A/N: sorry I posted the wrong chapter, this is the actual first chapter of the returning story.

"This is channel 9 news. Reports from all over Miami are telling of corpses coming from the graves and feeding on the living. Police and military officials are forming a perimeter around Miami to keep the 'infected' away from reaching other residential areas.

We have been told that the Russian and Chinese government has launched nuclear warheads to prevent further outbreaks. From the results of the warheads, little as 2% of civilians has survived. New York bridges and tunnels to Manhattan have been destroyed in order to keep people from getting in or getting out.

We have been given news that LA, Seattle, Dallas, New York, And Washington D.C are having outbreaks that are resulting of Wolf civilians and infected wolves becoming flesh-eating creatures. Other countries such as Europe, Germany, Italy, Africa, South America, Japan, and Mexico are showing the same results as the ones here at home.

Hold on, I've been just given news that, President Obama and his family have fallen victim to the deadly virus. Along with that, the whole cabin have too fallen victim and became flesh-eating creatures. The death toll of the outbreak has risen up to 9.8 million in the U.S and a total of 6.1 billion of the entire globe.

We will keep update on this outbreak as we . . . . *screams* *infected snarling and growling* . . . oh god, help us please . . .*screaming* *infected screeches*

That was the last news report of all of the U.S. the infected has overrun almost every city in every state. Millions of wolves have either been eaten or turned into infected themselves. The police, FBI, SWAT, and military failed to protect civilians and died fighting them off.

Little as 5% of the world's population have been immune to the virus and were lucky enough to survive. But they weren't good enough to fight the infected off and ended up being their meal. But as the 5%, there is a group of wolves who have dealt with these monsters before, they are known as 'The united pack'.

There about 15 of them alive and ready to fight the zombies. They had other ways of calling them off with names like Infected, Chasers, predators, flesh-heads, bitters, and walkers. These wolves were prepared to take down anything that came in their way.

They travel the country, hoping to find other survivors and hopefully find a cure. They had lost friends and family before and during the outbreak. Some of them found love with other members and protect each other.

15 wolves, each with a special skill that is very helpful to getting them through the waste land know as the U.S. They hope to find out what caused the virus, and finally put a stop to it before they become the next victim.

July 28th, 2011. 2:31 pm. Los Angeles, California. 2 Months since virus infected the world.

Los Angeles, most of the buildings and homes were burned down after the outbreak started. Not many wolves escaped in time before a mysterious group went in and killed the non-infected civilians.

Out in the streets of downtown L.A, a bitter was walked down the street, growling and groaning. Around it were many dead bodies of infected and non-infected wolves. That's when a bullet was shot and blew off the head completely and the bitter fell to the ground, already dead.

From far away about 10 blocks ahead on top of a one-story building, was a male wolf cocking a Barret M82 sniper rifle. "One shot, one kill" he said, smiling. "That's #17 down today, nice shot Matthew." Said another male wolf who was sitting next to him. "Thanks CJ, but I still beat your kills 3 to 1 from last week" said Matthew.

"Just keep your eye on the scope" CJ said, pulling out a pair of binoculars. Just then a radio called in. "Matthew, CJ, how's the hunting going?" CJ got up from his spot and called the radio. "Great, if you consider Matthew beating my score from the last week's hunts" CJ said. "And still going" Matthew said as he fired another shot into another infected.

"Look, it's time to head back to camp. Finish up and head back for a hot meal" Said the voice on the radio. "Alright Humphrey, well be there in soon" Said CJ, turning off the radio. "Alright Matthew, time to head back to camp" CJ said.

Matthew put the rifle on safety and packed it in a gun case and walked down from the roof of the building. They made their way to a sports jeep parked outside packed with supplies. CJ threw the backpack he had and the sniper rifle in the back while Matthew climbed into the driver's seat.

They drove off back to camp through the deserted city of L.A. Every building was broken into and set on fire or been destroyed by military. Cars were all over the place, burnt out from fire and dead bodies rotting inside from the outbreak, and the smell of rotting flesh filled the air. From the looks of it, it seemed no one, or wolf, made it out without being bitten, scratched, infected, or shot dead.

But 5 miles away outside of the city, in the Beverly hill area, was a camp set up by the united pack. There at the camp was an RV, a small van, another jeep, and a hummer. The group's leader, Humphrey, was taking care of things around the camp and keeping things in order.

Kate, Lilly, and Reba were busy washing bed sheets and blankets for the group at a nearby river. Janice was in charge of medicine and health, making sure that no one was sick. Clark, Hager, Salty, and Shakey were busy hunting for food from animals and from the city and were in charge of protecting the camp from Walkers.

CJ and Matthew were coming back from the hunt on their jeep. They were told to go out and take out any infected nearby or report unusual situations. Susie, Jade, Humphrey and Garth were busy looking for other survivors through radio contact, finding gas for the cars, and ammo for the weapons.

Matthew and CJ drove up from a hill to the camp to see everyone doing their tasks. "17 kills in the last hour" Matthew said getting out of the Jeep with a happy expression on his face. "That's because you were a born hunter" CJ said getting out of the jeep with an annoyed face.

Humphrey walks from behind the RV and sees his friends. "Anything to report?" he asked. "Nothing, just deserted streets" CJ spoke out. Humphrey sighed. "Any word from John yet?" Humphrey asked after turning around to Jade and Garth, who was fully recovered from his 'injury' Matthew, gave him.

"You think it was a good idea sending one of our own into the city, alone?" Garth asked. John, you know who it is, was the group's scavenger. He would into the city and bring back supplies that were useful such, gasoline, ammo, small food, soap, toilet paper, blankets, radios, guns, and other survivors. Unfortunately they did not anyone else alive in the past two months.

"John is a fast wolf; he can make it out by himself. Like I said, if he needs help, he'll call us by radio." Humphrey said. "I hope he'll be okay" Jade said in a worried tone. Humphrey knew Jade and John had a thing about each other, but kept it a secret.

Humphrey didn't think they would find other survivors, but today was about change . . .

A/N: Review, or else I'll have the infected pay a visit to your home.