Wow….WOW! Jeez, how long has it been? 3 YEARS! I know that when I left off I promised that I wouldn't let this story die and so here I am, 3 years later, practically back from the dead! To all who have stayed with me this long, thank you so much! Quite frankly these past years have been really rough, but I'm in a better place now and honestly, I'm ready to get back into it.

Before you get super excited however, there are some things that I want to clear up first. Starting with the bad news; I lost track of my story documents, probably happened when I switched computers. That means any files I had for future chapters, ideas, or even WIP's, are gone. Which is disheartening to say the least…especially since it's been three years that I've last touched this story. So I'll basically be going off of scratch from what is already posted and what I can remember where I wanted this story to go. Which sucks.

But brings me to my next point – I'm writing this author's note to let you guys know that I am returning to this story, so don't hold your breath for an immediate chapter update. As previously mentioned I am starting from scratch, I need to remake a timeline and all that junk before I start haphazardly writing. You guys deserve the best, and giving the best means a lot of pre-planning and work on my part.

I was happy with the quality of progress that I my writing was at when I last left off. Which makes me worry that, 3 years of basically no fiction writing, my 'skills' may have deteriorated a bit. So if the first new chapters are not as good as previous ones…please hang in there. I'll work on it and I'll always have you guys to give me feedback, so that will be nice.

Well…that's it. For now. After I post this Ima drink some hot chai and start piecing this story back together. Then I might play a game of Overwatch….then write some more… ;)