.

You think the world is all yours just because you're pretty.

Well, go grow up."

Then he muttered something like

"Stupid baby.."

Kuki stayed in that spot like an idiot.

"He said.. no?"

Abby was shocked too

"Woah girl.. Abby can't belive her eyes!"

She tought about that episode all the rest of the day.

She couldn't pay attention to the lessons.

Who was that blond guy with a weird accent and weird attitude?

Why he was so serious, and why did he tell that kind of things to her?

Even when she came home she couldn't think of anything else.

When the night came, she lay on her bed with all these thoughts.

"I'm not a spoiled child! And I'm not even a baby! I just like to have people's attention!

He's just a jerk, I've to forget him."

The next day everything was the same as always, but Kuki wasn't the same.

She looked distract, and her fans began to worry.

"Kuki? What's wrong? Can I bring you something sweet?"

One of them said when they were in the classroom, but she didn't even hear him.

When she was about to go down the stairs, a voice caught her attention immediatly.

"Wassup, lttle kid? You forgot your mascara at home?"


"No. Leave me alone."

"'K, as you wish." He was leaving.

"WAIT!" She shouted.

"What?" said calmly the blond boy.

"You know what? I hate you! You judge me and you don't even know me!

And I'm sick of the way you act, I hate it! I hate you, strange misterious annoying blond guy!"

The boy stood in front of her, looking down, same serious face as always.

"You're even more stupid than how I imagined you were. See ya around."

He turned his heels and walked away, his hands in his pokets.

Kuki ran to her friend Abby

"I hate him! I HATE HIM!"

"Relax Kuki. You have all the boys in this school at your feet. Why are you caring of that weird and unpleasant guy?"

"You're right, he doesn't deserve my attention. Come on now, lets get out here."

And so the two girls left the school.