Favoured Friends
Part 1/?
Summary: An invitation to the National Egyptology Conference quickly becomes deadly race for the mythic Ichriem against an old rival of Sydney's - the assassin known only as 'the Viper'.
Note: This is a round robin originally posted at the Relic Hunter Yahoo Group. Although I'm posting it, I did not write the entire thing. This part was written by Pandora ( [email protected] )
Also, I have Support Services. That means that, if you want, you can put me on Author Alert and receive notice when other stories of mine are posted, even if you haven't paid yourself.
Posted: Sunday, June 9, 2002
"Nigel? Are you busy?" Sydney called, after rapping staccato on his already open door.
He tucked a bookmark into Ahkenaten's Egypt, and gave her his undivided attention. Dr Sydney Fox was not a woman he turned away on general principles, as his employer and as a friend. She was dazzlingly intelligent, a pleasure to work with and tireless in the field. That she was also quite fetching was a minor virtue in comparison, but one that he had found difficult to ignore on occasion.
"Can I ask you a favour?" she handed over a gild-edged white rectangle of card. "It's an invitation to this year's National Egyptology Conference."
"A little late, isn't it?" He remembered how frustrated Sydney had been to miss the conference for the expedition in Asia Minor.
"Postponed," she smiled, as little besides historical matters could make her. "Prof. Martin was detained at Saqqara, found an entire undiscovered room in H33. The reliefs are even better preserved than ones he already found."
"This coming weekend?" Nigel protested, now skimming the card. Not thirty-six hours back in this country, they -- he had been rapidly preparing for the next semester which began the coming Monday. He had a sinking feeling he knew what was being asked.
"I know it's cutting close, but you know how important and relevant this conference is," she said, indicating the book he'd just put down. "I can't not attend this conference. Prof. Martin and the obvious PR opportunity aside, Dr. Kauffman is being flown from Berlin to give a paper on his upcoming thesis..."
He noticed the card read, "Dr Sydney Fox and Guest", adding to his lack of spirits. He made a mental note to ask later whether she had notes from a previous semester.
"...You can say no. This isn't harassment, Nigel, and your job is not on the line. I'd like--"
"Excuse me?"
"I'd like you to accompany me. Because of the postponement, the timetable was compressed. Martin and Kauffman, among others, are giving lectures at the same time. I thought we could compare notes."
He must have looked stunned as she held her hands palms-up and raised slightly in a gesture of placation.
"We'll have separate rooms and with the hectic schedule, hardly see each other during the day. I know it doesn't seem very appropriate, but I can't think of anyone else in the faculty who wouldn't see more in the invitation that there really is."
It wasn't a warning, but a show of her faith in him. The conference was by invitation only and he should have felt flattered.
"All right."
"Be at the airport eight am, Friday. Pack smart casual -- and a tux, the final dinner is black-tie. And, don't worry, Nigel, this will be better preparation than anything out of a book."
And then she left.
End Part One