Yes! My 17th Flinx story on fanfiction XD

But this is my first all dialoge oneshot... Enjoy :3

"Why can't we tell the other Titans about our relationship"

"Because we don't have a relationship"

"What do you mean Jinxy"

"I mean I'm not going to be your little girlfriend"

"And why won't you"

"Because I don't want to be tied down in a relationship"

"Why would you be tied down"



"Well I don't want to be judged on my relationship"

"What do you mean judged"

"If I dated you, people would judge me for being with you, and not for my skills alone"

"Now your just making excuses"


"Nice response"


"Glaring won't make me go away"


"Niether will glowing pink eyes"


"As much as that hex hurt, I'm not leaving"

"Fuck off"

"Say please"



"Your so annoying"

"I've heard"

"Go away"

"Don't think I will"

"Don't you have somewhere to be"

"Why won't you be my girlfriend"

"Because I don't like you"

"Then why are we constantly making out"

"Just because I kiss you doesn't mean I like you"

"So what are we... friends with benefits"

"I woundn't even call us friends"

"So what... fuck buddies?"

"We have to be having sex to be fuck buddies"

"We came pretty close last night"

"Please... I would not let it go that far"

"Ya, you seemed so keen on stopping while your hands-"

"Shut it"

"Don't know that phrase"

"Look, I would have said stop-"

"Out of all the things you were moaning last night, 'stop' wasn't one of them"

"Don't make me kill you"

"If that blasted comunicater hadn't ended our fun I at least could of died happy"

"There was nothing to end"

"Whatever floats your boat Jinxy"

"Don't call me that"

"How about princess then"

"I hate you"

"I love you too"

Random short flinxness, hope you liked XD

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