Heres the fight chapter for you guys since all you have been waiting so long and being so patient with this story. I love you all! 3 This chapter contains A LOT of drama. Just so your warned. And I really suck at updating, and I got obsessed with an online game, so. AND with the whole spelling Naruto's mother name wrong, this will be the last chapter and I'm to lazy to edit.

Chapter 9

Sasuke walked into Naruto's surprisingly clean room. Usually it would be cluttered with instant ramen cups and dirty clothes, the only time he ever cleans is when he is upset. This made Sasuke feel a tang bit of guilt toward the blonde haired boy, but this would all be resolved in just a bit.

"So..." Naruto trailed on trying to get the raven haired teen to start with this rather awkward conversation that was about to take place.

"I'm not going to sugar coat anything," Sasuke began. "Why in the hell are you so upset that Sakura's pregnant?"

Naruto sighed, expecting this from him. He was never one to chit chat, always straight to the point. "You wouldn't understand." The boy muttered lowly, if Sasuke wasn't good at hearing he wouldn't be able to tell what he had said.

"Understand? Understand what?"

"Why I feel the way I do about this." Naruto looked to the floor of his room, not making eye contact.

"Maybe I would if you just tell me." Sasuke sternly said, not backing down. If you had to know one thing about an Uchiha, its that they don't give up.

"Its just... its not fair."

"Stop with the short answers Naruto." He retorted getting very impatient with his so called best friend.

"How would you feel if the girl you just can't seem to get over got pregnant by your best friend!" Naruto shouted, his tone of voice full of malice. To this Sasuke flinched. Making an Uchiha flinch was nearly an impossible thing to do.

"What?" The raven haired teen replied slowly with a questioning voice.

"You heard me. I still like Sakura." Naruto said his gaze fierce. "I might actually even love her.. but here you come into the picture and you steal her away from me! You know how hard it was to hide my true feelings for all these years?"


"No! You wanted to hear the reason why I don't like the fact that you got Sakura pregnant and now I'm telling you! I love her!"

"Do you really love her?" A new voice chirped in. Sasuke and Naruto turned their heads to the source of the voice coming from Naruto's doorway.

"Hinata..." Naruto said, instantly wondering how much she had heard and feeling very guilty about what he had just said.

"Do you Naruto-kun?" Hinata said amazingly without stuttering, it must have took her a lot of nerve to say that.

"Yeah, no, I don't know..." He putting his hands in his golden blonde hair. "I don't know about anything anymore."

"I don't think you love her son." Yet another new voice had said. Everyone once again looked up.

"Dad?" Naruto looked confused at his father. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought this might be happening, so me and your mother fetched Hinata here. Anyways back to the subject at matter," Minato said getting serious again. "I don't think you love Sakura."


"Trust me, I know a little something when it comes to girls." The father of Naruto said proudly, that is until his wife came in the room.

"Just how much do you know about girls my dear?" Said Kushina and she walked into the room with a huff in her breath and a scary glare towards her husband.

"N-Nothing dear! It is just a figure of speech! Promise!" Minato nervously stuttered out scared of his wife and her hot temper.

"You. Me. Talk. After you get done dealing with this shit." She said in a aggressive tone and stomped out.

"Ah great..." Minato sighed.

"Dad!" Naruto shouted impatient.

"Oh right!" Clearing his throat hoping to not get interrupted again. "As I was saying, I think you do not love Sakura. Yes, I do believe you use to love her, but not anymore." He emphasized the word use in the statement. The three teens looked to the older blonde for him to continue. "The fact that Sasuke here has gotten her pregnant reignited old feelings within you for her, but its impulse feelings. Not actual feelings."

Naruto looked to his Dad in understanding. "That makes sense."

Minato just chuckled, "Of course it did, thats why I said it." The elder in the room looked to the shy girl in the room. "Lets let them finish this out, I'm going to walk you home-"

"No, I'll walk her home." Naruto interrupted, Minato smirked. It was not longed lived though.

"Ah shit, that means I have to deal with your mother." He ran a hand through his sun kissed color mane and signed for the umpteenth time. "I'll leave you three alone, but remember. If I scream for help, call 911 because there probably is blood invovled." With this, he left.

It was silent for a bit, if him and Sasuke were settling this like adults, he might as well get his moneys worth with it, if Hinata was in the room or not. "Why didn't you two wait?"

Sasuke held a blank stare at the doorway, but when he heard this question come out of his best friends mouth, he turned his gaze to the floor in deep thought. "You know Naruto," Sasuke started, you know he was serious when he called his best friend by his real name. "I really don't know, we just got caught up in the moment." He stayed silent as he thought of something else to say. "It still hasn't sunk in yet I'm going to be a father by this time next year."

"You know how much you're going to have to give up? Sports scholarships? Your education is going to suffer?"

"You know very damn well Sakura is more important than any of that shit. Yes, I will miss it." He paused. "But having Sakura and my baby in my arms will make it worth it." He looked up to his best friend "Its not like we couldn't financially support it, I mean, I'm rich and I have a job, Hana-san makes good money and Sakura has a job even though she might have to quit." Hinata and Naruto could tell that he was still unsure of what he was going to do. "I really need to go talk to Sakura. Not now, whenever shes a few more months in."

"One more question." Sasuke looked up to acknowledge him. "In how many months am I going to be an Uncle?" He said this was a huge grin on his face, this caused the raven haired teen to smirk.

"Hmm.." He began thinking, "7-8 months I'm pretty sure."

Naurto pouted, "Thats a long ass time."

Sasuke chuckled, "Get over it." With this he walked out of his best friends room. Now it was just Naruto and Hinata.

"Can you believe it Hina-chan? We're going to have a niece or nephew soon!" Hinata smiled as well as she could, but her crush could tell something was up.

"Whats wrong?" The blonde said with concern.

"Can we w-walk and t-alk?" She questioned stuttering. He just nodded.


"So, thats how you feel about it." The usually happy blonde said in a monotonic voice. To this, the shy girl just nodded.

"I'm really happy that you're happy for them Hina-chan. I am too."

"So you're not in love with S-Sakura-chan?"

Naurto looked up to the sky, his hands tucked into his blue jeans pocket, accompanied by the bright orange zip-up hoodie he also had on. "Like my dad had said, it was an impulse feeling. She is one of my best friends, and I think I will always have a tinge of feelings for her." He stopped dead in his tracks which cause the confused girl to stop along with him. "But I know one things for sure." He turned to her and looked her straight in her, round lavender eyes. "I love you."

Hinata's face went paler than usual, her breath was in her throat. "D-Did he just say w-what I think he s-said?"


"Its true Hinata. I love you, one hundred percent in love and committed to you."

She didn't know if it was impulse, but Hinata threw her arms around the dumb blondes neck and gave him a deep kiss on his lips, to which he willingly replied.

Naruto grinned, "Usually people reply back..."

"I-I love you too, Naruto-kun."

He smiled. "Thats more like it."

End Chapter

Really short chapter and I apologize for it and after so long in updating. I had a lot of messages asking me to update this story, I'm so happy y'all like it. Next chapter will be a time skip, and more drama is ahead for all of our love birds! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I PROMISE to update within a week if it kills me. Ja Ne!