... SO MANY FEELS RIGHT NOW. SO. MANY. If you saw the Korra Season Finale then you know what I feel like. This starts off during the kiss Korra gives Mako after she gets her bending back. In my opinion, it's eh...

If Korra was my creation, my life would be perfect.

"I love you too" Korra finally fell into Mako's embrace, the chilly air feeling good on their warm bodies. Korra was the first to pull away- reluctantly.

"So… Where does this leave us?" Mako smirked and kissed her forehead.

"Well… you can be the girlfriend of Probending All-Star Mako, and I can be the boyfriend of Avatar Korra."

Korra rolled her eyes. "No Avatar- don't call me that. I'm Korra or Mrs. Hat Trick to you." She winked and took his hand, leisurely walking back to the compound. He smiled to himself; he finally had the girl he was waiting for, she had her bending back, and everything would finally be normal.



Mako wasn't usually an early riser. Sure he was a firebender, but living in a larger apartment with better windows meant sleep was finally an option. Instead of waking up with the sun like a traditional firebender, he woke up the same time as any normal person.

Unless Korra was sleeping over. Then he didn't wake up until noon. And he was glad for that.

Mako yawned and turned his head. Next to him in his queen sized bed was the brown skinned water tribe girl who stole his heart- and was currently a disheveled mess. Her hair was all over the pillow, her hands wrapped around his strong arms. Her legs were over his, and she was wearing his shirt.

He smiled at the mess that was Korra and kissed her hand. This stirred her awake, her normally piercing blue eyes no less radiant in the morning.

She yawned. "Good morning."

He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead- his way of saying good morning- and smirked.

She pouted. "What?"

Mako laughed and moved a strand of hair out of her face. "You're a mess Korra."

The Avatar moved her hands through her hair, feeling the knots going down her back and cringing. Mako gently sat her upright and combed his hands through her hair. Even after two years of dating, his touch still sent shivers down her spine.

"Did you sleep well?" She groaned as he finished unknotting her hair and moved to massaging her shoulders. She nodded.

Mako smiled and removed his hands from her back.

"Time to get up- I'll make breakfast." Mako moved from the bed to his closet, searching for a shirt. Korra laid back down on the soft mattress, snuggling into the blankets and shutting her eyes.

Mako walked out, still putting on a thin white shirt, and noticed the sleeping beauty. He smiled and shook her awake.

"Breakfast. Let's go." Korra scowled. She held up her arms and legs.

"Carry me?" Mako sighed, picking her up. She smiled against him as he slowly made his way to the kitchen. He dumped her on the couch and moved to the stove. Looking at the clock in the kitchen, he let out a low whistle.

11:20. They woke up at 11:20. He recalled something Tenzin had told him earlier… Something about a meeting… a meeting… AT 12. A MEETING AT 12. THAT WAS TODAY.

"KORRA!" The nineteen year old Avatar was nearly asleep until her name was loudly called. She fell off the soft couch.

Korra rubbed her head and looked towards the pacing firebender. "WHAT IN SPIRITS NAME IS WRONG MAKO?"

He stopped pacing and pointed a finger at the clock. Korra looked puzzled. Mako shook his head and started to heat some water.

"We have to go to a council meeting in 40 minutes." Korra looked puzzled again.

"You mean I have a meeting to go to." Mako put his head in his hands.

"Do you remember what happened last time you went to a meeting alone?"

Korra grinned sheepishly.

The last time she went to a council meeting and either Mako or Tenzin weren't there, she broke a wall, set a council member on fire and blew off the roof.

Noticing that Korra recalled the memory, Mako smirked. "Yeah. So WE have a meeting."

Korra smirked and walked to the fridge. "So what do you want for breakfast?"

Mako pulled his head from his hands and shot up an eyebrow. Korra shrugged.

"Hey, just because you're stressing doesn't mean I can't eat. Now go get dressed. Spirits know I don't take as long in the mornings as you do, Mr. My hair needs to be styled just right."

Mako genuinely laughed and walked to the stove where the Avatar was frying some ostrich eggs. He put his hands around her waist and nuzzled her neck with his head. She grinned as the electric feeling in her body returned.

"Mako, go get dressed."


"For the sake of Kyoshi just go."



Mako grinned against his girlfriend's back and swayed back and forth. "Because."

Korra was enjoying the swaying motion until her gaze fell upon the clock above the stove; 11:30.

"Because what?"

"Because you won't be there."

Korra stopped the swaying and turned to Mako. Expecting her to give him a loving kiss, Mako shut his eyes and puckered his lips.

Korra thwacked the back of his head, knocking the pucker off of his mouth and setting in a scowl.

"What the HELL was that for?"

Korra smirked and hit him again.

"Dammit! KORRA."

Before she could hit him again, Mako caught her hand in mid-thwack.


Korra took her hand out of his and gave him a surprising kiss on the cheek, which immediately calmed the firebender.

"Because you're soft."

Mako raised a surprised eyebrow. Korra went on. In a deepened Mako imitation, she placed her hand on her forehead and laid back.

"Oh no! I refuse to get ready because my amazingly spectacular girlfriend won't be with me!"

Mako chuckled, raising now both his eyebrows. "My 'amazingly spectacular girlfriend'? I'm pretty sure I didn't say that."

Korra smirked and moved close to him, until they were chest-to-chest. "You know you were thinking it. Now go change."

The brooding firebender rolled his eyes as his girlfriend pushed him towards their room.

The hell was I thinking when I thought this would be a normal relationship?

Okay... this was kinda fun to write :D I like the idea that Mako is actually the soft, sweet, loving one in the relationship. Lol :)

Every review is another kiss Mako gives Korra. You know you want them to kiss more ;) So review!
