Sorry for the delay in putting this chapter up, I hope you like it and let me know what you think of a sequel. Xxx Enjoy and please R and R.
"Awwww!" Norah cried as Patch held her knees to her chest. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Make this stop!"
"I'm sorry hun," The midwife said genuinely as she patted Norah's knee gently. "But the baby has to come out."
"I know…" Norah cried as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'm…just…in so much pain."
"I know, sweetheart. Try pushing again." The midwife enforced as Patch continued to soothe Norah.
"C'mon, Angel. Push. C'mon, you can do this."
"No. I. Can't! Ahhh!" Nora screamed shaking her head in defeat. "I can't do this anymore!"
"Okay, Patch is it?" The midwife asked looking up from between Norah's legs. Patch did not take his eyes off Norah but answered softly. "Yes." He said his voice sounded deeper than normal and the older nurse assisting the young midwife found the voice strangely sexy despite the fact she was helping to deliver his girlfriend's baby. But Patch's eyes were not going anywhere.
"I need you to distract her from the pain. The head is crowning."
Immediately, Patch pulled Norah's head backwards so she was looking up into his dark pools.
"Hey, Angel." Patch said softly. Norah barely looked back at him through her haze of tiredness she could not even muster the strength to find his gaze like she normally knew how to.
"Patch…" She breathed softly."
Patch grinned like an idiot for just a moment. "I love you, baby." He spoke directly to her as she began to feel the pain seizing her from right down inside.
"I…love…" She could not even finish her words as her contraction took full throttle force and she grunted in pain.
"!" Norah screamed her head falling downwards onto her chest so that her eyes began to close again
"Hey, hey, hey!" Patch exclaimed quickly as he pulled her head backward to meet with his eyes once more. "Relax. Okay, breathe. Breathe."
"Okay, here comes the head, Nora, I want you to pant for me." The midwife called between Nora's legs.
Nora's eyes went wide and she shook her head. "No, I can't…" She whimpered softly. "I…can't…"
Patch's eyes sliced into his girlfriend's just as she screamed in pain.
"Ah! !"
"Breathe, c'mon Angel." He encouraged making breathing notions with his free hand as he spoke. "C'mon, hoo, hoo, hoo."
"Phew…phew…phewwwww! Ah!"
"Okay, Nora, that's perfect!" The midwife yelled as she reached in and began to support the emerging head. "Okay, we're going to have to get you to give us a push, Nora!"
"Ohhh…my…fuck!" Nora swore breathlessly. Patch was patient as can be and breathed through the pain with her.
"C'mon, Angel. Hoo. Hoo. Hoo. C'mon." He squeezed Nora's hand and grinned. "Now up, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand push!"
Nora bore down as hard as she could and stopped breathing while she pushed.
"No, sweetie. Breathe, you must breathe." The nurse said quickly.
"Pheewww…" Nora rasped breathlessly. "I…can't…do…ahhh!"
"Push!" The midwife yelled as she tried to pull the head free from the opening. "Give us one good one, sweetie."
"Ahh!" Nora pushed again and squeezed tighter on Patch's hand. "Oh…ohhh….owww!"
"C'mon Angel." Patch encouraged kissing Nora's sweaty forehead. "Push." He whispered. "Hold on to me and push."
"Okay, harder, harder…and…you'll feel some burning…" The midwife advised as she braced herself to catch the baby. "Almost like a ring of-"
"Fire!" Nora screamed her eyes squeezed tightly shut. "Oh, my God! So much firrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!"
"Okay, here we go, push!" The midwife said spurring Nora on as much as she could.
"C'mon, baby, Angel, I love you so much." Patch kissed Nora's ears and spoke in a whisper. "So fucking much."
"Okay and one…two…c'mon let's get this baby out in ten counts!"
"Ahhhhhhh! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Nora pushed with everything she had and for a split second, Patch pulled away from her face and just focussed on her eyes that were squeezed shut.
"One…two…keep it coming!" The nurse yelled as Patch suddenly straightened sensing the end was nearing…
"Okay, Angel c'mon!" Patch yelled as Nora continued to bear down.
The excitement in the room began to come alive as everyone counted in union.
"One…two…there, four…five…" Patch counted down with the nurse and the midwife. Nora bore down harder with each count until she was sure she was going to pass out any second now.
"….six…c'mon push harder! …Seven, eight…."
"C'mon, we're almost home now. Give it everything you've got, Angel." Patch said almost laughing. "Give them hell." Patch smirked at his own joke just as Nora grinned back before she started pushing again.
"C'mon, c'mon!"
"Nine…" Patch counted focussing on Nora's now open eyes.
"….ten…..!" The nurse finished as Nora collapsed back onto the bed in exhaustion.
"Oh….God…here…we go ag….ahh!"
"C'mon, baby push!" Patch yelled as Nora seized his hand once more. She swore she heard his bones crack but she could not be sure. "Push, push…push!"
"And…here it comes…!" The midwife yelled. Her hands were placed in between Nora's legs just as the baby slipped out.
"Gotcha." She said grinning. "Okay, Nora, Patch…relax. She's here!"
"!" The baby cried a noisy lung filled cry.
"Oh, thank God…" Nora said collapsing onto Patch and breathing heavily. "….did….you….say she?"
"Yep. It's a very beautiful girl." The midwife announced holding the very messy baby up for them to see. Patch's eyes lit up and he grinned like an idiot as the midwife placed the baby into Nora's tried arms.
"Oh…my, God…" Patch said in shock. He immediately turned Nora's head to hers and crashed his lips into hers with a soft kiss. "I love you…so much…" He was breathless when he pulled away. "So much, my Angel."
"Patch, would you like to cut the cord?" The midwife asked before she handed Patch the scissors.
"I'd love to!" Patch said excitedly as he took the scissors. He gently clamped down on the cord and snipped it slowly. Nora turned her head and kissed Patch just as the baby stopped crying looked up at both of them, her beautiful blue eyes wide.
"Hey…" Nora said breathlessly her eyes droopy. She tried to force them open but she was feeling the pull of exhaustion. "I love you…so much, wings." She whispered.
"Wings?" The nurse said overhearing. Patch grinned his heart-stopping smile.
"She's our Angel."
"Angel? Very pretty." She said as she began scribbling on her pad.
Patch looked up at Nora as if to ask her permission. Nora nodded softly.
"Angel, Angelina Harriet Cipriano." Nora said softly her voice catching in her throat. Patch looked at Nora lovingly, while holding her hand; he brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed them softly. He knew why she had picked those names and he did not mind. He thought this moment was beautiful and he wanted to hold onto it forever. He found Nora's lips just as the midwife resumed her position at Nora's legs.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I just need you to give a little push, Nora. The placenta's almost out."
Nora obeyed and pushed gently and Patch watched her in fascination. She had done so much pushing already but she still had some more energy deep down. He was amazed by her consistent strength. Soon enough the placenta was delivered and Nora could relax again.
"I love you." Patch said his eyes deep and soulful. "I do."
"So…you're not mad."
"Why would I be mad, Angel?" He said softly. "I love Angel and you. I respect what you picked. I know this past year hasn't been easy for you." He said kissed her moist red ear tenderly.
"I know…it's just…Hank…he may be my biological father…but Harrison Grey, will always be my real father." She said her voice catching again. "And…Angel will always carry his spirit in her heart…like I do…" Nora said tears making path down her cheeks. "I'll always love him, Patch. I know it's crazy but…"
Patch's lips crashed onto hers again. "Never say you're crazy, Grey." He told her. "You're not. You miss your father. Your real one. Harriet, is beautiful, it's perfect."
"Thanks." Nora said wiping her eyes. "I love you, Jev Patch Cipriano."
"And I love you, Nora Grey Cipriano."
Nora kissed his lips in a daze but then pulled back suddenly. "What did you just call me?"
A sly smile on his lips. "Cipriano." He licked his lips and flashed a heart-melting smile. "I know this isn't the best time but I love you, Nora." He said. To her surprise, he pulled a little delicate black box his jacket pocket. "Nora Grey, will you marry me?"
"Oh…my…God…Patch…" Nora said crying. "Yes! Oh…my God… Yes! Yes!" Patch's lips crashed down once more and stole all of Nora's doubts and fears in its wake. Nothing could be sweeter than this and nothing could come between them. He loved her forever and ever, and no one could take that away. Nora let his hands finally get lost in all her sweaty dark curls and waves and nearly didn't come up for air- she was breathless with a baby in her arms…but she didn't feel she needed air at this moment.
She was his finally. There was now a promise for forever. Angel cooed softly in her parents' arms just as Patch pulled away and carefully extracted the ring from the foam. He placed it on Nora dainty engagement finger and kissed her hand tenderly.
"I love you, my Angel." He said just before he kissed her again. Nora smiled her eyes shining with tears.
"I love you too."
"I love, Wings too..." Patch said his voice soft as he placed a gently kiss on Angelina's soft head. "She'll always be our Wings."
He laughed soft warm sound as Nora cuddled him closer, the modest diamond shimmering in the dim lights.
Sequel- The wedding- Name to be determined! Xxx