Strange Day
Author: MoonStarDutchess
Disclaimer: I down own FMA and gain no profit from this fan fiction other than writing practice.
AN: Just a very short piece based on something that actually happened a long time ago.

There's something wrong here, Roy thought as he looked around the empty office. He repeatedly tapped his fingers on the pine desk while pondering what could cause such silence. He was at a loss.

The office was much too quiet. Usually the phone would ring every few minutes and footsteps would thump up and down the hall, one set fading while another increased in volume before fading as well. Normally there was paperwork stacked high in the inbox and the smell of cigarettes permeated the air and made his stomach jerk in disgust.

His tapping speed increased until he lost all composure and yelled into the silent room, "What in the hell is going on!"

He stood and paced in front of his desk, keeping his eyes focused on his shoes. When the door to his office opened, he looked up. His wife entered the room and shut the door, and placed her hands on her hips.

She kept her gaze on him until he felt uncomfortable and then burst into a fit of laughter.

His expression darkened. "Just what do you find so funny, and why are you here? You don't have to work for the rest of the week.

She held up her hand and it remained in that position for a few more seconds before her laughing tapered off into a slow chuckle. Then, she walked over to him and lifted her hand to rest on his cheek, before smiling and giving him a quick kiss. It was a shocking action since they were in the office and she'd always frowned on any such displays while at work.

She started chuckling again, rested her head against his chest, and wrapped her arms around his waist, her hands coming up to rest on his shoulder blades.

"Riza, please answer me. What is going on?"

She looked up at him, mirth dancing in her eyes.

"Roy, I've had some days off and you've gotten up on your own everyday this week."

He snorted like a frustrated bull and pulled away from her. What was she getting at? "Yes, I know that. I got up at six am this morning only to be greeted with a bunch of-"

"It's Saturday. You don't have to work. Work week is-" Riza stifled more laughter, "-over."

He'd never had many reasons to doubt his intelligence, but at the moment, he felt extremely stupid. He muttered, grabbed his coat, and took her hand. "Let's go home."

She stopped yet another laugh. "You sure you don't want to wait a bit longer to see if anyone else shows up?"

When he glared at her, she kissed the side of his mouth. "Just checking."

AN: Hope you enjoyed it! XD